
Club VXN 13 (2024)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 2Ч 54М

Директор : Laurent Sky, Julia Grandi

Краткое содержание

Barbie Rous is blowing up the Caribbean...but she wants the world. Soon this model will be a global superstar, but to get there, she'll have to cause a local scandal. Matty Perez, Evelin Elle, and Valentina Nappi complete our elite lineup of adult ingenues. Stunning stories, top-tier production values, and upper echelon action-


Barbie Rous
Barbie Rous
Evelin Elle
Evelin Elle
Matty Perez
Matty Perez
Valentina Nappi
Valentina Nappi
Alberto Blanco
Alberto Blanco
Maximo Garcia
Maximo Garcia
Vince Carter
Vince Carter
Christian Clay
Christian Clay


Laurent Sky
Laurent Sky
Julia Grandi
Julia Grandi


Ночь ужаса: глава 1
Сборник короткометражек от режиссеров фильмов ужасов. Зомби, демоны, призраки, злобные косметологи- все в одном флаконе. Готовы ли вы пройти через весь этот кошмар?
A Second Chance
Popoy and Basha have had a wonderful wedding, but their subsequent married life turns out to be extremely difficult.
Short Scenes from a Long Marriage
Simple and quiet moments in the life of an elderly Lebanese couple who are following the madness and chaos of the 2011 Egyptian revolution through their TV set.
Tripoli, Quiet
Only a few hours into his shift, a cab driver in Tripoli, Lebanon finds a lone boy sitting in the backseat of his car. The boy’s peculiar silence forces the cabbie to deal with his most unique passenger yet.
Almost Brooklyn
A gorgeous and smart film by Daniel Garcia and Rania Attieh, Almost, Brooklyn, gives us an old man doing just what audiences did, crossing the bridge. “I’ve lived in Manhattan all my life, and I’ve never been to Brooklyn. Take me there,” says the old man, armed with an 8mm camera, to the South Asian cabbie. The film, a pet project of the living legend and Iranian new-waver Abbas Kiarostami, ushers the audience through a surreal and very telling sojourn in the magical borough”.
Two Minutes Silence
Anti-war tale in which several characters recollect their First World War experiences.
The Prosecutor, the Defender, the Father and his Son
The Hague, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: Two ambitious lawyers face each other in the trial of Milorad Krstić, who’s accused of committing war crimes as a commander in the Bosnian war. The defender, Mikhail Finn, has managed to refute all the accusations against his client. Convinced of Krstic´s guilt, Catherine Lagrange, the prosecutor, summons a young man with incriminating evidence against Krstić. He claims to have been abandoned by his parents as a child and to have been one of Krstić’s soldiers. Defender Finn starts to investigate in order to verify the witness’ testimony – and soon encounters the young man’s family. Inspired by a true story.
Euskal Harriaren ABDak
'Euskal Harriaren ABDak' is a collective film made up by 26 horror, science fiction and fantasy short films. The shorts are directed by Basque filmmakers and amateur groups.
Его зовут Майкл. Он живет где-то в захолустье, в прогорающем мотеле посреди штата Айова. Он любитель выпивки, женщин и праздной жизни. Он просто ангел… Не верите? У него, как и положено, есть крылья.
Доктор Дулиттл
У доктора Джона Дулиттла есть, кажется, все, о чем только можно мечтать: удавшаяся карьера, красивая жена и две прелестные дочки. В довершение ко всему он вот — вот заключит самую большую в своей жизни финансовую сделку. Короче, доктор Дулиттл — настоящий счастливчик. И вдруг случается ужасное: доктор Дулиттл замечает, что в нем просыпается когда — то присущая ему способность… говорить на языке зверей.Дулиттл в прямом смысле слова понимает зов природы и может на него ответить. Отныне его ждет настоящая «собачья жизнь». Четвероногие и пернатые пациенты, прослышав про чудесного целителя, не дают ему прохода дома и на работе: «Кончай болтать, лечи!»…
That Way Madness Lies...
One woman and her family trek the broken mental health system in an effort to save her brother as he descends into madness. Beginning as a testimony of his sanity, his iPhone video diary ultimately becomes an unfiltered look at the mind of an untreated schizophrenic.
The Teacher
Marian, a classics teacher with regrets about not living life to the fullest, is unaware that she is being tested by the gods as she tries to reach a difficult student.
An Affirmative Act
"An Affirmative Act" is pro-gay marriage film, starring Charles Durning, Eric Etebari, Costas Mandylor, Rachael Robbins, and Blanche Baker, about a lesbian couple where one pretends to be a man in order for the two to get married and equal benefits. A slice of life of a young, professional married couple with their darling baby turns a sharp, dark corner when the pair are arrested and charged with several counts of fraud. The reason: Terry and Samantha Succi aren't the man and woman that they purported to be... Terry and Samantha married under false pretenses, ignoring state law that discriminates against homosexual partners and prohibits them from receiving the same rights and benefits as their straight counterparts.
My Father, the Genius
When estranged father, dreamer, and visionary architect Glen Howard Small bequeaths his daughter the task of writing his biography, she answers instead with a provocative film about his precarious career and thorny private life. At 31, Glen Small, founder and faculty member of the internationally acclaimed Southern California Institute of Architecture, was a rising star. At 61, he can barely pay his bills. In the tradition of My Architect and The Royal Tenenbaums, filmmaker Lucia Small digs deep to explore the delicate tension between her father's obligations to family and his life-long passion to "save the world through architecture."
Mary Marie
After the death of their mother, two sisters are forced to question and redefine their love for each other.
Британия 1980-х. Сдержанная Энид работает в цензурном комитете, где добросовестно режет фильмы категории Б, оберегая публику от кровавых деталей и шокирующих подробностей. Уже много лет она не может смириться с пропажей сестры и продолжает надеяться найти её, хотя родители уже оформили сертификат о смерти. Когда в очередном фильме Энид видит сцену, буквально повторяющую события её собственного прошлого, она решает разыскать продюсера и разузнать у него о фильме побольше.
Любовь по правилам и без
Пожилой функционер музыкальной индустрии Гарри Лангер питает нежные чувства к молоденькой Марин. Внезапный сердечный удар, приключившийся с Гарри в доме матери его любовницы, Эрики, провоцирует создание любовного треугольника, но с иным раскладом, ибо вызванный для оказания помощи врач, так же, как и его пациент, внезапно влюбляются в Эрику…
Белая масаи
Карола планировала провести с другом две недели на белых кенийских пляжах. Но когда она встретила Лемалиана, воина-масаи в традиционных одеждах, прическе и самодельных украшениях, она принимает решение уйти от друга и навсегда остаться с Лемалианом. Молодая женщина преодолевает все бюрократические препоны и выходит замуж за неграмотного африканца.
The Wild Chicks
Sprotte is about 12 years old and has a "gang" with her three friends Frieda, Melanie and Trude. Together the girls take Care of Sprottes grandmothers chickens. The new girl in School, Wilma, wishes to join the group, which Melanie is very unhappy about, and on top of all of that they have an on going revalisasion with a group of boys. Sprottes grandmother is planning on slaughtering the chickens! Will the Wild Chicks put Down their war with the boys? And Will they be able to save the chicken?
To the New Girl
A bold anthology feature film made by an all-female creative team and cast. Based on the popular play of the same name the 80-minute movie follows 10 women scorned as they directly address their exes' new wives and lovers at an open mic night in Los Angeles. Created by a dynamic group of emerging filmmakers at a time when audiences are demanding films made both by and for women, the project taps into a social and political climate that's left women poised to take back their voices and be heard.