Mijn Vader is een Detective: The Battle (2012)

Жанр : семейный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 25М

Директор : Will Wissink
Писатель : Zebi Damen

Краткое содержание

This is the third movie from the "Mijn Vader is een Detective" film series.


Cees Geel
Cees Geel
Ellen ten Damme
Ellen ten Damme
Beau van Erven Dorens
Beau van Erven Dorens
Tjeerd Melchers
Tjeerd Melchers
Jasmin Pasteuning
Jasmin Pasteuning
Rick Mackenbach
Rick Mackenbach
Tara Hetharia
Tara Hetharia
Camilla Siegertsz
Camilla Siegertsz
Loek Peters
Loek Peters
Sanne Vogel
Sanne Vogel
Agente Floor
Jeronimo van Ballegoijen
Jeronimo van Ballegoijen
Bob Fosko
Bob Fosko
Frank Awick
Frank Awick
Cynthia Abma
Cynthia Abma
Carina Castello
Jon Karthaus
Jon Karthaus


Will Wissink
Will Wissink
Zebi Damen
Zebi Damen
Will Wissink
Will Wissink


The Enchanted Grove
Lizuca is only six years old, not much older than her pet dachshund Patrocle, when her mother dies and she is left to live with her grandparents on their farm. Before long, Lizuca's father comes to take her away to live with him and his new bride, a vile woman who considers children the bane of all existence. Lizuca and the dachshund escape the wicked stepmother and spend the night in a hollow tree, a tree that changes into an enchanted land where Lizuca (like Alice through the Looking Glass) discovers a world of characters in the form of bees, frogs, the four seasons, Snow White, her dwarves, and other fairy tale creatures. This magic place is threatened by the evil stepmother's plan to sell the grove that protects the secret land to developers -- a decision that puts the woman on trial before this perfidy can be realized.
Mijn Vader is een Detective: De Wet van 3
My Dad's a Detective
Sam and Star had long been friends. Sam's father is a detective and thus learn to know Ortwin. Ortwin's the rare parrot is in fact stolen. Ortwin's father enlists the help of Max, but Max is kidnapped during their quest by a gang of criminals. The kids put a chase with a speedboat and end up on a mysterious island fortress.
Пеппи в стране Така-Тука
Рядом с домом Анники и Томми на вилле «Курица» поселяется девочка. Ее мать умерла, а папа бороздит океаны. Городская общественность обеспокоена: маленькая девочка не может жить одна! Но Пеппи Длинныйчулок не одна. Вместе с ней живут лошадь и обезьянка Нильсон.
Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge
The Cromwell clan live in the real world, except for their grandmother who lives in Halloweentown, a place where monsters go to escape reality. But now the son of the Cromwells' old enemy Kalabar has a plan to use the grandmother's book to turn Halloweentown into a grey dreary version of the real world, while transform the denizens of the real world into monsters.
Остров сокровищ
Экранизация всемирно известного романа шотландского писателя Роберта Льюиса Стивенсона. Совершенно случайно в руки смелого Джима Хокинса попадает старинная морская карта, которая оказывается картой самого легендарного капитана Флинта. На ней указаны координаты острова в Атлантическом океане, где спрятаны сокровища знаменитого пирата. Вместе с бесстрашными друзьями, доктором Ливси и сквайром Трелони, на шхуне «Испаньола» Джим отправляется в опасное плавание к далекому острову. Но случилось так, что на этом же судне в плавание отправились и пираты — бывшие члены команды капитана Флинта. Во главе шайки стоит Джон Сильвер - коварный и кровожадный пират, который прикинулся скромным корабельным коком...
Help, Help, the Globolinks!
The world’s only psychedelic children’s opera about an alien invasion.
Kaaka Muttai
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Мой друг мистер Персиваль
Майкл Кингли, некогда успешный бизнесмен, а теперь пенсионер, рассказывает своей внучке историю о том, как в детстве он спас и вырастил необычайного пеликана, мистера Персиваля. Их удивительные приключения и особая связь оказали глубокое влияние на всю его жизнь.
Faithful Friends
According to Bogdan Novak's literary proposition, Franc Arko wrote a script and shot an action crime "Faithful Friends". In it main hero Uros and his friends find bold robbers a little before the holidays and thus fall into the center of a criminal affair. Because Uros' neighbor decides to quiet down the young, and everyone who helps them, they find themselves in great danger. The story tells of the problems of growing up, the power that is needed for courageous actions, comradeship, love and affection that can connect generations.
The Adventures of Timmy the Tooth: The Brush in the Stone
Timmy gets a case of the itchy polka dots on the day of the Flossmore Valley Fair. It's up to Mr. Wisdom to read Timmy a medieval story about the origins of the childhood disease.
A South London brother and sister need money fast. They hear an urban legend about the local Multiplex cinema and hidden treasure. They must follow the carefully laid out rules, navigate supernatural forces and fight everything the cinema can throw at them to reach their goal.
Adventure Boyz
When two boys on their BMX bikes and their Speedway racing Dad, come up against a notorious crime boss and his criminal gang who have stolen a hoard of Diamonds from England’s Largest Castle, a chain of events is set off that will change their lives forever...
LoopHole: The Curse of BoogiBoo
In a galaxy far away called Arspasius an asteroid is floating around. it is mystical and breathtakingly beautiful. on this asteroid, which is called Loophole, many unique and exciting creatures reside.
The Little Dolphins
Set in the period between the two world wars in a seaside village in the bay of Amvrakikos. Two children, Petros (8 years old) and Anthoula (7 years old) spend their summer holidays. During a walk they discover in an isolated shack a boy who lives with his mother. He is rejected by the community because of tuberculosis. Petros and Anthoula become friends with the boy. They encounter the cruelty of the adults and they decide to resist.
Island Trader
An island boy battles an evil ship's captain over the wreckage of a downed plane that was transporting gold bullion.
Finders 2: Pharaoh’s Ring
Friendship, courage and ingenuity are put to the test once again as Pertsa, Kilu and Pirkko embark on an epic adventure to solve the mystery of an old map. Twin girls Vappu and Kerttu also join the flight, and the suspense is increased when the cunning criminal Annabella Pehko jumps on board as a stowaway.
The legend of Beatrice
A modern fantasy tale: Anna, a young girl on a mountain holiday with her family, will have to solve the mystery of a crime that happened in the distant past.
Nachtwacht: De Dag van de Bloedmaan
Компас мертвеца
Случайно наткнувшись в лесу на скелета с таинственным компасом и журналом с указаниями, школьные друзья отправляются на настоящую охоту за сокровищами.