
Gimme the Power (2012)

Жанр : документальный, музыка

Время выполнения : 1Ч 41М

Директор : Olallo Rubio

Краткое содержание

A rock documentary, about the Mexican band Molotov, that focuses more in the political and musical context of Mexico rather than in the actual story of the band.


Sergio Arau
Sergio Arau
Olallo Rubio
Olallo Rubio
Juan Villoro
Juan Villoro
Fernanda Tapia
Fernanda Tapia


Olallo Rubio
Olallo Rubio


Ringers: Lord of the Fans
'Ringers: Lord of the Fans' is a feature-length documentary that explores how "The Lord of the Rings" has influenced Western popular culture over the past 50 years.
A hilarious look at the universe's most fervent fans.
Wanda Gosciminska – A Textile Worker
The life of a female weaver is thrown onto the socio-political canvas of pre-war and post-war communist Poland through the use of expressive allegorical and symbolic imagery in this imaginative take on the documentary form.
Идеальный голос
Картина основывается на книге Мики Рэпкина «Пой идеально: Погоня за славой вокалиста а капелла», в которой рассказывается о студентке, внезапно обнаружившей в себе страсть к пению а капелла, то есть, без музыкального сопровождения.
Taylor Swift: The 1989 World Tour - Live
За кулисами нашумевшего мирового турне поп-певицы в поддержку ее взрывного альбома «1989».
Танец — вот смысл их жизни. Молодые и амбициозные, будущие звезды хореографии готовы на все ради успеха. Не щадя своих сил, они взлетают на олимп славы. На сцене они боги, но в обычной жизни — простые смертные со своими достоинствами и недостатками. И вот здесь стирается грань между волшебным миром танца и суровой реальностью. Возможно ли стать звездой и остаться человеком?
Miss Americana
В этом документальном фильме Тейлор Свифт откровенно рассказывает о себе, как о композиторе, исполнительнице и женщине, раскрывающей всю силу своего голоса.
В 1998 году пятеро фанатов «Звездных войн» отправляются на Ранчо «Скайуокер», чтобы стащить раннюю копию «Эпизода I — Скрытая угроза» и посмотреть ее первыми. По дороге друзей ждет множество приключений, им придется надеть скафандры их любимых киногероев, применить лазерные мечи и использовать сверхзвуковую скорость.
Невероятная, но реальная история пути к званию чемпиона мира боксера Микки Уорда по кличке «Ирландец». Восхождение Уорда было похоже на восхождение легендарного Рокки. Парень из народа, между боями он трудился на дорожных работах. Пережив череду неудач и поражений, Микки сумел снова вернуться на ринг, когда его тренером стал сводный брат Дикки Эклунд, бывший боксер, карьера которого оборвалась из-за пристрастия к кокаину. Помощь брата, любовь официантки Шарлин, забота матери и несгибаемая воля к победе позволили Уорду взойти на мировой пьедестал…
Trekkies 2
Denise Crosby takes another look at the huge fans of "Star Trek" and how the series from around the world has affected and shaped their lives.
The People vs. George Lucas
The passion the original Star Wars trilogy inspires in its fans is unparalleled; but when it comes to George Lucas himself, many have found their ardor has cooled into a complicated love-hate relationship. This hilarious, heartfelt documentary delves deep into Lucas’s cultural legacy, asking all the tough questions. Has Lucas betrayed his masterwork? Should he just have left the original trilogy alone? Is The Phantom Menace so bad it should carry a health warning? Utilizing interviews taken from over 600 hours of footage, and peppered with extraordinary Star Wars and Indiana Jones recreations lovingly immortalized in song, needlepoint, Lego, claymation, puppets and paper-mâché, above all this film asks the question: who truly owns that galaxy far, far away—the man who created it, or the fans who worship it?
Shoot for the Moon
A documentary about the trials and tribulations of being a entrepreneur and film maker in Finland from the makers of Iron Sky franchise.
100.000 – Everything I never wanted
An intimate documentary about the making of Fynn Kliemann's debut album "Nie". Without a label, without a marketing budget and excluding the charts, it became one of the best-selling albums in Germany.
ReMastered: The Two Killings of Sam Cooke
This investigation examines the mysterious shooting of soul icon Sam Cooke, whose death silenced one of the most vital voices in the civil rights movement.
Жизнь после карьеры в Порно 3
"Жизнь после карьеры в Порно 3" продолжает исследовать, наносит ли карьера порно-исполнителя ущерб балансу жизни исполнителя после выхода на пенсию.
Твоя апрельская ложь
В детстве Косэя Ариму считали мальчиком-гением. Юное дарование выиграло почти все известные конкурсы по игре на фортепьяно. Но потом у Косэя умерла мать, после чего он больше никогда не прикасался к музыкальным инструментам. Мальчик перестал слышать музыку. Окружающий мир стал пугающе монохромным. Прошло несколько лет. Подросший Косэй знакомится со своей сверстницей-скрипачкой, которая, кажется, постепенно возвращает музыку в его жизнь. Но у этой скрипачки есть тайна.
The Boulet Brothers' Dragula: Resurrection
In this two-hour special event from The Boulet Brothers' Dragula, previous drag monsters from Seasons 1-3 return for a chance to earn a spot in Season 4 and $20,000 cash.
Идеальный голос 2
Группа «Бардовские Беллы» решает принять участие в международном соревновании, в котором еще ни разу не выигрывала американская команда.
Рен МакКормак переезжает из мегаполиса в тихий провинциальный городок, в котором запрещены рок-музыка и танцы. Заручившись поддержкой своего приятеля и юной возлюбленной, герой решает изменить старомодные порядки, установленные преподобным отцом Муром, и заставить благочестивых горожан «тряхнуть стариной».
Классный мюзикл: Каникулы
В школе опять царит переполох. Звезду местной баскетбольной команды «Дикие коты» Троя пригласили работать в клуб. Никто еще не знает, что все это — происки коварной Шарпей, чтобы разлучить Троя и Габриеллу. Что ждет героев впереди? Это станет ясно на клубном Вечере Талантов.


