
Citrus Rush (2023)

Can Devon make it out alive, or are these kids biting off more than they can chew?

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 34М

Директор : Elijah Chambers

Краткое содержание

Elijah Chambers’ newest film, Citrus Rush follows a group of four friends; Ryan, Kylie, Devon, and Sam. Their lives are pretty normal until Devon catches a deadly virus that eats away at vital tissue. There is no known cure for such a disease, but the crew is eager to find a way. Can Devon make it out alive, or are these kids biting off more than they can chew?


Jamie Dougherty
Jamie Dougherty
Lily Dittmar
Lily Dittmar
Cal Plohoros
Cal Plohoros
Veronika Babina
Veronika Babina
Robert Palumbo
Robert Palumbo
Paige Noelle
Paige Noelle
Matthias Lojewski
Matthias Lojewski
News Reporter
Bruce McMahon
Bruce McMahon
Dr. Gallant


Elijah Chambers
Elijah Chambers
Chibeka Kampeshi
Chibeka Kampeshi
Executive Producer
Julia Battista
Julia Battista
Art Department Coordinator
Jim Snyder
Jim Snyder
Production Assistant
Lilly Yost
Lilly Yost
Makeup & Hair


День Зеро
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