
Salt Water Moose (1996)

A boy, a girl, a moose. An adventure of a lifetime!

Жанр : семейный, приключения

Время выполнения : 1Ч 33М

Директор : Stuart Margolin

Краткое содержание

When Bobby and his Mom move from Toronto, away from his dad and his baseball team, to a small town in Nova Scotia, he's picked on by all the local kids, except for Jo. And Jo has also befriended a lonely male moose who lives on an island, and she has a wild plan to capture and relocate a female moose to be company for him. Together, Bobby and Jo, with the help of their single parents, Eva and Lester, attempt to put Jo's plan into operation.


Johnny Morina
Johnny Morina
Bobby Scofield
Timothy Dalton
Timothy Dalton
Lester Parnell
Lolita Davidovich
Lolita Davidovich
Eva Scofield
Maurice Godin
Maurice Godin
Katharine Isabelle
Katharine Isabelle
Josephine 'Jo' Parnell
Corinne Conley
Corinne Conley


Stuart Margolin
Stuart Margolin
Bruce McKenna
Bruce McKenna


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