Ilusión Nacional
A sport like football is primarily a passionate celebration, but one that is so massive (economically, politically and socially) that it, of course, also brings many problems. Olallo Rubio's third documentary (and fourth film in total), Ilusión Nacional, is a take on how the world's most popular sport relates to Mexican society and politics.
Kiss of Life
Helen lives in London with her father and her kids. John, her husband, is an aid-worker in Eastern Europe. He has been gone many months. Helen is desperately anxious that he should come home. Taking the kids to school one morning, she is killed in a car accident. She remains caught in limbo, trapped between life and death. Many miles away, in war-torn Eastern Europe, John is unaware that his wife has died. As Helen herself is unaware that she is dead. Thus begins, a four-day Odyssey: Grandpa and the kids must come to terms with Helen's death; John must travel across a war-torn land as he tries to reach home; and Helen must stand helplessly observing her own existence as it comes back to haunt her - until at last she is reconciled with John, and thus released.
Cheese and Jam
A story about a couple from the bottom of the social ladder, about smuggling refugees across borders and other 'suspect' things- it is, first and foremost, an attempt to tell a story about the worst in people, wherever they may be coming from.
The Trip to Bountiful
Carrie Watts begrudgingly lives with her busy, overprotective son, Ludie and pretentious daughter-in-law, Jessie Mae. No longer able to drive and forbidden to travel alone, she wishes for freedom from the confines of the house.
The Rati Horror Show
"El Rati Horror Show" is a documentary portraying the dramatic story of Fernando Ariel Carrera, an ordinary man unjustly convicted to 30 years of prison -not by mistake but deliberately- by the manipulation of a Judicial Case. The movie takes as a central point the way in which Fernando Carrera's case was set up: the manipulation and alteration of evidence at the scene; the manipulation by the police of the testimonies of the few witnesses called to declare; the manipulation of national media by Rubén Maugeri, key witness and president of the 34th Precinct Friends Association. On the other hand, we show how Fernando Carrera lives his days in prison, knowing he is another victim of police excesses and of a legal system that unjustly convicted him
When I'm Sixty-Four
When widowed cabbie Ray and retired teacher Jim meet by chance, they discover they long for the same things from life: adventure, challenge and love. Together Ray and Jim discover that being 64 means a new beginning: it's time to try the things they never dared in their youth.
Perdido por perdido
Vidal (Darín) is about to be bankrupt, so he sets up a fake car robbery with a small-time mobster to collect insurance and split the money. But his perfect plan becomes entangled by his increasingly dangerous ties to the mob and the meddling of a rogue insurance investigator (Pinti), who eventually strikes a deal with Vidal and decides to team up with him and his wife (Papaleo) to bring down the mob and expose the corruption that links a high-ranking executive to the mafia.
Out of Control
Remote and alone, various personalities share feelings of solitude in the interior of a labyrinthine house
The Protector
A Czech journalist joins a Prague radio station what broadcasts Nazi propaganda in order to protect his Jewish wife. However, as the Nazi rule over Czechoslovakia calls for more and more collaboration, his relationship with his wife spirals downward.
