
A Mother’s Comeback (2011)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 22М

Директор : Åsa Ekman

Краткое содержание

When Rosie was in her twenties, she was the drag-racing queen of Sweden, a brilliant star in this almost exclusively male sport. Then life intervened, with marriage and children putting an end to her racing days. Now, after a 34-year break, Rosie is making a comeback. Urged on by her daughter and self-proclaimed manager, she tries to find sponsors. The road is uneven and behind her dreams of a comeback, there are depressions, burnout and family tragedies. This film is a revealing and complex portrait of a woman who gains strength by allowing herself to be weak. The fight to become the world's fastest grandmother is really the fight to reclaim one's own life.


Sabine Millberg
Sabine Millberg
Rose-Marie Millberg
Rose-Marie Millberg
Peter Millberg Lantz
Peter Millberg Lantz


Åsa Ekman
Åsa Ekman
Åsa Ekman
Åsa Ekman
Dominika Daubenbüchel
Dominika Daubenbüchel
Anders Teigen
Anders Teigen
Stina Gardell
Stina Gardell


Моя левая нога
Фильм, основанный на удивительных достижениях мужественного инвалида, ирландца Кристи Брауна. Браун стал жертвой церебрального паралича и считался всеми окружающими неполноценным человеком до тех пор, пока любовь матери и семьи, его личное мужество и упорство не помогли ему научиться рисовать и писать пальцами левой ноги.
История любви между непутевым парнем, только вышедшим из тюрьмы, и девушкой, искалеченной церебральным параличом. Запретная страсть, из-за которой герой получает срок, а героиня — нежданное и короткое счастье.
More American Graffiti
College graduates deal with Vietnam and other issues of the late '60s.
Right on Track
Based a on a true story about two sisters who came out on top of a man's sport. The story is based on Erica and Courtney Enders, two sisters who get in to junior drag racing and make it all the way to the top. The two sisters fight a battle of fellow racers who are against having girls race with them therefore it pushes them harder to compete against their competition. Erica becomes stressed when her racing life becomes mixed with her social life and academic goals, and decided to quit racing, until she realizes racing is what she truly wants to do. Finally towards the end of their teen years the Enders sisters come out on top to win the junior drag racing national title. They continue to race throughout high school and college, and still do so today.
María's routine at school is altered by the arrival of a very special child. Soon, they become close friends.
Josee, the Tiger and the Fish
Tsuneo is a university student working part-time in a mah-jong parlour. Lately the customers have been talking about an old lady who pushes a baby carriage through the streets. They say she is carrying something for a crime syndicate, and they wonder what it is she has in the carriage Money? Drugs? One day, the owner of the mah-jong parlour sends Tsuneo out to walk his dog. A baby carriage comes rolling down a hill and crashes into a guard rail. The old lady asks him to look into the carriage, where he finds a young woman clutching a knife. This is how Tsuneo first meets the girl who calls herself Josee.
Маргариту, с соломинкой
Девушка Лейла, страдающая церебральным параличом, уезжает из Индии на учебу в Нью-Йорк, где она неожиданно влюбляется. Так начинается волнующее путешествие самопознания.
Желание жить
Матеуш — жертва детского церебрального паралича. Он может только ползать и не в силах произнести ни слова. Миловидная женщина-доктор вынесла ему приговор: овощ. Сестра называет дебилом. Брат завидует: не надо ходить в школу. Только мать и отец, чей девиз «никогда не сдаваться!» верят в то, что в немом изуродованном теле живёт полноценный человек. И это так.
Беспутная компания
A champion drag racer clashes with the unscrupulous oil-company executive who sponsors his team.
Дверь в дверь
В основу фильма положена реальная история жизни Билла Портера. Действие начинается в 1955 году и заканчивается в наши дни. Билл Портер — калека от рождения. Он болен церебральным параличом. Скучно и однообразно проходят их с матерью дни. Однако его мама сумела помочь любимому сыну встать на ноги — в прямом и переносном смысле. Она сделала все от нее зависящее, и работа для Билла была найдена в небольшой фирме «Уоткинс». Биллу предстояло стать коммивояжером. Миссис Портер надеялась, что Билл справится с этой работой, так как ее муж, отец Билли, был коммивояжером «от бога» — он, как говорится, мог продать вам кольцо с вашего же пальца. Трудно начиналась карьера Билла, но постепенно он стал набирать обороты, и в 1982 году ему присудили премию, как лучшему торговцу года. За эти годы многое случилось и в его личной жизни. Умерла его дорогая мама, но появилась заботливая помощница Шелли, которая терпеливо и тактично участвовала в его судьбе.
