
Lee McGregor vs. Erik Robles (2023)

The Homecoming

Жанр : боевик

Время выполнения : 0М

Краткое содержание

'Lightning’ Lee McGregor (12-0-1, 9KO) faces dangerous Mexican ‘Terrible’ Erik Robles (13-1, 9KO) at the Meadowbank Sports Centre for the vacant IBO world super bantamweight title.


Lee McGregor
Lee McGregor
Erik Robles
Erik Robles
Matty Harris
Matty Harris
Kostiantyn Dovbyshchenko
Kostiantyn Dovbyshchenko
Mairis Briedis
Mairis Briedis
John McCallum
John McCallum



Ночь страшного суда
Началом этой истории была попытка объехать автомобильную пробку. Это вылилось в отчаянную борьбу за выживание.
On Thin Ice
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Joe Palooka in Fighting Mad
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Tender Hearted Tiger: Max Baer
A documentary film about the life and career of one-time Heavyweight boxing champion of the world Max Baer.
Brutal Glory
Kings of The Ring - History of Heavyweight Boxing 1919-1990
The BBC produced “Kings of The Ring – History of Heavyweight Boxing 1919-1990” celebrates boxing’s marquee division. Comprehensive and nonjudgmental, it begins with Jess Willard’s victory over Jack Johnson in Cuba and runs through the Mike Tyson era.
Flint Strong
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Dearest Enemy
This live TV adaptation of the Broadway musical "Dearest Enemy" from 1925 is based on an American Revolutionary War incident in September 1776 when Mary Lindley Murray, under orders from General George Washington, detained General William Howe and his British troops by serving them cake, wine and conversation in her Kips Bay, Manhattan home long enough for some 4,000 American soldiers, fleeing their loss in the Battle of Brooklyn, to reassemble in Washington Heights and join reinforcements to make a successful counterattack.
Dempseyroll: confessions
Byeong-Gu used to be a professional boxer. But one day he finds out that he’s got punch-drunk. With not much time left, he decides to start boxing again. To complete his own style, called “Pansori-boxing.”
A deaf boxer must decide whether to give up the sport he loves in favour of an operation that could allow him to hear for the first time.
Сломанная стрела
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Моя собачья жизнь
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Наперекор судьбе
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H: The Story of a Teen-Age Drug Addict
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