
Casting Everything (2008)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Péter Tímár

Краткое содержание

The story is based around an American Idol kind of TV talent show and the eventual winner of the contest: a young orphan woman, who works at an orphanage herself. As I learned from the werkfilm on the DVD, the story was specifically written for Oláh, who in real life was the runner-up of the very first such TV show in Hungary “Megasztár” (“MegaStar”) in 2004. She didn’t win there despite being many viewers’ favorite and having a terrific voice. It is kind of a consolation that she won in the movie, although reading the legal troubles about getting her fee must have made the victory sour.


Ibolya Oláh
Ibolya Oláh
Kati Ormos
András Kern
András Kern
Edit Balázsovits
Edit Balázsovits
Szonja Oroszlán
Szonja Oroszlán
Reviczky Gábor
Reviczky Gábor
Scherer Péter
Scherer Péter
László Szacsvay
László Szacsvay


Péter Tímár
Péter Tímár
András Kern
András Kern


Чита Гёрлз
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Обет молчания
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Бриолин 2
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Последний день лета
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