
Flensburg Süßbitter (2023)

Жанр : документальный, история

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Ben Schaub, Daniel Schmidt, Antonia Leese, Lea Majer, Lena Dandanelle

Краткое содержание


Katrin Wedemeyer
Katrin Wedemeyer
Voice Over


Ben Schaub
Ben Schaub
Daniel Schmidt
Daniel Schmidt
Antonia Leese
Antonia Leese
Lea Majer
Lea Majer
Lena Dandanelle
Lena Dandanelle
Daniel Schmidt
Daniel Schmidt
Ben Schaub
Ben Schaub
Lea Majer
Lea Majer
Daniel Schmidt
Daniel Schmidt
Director of Photography
Lea Majer
Lea Majer
Director of Photography
Ben Schaub
Ben Schaub
Director of Photography
Daniel Schmidt
Daniel Schmidt
Sound Editor
Ben Schaub
Ben Schaub
Sound Editor
Ben Schaub
Ben Schaub
Antonia Leese
Antonia Leese
Lena Dandanelle
Lena Dandanelle
Daniel Schmidt
Daniel Schmidt
Lena Dandanelle
Lena Dandanelle
Daniel Schmidt
Daniel Schmidt


Wir sind schon da!
Five women, members of the Sans Papiers, talk about the history and reasons for founding the organisation, as well as their most important demands, like getting permits of residence for refugee women so they don't depend on their husbands' status.
In the minds of people, Brussels is no longer a geographical location; it is now a myth-surrounded centre, where decisions are made regarding future life in Europe. The most brilliant minds from the European countries have convened in Brussels: former state leaders, highly-placed officials, advisors, translators and interpreters, as well as family members of all these people. Together, they comprise a sort of separate planet ruled by special laws and using new methods of communication; it is a place of a high concentration of power and all sorts of creature comforts. The anxiety following the 2016 attacks on Brussels has taken everyone by surprise, and the question whether to stay on Planet Brussels now comes up increasingly often. The Brexit news gave completely different kind of concussion to the commonly established center of Europe.
The Nouba of the Women of Mount Chenoa
Writer and filmmaker Assia Djebar explores Algerian history, the psychological impact of war, and post-colonial female identity in this 1979 classic of film literature. Named for (and taking its structure from) a traditional song with five distinct movements, the film combines documentary-style observation with loose narrative form to tell the story of Lila, an Algerian expatriate returning to her country 15 years after independence has been won. In comparing her life with the lives and experiences of rural Algeriennes, Lila is able to put her childhood demons to rest and discover a new history -- one written in the ongoing strength of generations of women. Like much of Djebar's writing, the film has a strong subtext dealing with resistance to patriarchy and women's desire to appropriate the means of power and expression -- one of which, of course, is the filmmaker's camera.
What Is a Good Tax?
Too high, misused, unfair... a large part of the French and Europeans criticize taxes. From tax-rascal to tax revolt, the movement of yellow vests in France has returned to the center of attention the question of consent to tax. How to explain a different resistance to taxes from one country to another without tax pressure being an explanation? Is there a "good" tax? Jean Quatremer takes us on a journey to the tax center across Europe, to meet those who pay it, those who decide it, those who study it... or those who allow to avoid it.
Образы Европы
Twenty-five films from twenty-five European countries by twenty-five European directors.
Зимой 1942 года мечта Гитлера о мировом господстве превратилась в кошмар. 20 января того далёкого года 15 официальных лиц рейха приняли участие в конференции в пригороде Берлина. Эта встреча, куда съехались командиры подразделений «СС» и министры из правительства, была организована майором «СС» Адольфом Эйхманом под прямым руководством самого Рейнхарда Гейдриха. Предполагалось, что конференция станет комфортным мероприятием с яствами и винами, но под внешним лоском и вежливой атмосферой скрывалось чудовищное намерение. После окончания собрания судьба шести миллионов людей была предрешена, запустилась огромная и безжалостная машина по уничтожению человеческих существ.
Avortement, les croisés contre-attaquent
Set in the eighteenth century, Moonfleet is about John Mohune, a young orphan who is sent to the Dorset village of Moonfleet to stay with an old friend of his mother's, Jeremy Fox. Fox is a morally ambiguous character, an elegant gentleman involved with smugglers and pirates.
Битва за Анцио
Фильм рассказывает историю битвы при Анцио - городе-порте на треугольном выступе Тирренского моря в Италии. Силы союзников высадились без проблем, но вместо того чтобы идти вперед, командование решает укрепляться. Военный корреспондент, одолжив джип, едет в Рим и обратно, не встречая на своем пути германских сил. Но его доклад об отсутствии врага не учитывается. А к тому времени как было решено перейти в наступление, немцы уже основательно укрепили оборону...
Europe's Doormen