Peter, a young German, enters a suburban Buenos Aires restaurant; seeking only directions, he instead accidentally ends up with a plate smashing into his head, thrown by the irritable Olinda, the 60 year-old Italian immigrant owner of the restaurant. The two develop a friendship once they discover that the reasons for their having moved to Argentina are strikingly similar.
Born and Bred
In Patagonia, a successful interior designer's life falls apart after he suffers a horrific accident.
Sammy and Me
Things begin to fall apart for Samy (Ricardo Darín), a longtime television writer on the brink of turning 40, when his midlife crisis starts interfering with his career. Suddenly, his scripts just aren't that funny, and he's considering leaving showbiz altogether. Can a pretty new actress (Angie Cepeda) help him turn his life around? Eduardo Milewicz directs this Spanish-language romantic comedy.
Beware of Love
Salvador accompanied by two friends of his father whom he calls uncles, they arrive at a fair in the village, there he meets Ana. When he wins a bet he is paid with a mortgaged house, to his surprise upon entering the hom he realizes that Ana and her mother live in it, provoking a funny entanglement with an explosive final.
Authentic and committed, moving and stormy drama of street kids from Mexico City. Wonderful adaptation of successful play about street kids who have more trouble with corrupt cops, than with dirty and heavy work.
So, What's Your Price?
¿Y Tú, Cuánto Cuestas? (So, what's your price?), it seems to be the constant over this excellent documentary work, performed by Olallo Rubio, a young Mexican director. The movie shows two faces of the same issue: the American influence in the Mexican culture. you will remain thinking after the movie ends. Everything has a price? Everybody has a price?, so, What's your price?. Strong and ancient differences between two distant-neighbor countries are discussed under each opinion. Both Mexican and American-common persons give its particular point of view about the other, but also about themselves. Developed with a extremely low budget, but with inventive and imagination, this movie shows many of the key aspects in the Mexican-American relationship. However, the movie is not just a compilation of statistics, the producers manage to make it fun too. That's one of it's good points. But never the only one. Well developed, absolutely recommendable.
This Is Not a Movie
Twisted, apocalyptic satire, THIS IS NOT A MOVIE envisions the end of the world through the bi-polar mind of a strung-out pop-culture addict. Starring Edward Furlong and Peter Coyote, with a jagged, atmospheric score from Slash.
A Dot and a Line
The story of a young Colombian recruit who, while patrolling his country's border, is befriended by a Venezuelan adversary, and the tragic consequences of their relationship.
Our Song
Focusing on the bonding between three female (an African American female, a half African American half Latino American female, and a Latino American female) high school members of Brooklyn's "Jackie Robinson Steppers Marching Band" and the choices the girls face once their school closes down because of the need for asbestos removal. This film is about a host of topics, not least of which is the hard-work involved in maintaining
Before the Rains
Set in southern India in the late 1930s, this provocative tale traces the story of three people caught in an inexorable web of forbidden romance and dangerous secrets. After a British spice planter falls in love with his alluring servant, an idealistic young man finds himself torn between his ambitions and his family, his village and his past.
The Chase
A simple hitman job. Things don't go as expected.