Berenice (2025)

Once you are convinced, you don't try to convince

Жанр : ужасы, триллер

Время выполнения : 10М

Директор : Julian Sánchez
Писатель : Julian Sánchez

Краткое содержание

Gustavo lives happily with his girlfriend Berenice who, after an accident, now tries to value and enjoy her time with him much more. However, after strange events, Gustavo will discover that their relationship has gone much further and has become something dark and terrifying when he discovers it after the event.


Mónica Guitérrez
Mónica Guitérrez
Rodrigo Suárez
Rodrigo Suárez
Checo Zaidman
Checo Zaidman


Julian Sánchez
Julian Sánchez
Eliana ArWest
Eliana ArWest
Executive Producer
Ángel Miranda
Ángel Miranda
Julian Sánchez
Julian Sánchez
Mariano Flores
Mariano Flores
Production Design
Alan Castañeda
Alan Castañeda
Dayana Castellón
Dayana Castellón
Assistant Director


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