Истинная Слава
Этот фильм, выпущенный в 1945 году, компанией «Columbia Pictures» по заказу Военного комитета киноиндустрии США, а также при содействии Информационной службы США и Великобритании, - открывает вступительным словом сам Дуайт Эйзенхауэр. В фильме использован труд военных кинооператоров США, Канады, Франции, Польши, Бельгии, Нидерландов, Чехословакии, Норвегии и Великобритании. Начиная со дня мобилизации, картина раскрывает все ключевые моменты падения Берлина наряду с рассказами очевидцев, что и делает историю «живой».
Out Of Europe
Looking at whether the history of early human evolution should be rewritten. For decades, most experts have been convinced that Africa is the cradle of mankind and many fossil finds from Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa and Chad seemed to prove it.
Förintelsens beska efterbörd - Röda Korset och svensk hjälpverksamhet 1945-1947
The film starts just when WWII is over. A German ship, m / s Homberg, arrived at Malmö Nyhamn on May 11, 1945. On board there were over 1300 former concentration camp prisoners to be taken care of. We then follow one of the Red Cross Sergeant who was in Germany and received prisoners from concentration camps for further transport by boat to Sweden. 10000 prisoners would be decontaminated and made ready for departure. This happened in Lübeck. He was later moved to Poland to transport medical equipment to Otwock outside Warsaw where Sweden would build a hospital. Through his amateur photos we get an insight into the difficult circumstances that prevailed.
La photo déchirée, chronique d'une émigration clandestine
At the beginning of the 60's, thousands of Portuguese turned up in France through the underground. They were fleeing misery, war and repression. Left to unscrupulous smugglers, they had to cross the Iberian Peninsula tracked by the Portuguese and Spanish police. For many, the voyage towards France turned into a disaster. As a child in a shantytown, the author remembers having heard about these terrible odysseys. Thirty years later, he goes in search of the stories of his childhood and seeks to understand what sparked this unprecedented emigration known as the "plebiscite by foot" against Salazar. Between childhood memories and historical investigation, he looks for the images of this exodus, the largest in post-war Europe.
Полнометражный документальный фильм, показывающий, почему Британия должна проголосовать за выход из ЕС, и почему она будет процветать за ее пределами. Фильм разъясняет опасность быть частью ЕС. Безопасно ли давать отдаленному правительству вне нашего контроля право принимать законы? Безопасно ли связывать себя со странами, которые близки к финансовому краху, дрейфуют к пугающему политическому экстремизму и страдают от долговременного, вызванного ими самими экономического спада?
Cyrille, a young gay farmer from Auvergne, has only one friend, a homosexual like him. One day, he goes on vacation to a beach in Charente Maritime. He cannot swim and sees the sea for the first time. It was there that he met the director Rodolphe Marconi who decided to devote this sensitive and gentle portrait to him, plunging us into an agricultural world in crisis and into a life often lonely and made up of hard work rarely pays off.
After numerous military operations, Major Müller can't find a way back into civilian life. Following his urge to communicate, the Major is looking for listeners and encouragement. He doesn't find either. Instead, the repeated monological memory of his own heroic deeds determines his present – with all the consequences. This 30-minute short film is based on the statements made by the mercenary Siegfried Müller in the documentary “The Laughing Man” (Walter Heynowski and Gerhard Scheumann, DEFA studio for newsreels and documentaries, 1966), as well as records from the German colonial period in Africa. An intensive contribution to the necessary public debate about the consequences of military operations.
С горы Гуругу, находящейся в Марокко, видно Мелилью — испанское владение на побережье Африки. Ступить на европейскую территорию — мечта сотен беженцев, проживающих в стихийном лагере на горе. От Мелильи их отделяет тройной забор. В лагере живут только мужчины. Время отмеряется от одной попытки перелезть через забор до другой. Некоторые после месяцев неудач возвращаются на родину, кого-то убивают при пересечении границы. Герой фильма, малиец Абу, снимает жизнь в лагере и регулярные попытки беженцев стать европейцами.
Birth of Europe
This 3 episode series details the epic story of the origin of Europe - a place with a surprisingly diverse nature stretching from the snowy far north to the coast of Africa. Defined by volcanoes, ice ages, the collision of continents and even asteroids, the legacy of human history masks its awe-inspiring geological past. Born in the early days of the Earth, Europe is constantly being affected by the powerful forces of Mother Nature. It was forged in the fire and crushed by the collision of continents, carved by water and fire.