
TEMP(O)RAL (2023)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Ana Riguez

Краткое содержание


Enzo Paulo
Enzo Paulo
Enzo Paulo
Madson Pimentel
Madson Pimentel
Madson Pimentel


Ana Riguez
Ana Riguez
Julia Riguez
Julia Riguez
Rania Nsaif
Rania Nsaif
Director of Photography
Felipe Dezotti Barêa
Felipe Dezotti Barêa
Assistant Production Manager
Enzo Paulo
Enzo Paulo
Enzo Paulo
Enzo Paulo
Graphic Designer
Enzo Paulo
Enzo Paulo


Safari: Lynx
Temples of Time
Filmed in the Canadian Rockies and in Garibaldi Park, this documentary features magnificent footage of mountain solitudes and the wildlife found there, of natural splendour in all its changing moods. The film carries the implicit warning that all this may pass away if people do not seek to preserve it. Without words.
Заклинатель лошадей
Самое страшное испытание для любой матери — несчастье с ее ребенком. Энни Маклин убедилась в этом на собственном опыте. Во время верховой прогулки серьезно пострадала ее дочь. Энни бессильна помочь несчастной девочке и в отчаянии увозит ее из шумного города на Дикий Запад, прочь от суеты и печальных воспоминаний. Мать и дочь не подозревают, что здесь они встретят человека, которому под силу изменить их судьбу. Том Букер — укротитель лошадей, обладающий таинственной властью над животными. И его глубокий дар способен исцелять душевные раны.
National Geographic- Iceland River Challenge
A remarkable film from the National Geographic's daring EXPLORER series, ICELAND RIVER CHALLENGE follows twelve modern-day pioneers on a treacherous expedition down a remote Icelandic river. Crash through waterfalls and glide through sparkling glacial tunnels on this breathtaking journey. Using kayaks, inflatable rafts, and ultralight aircraft, the adventurers journey through the beauty and isolation of this dangerous waterway. Come explore a river that has, until now, defied exploration; witness the heart-stopping power of nature in all its glory with ICELAND RIVER CHALLENGE.
Взломщики сердец
Семейная пара Джеффов решила стать детективами по решению личных эмоциональных проблем. Их клиент — Альберт Марковски, мучимый страхами по поводу будущей карьеры в популярной розничной сети. В процессе расследования Джеффы знакомятся с коллегами и близкими Альберта и понимают, что все они тоже нуждаются в их помощи…
Kanchana Sita
The film interprets a story from the Uttara Kanda of the epic poem Ramayana, where Rama sends his wife, Sita, to the jungle to satisfy his subjects. Sita is never actually seen in the film, but her virtual presence is compellingly evoked in the moods of the forest and the elements. The film retells the epic from a womens' liberationist perspective, and is about the tragedy of power and the sacrifices that adherence to dharma demands, including abandoning a chaste wife.
Герой картины мучительно боится потерять любовь и понимание близких людей: матери, любимой женщины, сына. И чувствует, что жизнь с каждым днём всё дальше уводит их друг от друга. Пытаясь сохранить семью, он обращается памятью к самым сильным впечатлениям своего детства, стараясь в том, детском, мировосприятии найти опору и оправдание своим сегодняшним переживаниям.
Med kortlivade vingar
The Frozen Kingdom of the Snow Leopard
Join the big cats as we get up close and personal with their journeys through growing pains, adulthood, survival struggles and unfamiliar territories. These seven films follow the lives of some of the most formidable feline predators - lions, leopards, tigers and cheetahs in intimate detail.
Thorn Castle
Tutajos is an excellent student whose parents decide to reward his academic achievements with a vacation to the countryside. Robbed of his gadgets and easy city-lifestyle, Tutajos finds himself completely out of his element – until a goodhearted ranger named Matula teaches him how to get back to nature. As Tutajos’ best friend Bütyök joins him on his vacation, the two boys learn the joys of camping, hunting, and living off of the land.
Kea - The Smartest Parrot
Sir David Attenborough narrates a documentary about the Kea, the world's only alpine parrot. Playful and destructive, it attacks cars, starts landslides and terrorises New Zealand ski resorts but behind the bad behaviour there's a sharp mind at work. David tries to play chess with a kea and discovers how its cheeky character is the key to its survival.
Tavaline rästik
The common European adder, the only venomous snake native to Estonia, has often been feared and hated among the people. "Tavaline rästik" attempts to see behind the fears and introduce this unique reptile.
Askania Reserve
Askania-Nova is the largest steppe wildlife sanctuary in Europe. It is located in south part of Ukraine, not far from Crimea peninsula. In order to underline this unique beauty we created a documentary musical film about life of animals and people in wildlife sanctuary of Askania-Nova. The movie reveals stories of a three protagonists, whose destinies were entangled because of wildlife sanctuary.
Подводный космос
Что скрывaется в морских глубинах, кaкие тaйны скрыты в затoнувшем кoролeвствe пoдводных пeщeр и замков, какими экзoтическими существами населeно этo пространство - все это вы можете узнать посмотрев этот уникальный фильм. Чтобы снять эти замечательные кадры, понадобилось специальное оборудование, которое позволило передать неповторимую красоту "Подводного Космоса".
Balance of Life
“Balance of Life” is a film about life’s and human kinds’ fight to find the balance between our own evolving life style and the nature of the planet we inhabit. The human race is drifting further and further away from its real roots and from what being a human is really about. The speed of development has increased to a state where humans have a hard time keeping up. We find ourselves in a situation where both our own and the planets’ wellbeing is severely threatened. As a last resort human is relying on faith to find the balance. Is faith the last defense of man or is this world guided by forces greater than us? Is this force God, evolution or just the mere sum of coincidences that formed the universe, the natural order and laws of physics?’ Watch it here (https://vimeo.com/51203265)
Still the Water
On the Japanese island of Amami, despite lacking parental guidance, Kaito and his girlfriend Kyoko try to find their place in the world. While Kaito suffers from the absence of his father, who moved to Tokyo after his birth, Kyoko must come to grips with her mother’s terminal illness.
The Man With The Gun is an assassin within a small gang on the North Side. While he is good at what he does, it is evident he feels guilty about what he does for a living. Religion is a way for him to justify it, yet he doesn't know how or why. X, the gang leader, tasks him with finding a rat within the gang. With this, he starts to investigate others. In turn, investigating who he is as a person.
Intelligent Trees
Trees talk, know family ties and care for their young? Is this too fantastic to be true? German forester Peter Wohlleben and scientist Suzanne Simard have been observing and investigating the communication between trees over decades. And their findings are most astounding.
Mystery of the Ice Age Giants
During the last Ice Age, millions of large animals roamed the Earth, from wooly mammoths and giant sloths to cave lions and saber-toothed cats. But as the temperatures rose, three-quarters of these species died out. What happened? Can environmental changes alone really explain this mass extinction, or did humans—who at this very time were beginning their conquest of the planet—play a key role? To find out, researchers around the world are hunting and studying fossils in their search for answers to solve the mystery of the Ice Age giants.