The Pom Pom Girls
A football player at Rosedale High School is amorous of one of the cheerleaders, who is going with another guy. Another player can't decide which of two cheerleaders he wants to be with. Meanwhile, the Big Game with Hardin High School is approaching, and a prank war is in full swing.
When a drag-racing, hard-luck parolee moves in with his brother in hopes of that ever-elusive fresh start in life, he's sure to be warm for the form of his brother's bored young wife. Things only get worse when he tries to turn a quick buck in a one-time insurance fraud operation.
The Way Without Limits
The Way of Saint James, northern Spain, 2016. Two brothers, Oliver, the eldest, and Juan Luis, the youngest, a disabled person in a wheelchair, face the hardest challenge they have found so far on their long road of dirt, stones, rain and cold. Everyone says they will not make it, but, fortunately, they are not alone.
Стендап по дружбе
Замкнутый и одинокий Трэвис берется помогать талантливой, но застенчивой Фелисити, мечтающей стать стендап-комиком. Каждому из них придется пройти полный неожиданностей и юмора путь, чтобы поверить в себя, обрести призвание и найти настоящую любовь.
Крутая парочка
A Japanese investigator and a Detroit cop team up to track down a stolen prototype turbocharger.
Pit Stop
Rick Bowman, a drag racing street punk, comes to the attention of crafty businessman Grant Willard. Willard bails him out of jail and offers him sponsorship as a stock car driver. Bowman accepts and enters the demolition derby-adjacent world of "figure eight" racing. As Bowman moves up in the ranks, his regard for his friends slips-- giving way to outright obsession with becoming the best.
Havana Motor Club
Follows several of Cuba's top drag racers as they struggle to prepare their classic American cars for the first official car race since the Cuban Revolution. It tells a personal, character-driven story that tackles how Cuba's recent reforms have affected the lives of these racers and their vibrant community.
Once in a Lifetime
Mona Bergström is a sweet eurovision-obsessed woman in her 30s. She is married to a lazy husband and has four children, all named after her favorite Swedish Eurovision popstars. Her brother is a crossdressing guy self-titled "Candy Darling". Mona works in a retirement home for disabled people, where she is responsible for taking care of a young man named David who suffers a movement-restricting disease forcing him into a wheelchair. David's parents have abandoned him, as they wanted a normal child. Mona holds a big place in David's heart, and vica versa. David's goal is to get his parents to come and visit him, and he wants to show them that he is a great person, despite his handicap. Therefore he works with music on his computer, and his goal is to create a song, send it to "The Cardigans", a famous Swedish band and have them play the song and credit him, hoping his parents would spot it and want to visit him.
Ian was born with cerebral palsy. All he wants is to make friends, although it seems impossible to achieve when discrimination and bullying keep him away from his beloved playground. However, this young boy is determined and won't give up easily. The emotional animated short film shares a story about a boy with a disability called IAN. Ian's mother created IAN foundation to fight against the lack of information and knowledge that often lead people with disabilities to be bullied and isolated. The short Ian rises from the need and goal of this foundation to reach every home with an inclusion message. Sheila, Ian's Foundation founder and works to make society understand that when talking about inclusion there is no time to waste. This award-winning film was written and produced by Gastón Gorali and Oscar winner Juan José Campanella's Buenos Aires-based animation studio took home the top prize at LA Shorts International Film Festival and several major international awards.
Metal Skin
Psycho Joe loves one thing: fast cars! When he gets a job at a local supermarket, Joe meets fellow "petrol head" Dazey, who quickly becomes his idol and best friend. Soon after, Joe falls for Savina, a goth girl who practices black magic. But Savina has already fallen for Dazey and will do anything to get him -- including using Joe's feelings for her. In true Shakespearean fashion, this trio race down the road to tragedy.