
The Text of Light (1974)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 1Ч 11М

Директор : Stan Brakhage

Краткое содержание

Time-lapse photography of books, paintings, reflections, and light falling on textures, shot entirely through a glass ashtray.



Stan Brakhage
Stan Brakhage
Stan Brakhage
Stan Brakhage
Director of Photography


Trust Me
A folk horror movie about a woman who follows her boyfriend into the woods for a romantic surprise only to find something far more sinister. Inspired by thousands of witness accounts documenting the ongoing phenomenon of a certain species of shape-shifting creature in the forests of North America.
Mia recounts her most intimate confessions, uncensored, in her first approach to a totally new world of domination and submission.
Ligação Interrompida
Праздник Троллей
Когда Королева Троллей Поппи узнает, что у бергенов нет праздников, она заручается поддержкой своих друзей Брэнча и других, чтобы помочь ей принести праздник в Берген Таун.
Deadpool: No Good Deed
Deadpool sees an opportunity to save the day, but it doesn't go entirely as planned.
A kid begs to stay home while his older sister runs to the store. After she leaves, he wishes he would have gone because he doesn’t feel comfortable being at home in the dark as strange things start to happen...
Как приручить дракона: Возвращение домой
Иккинг и Беззубик воссоединяются, чтобы напомнить викингам и драконам о неразрывной связи между ними.
Dinner for One
Очень старая женщина хочет поужинать со своими друзьями. Но так как они все уже умерли, ее слуге приходится изображать каждого из гостей.
Миньоны - Страховочные колеса
Марго, Эдит, и Агнес поехали на велосипедах за мороженным, но Агнес падает. Миньоны, увидев, что она расстроилась из-за этого, приняли решение построить ей мотоцикл. Агнес отправляется в небольшую поездку по городу.
Короткая история о контакте миньона Дэйва (Гадкий Я) с представителем внеземной цивилизации...
Семья сталкивается с естественным желанием любимого сына и внука Дениса иметь домашнее животное. Дедушка Дракула не может отказать внуку и дарит гигантского монструозного щенка…
Короткометражка Marvel: Агент Картер
Пегги Картер работает на организации OSS, которая является предшественницей Щ. И. Т. а и ставит перед собой задачу остановить плохих парней, которые собрали своё общество под названием Зодиак. Пегги придется нелегко, ей придется доказывать, что в OSS есть место для женщины, которая ничем не уступает рядовому агенту-мужчине.
Короткометражка Marvel: Да здравствует король
Короткометражный фильм расскажет о дальнейшей судьбе Тревора Слэттери после событий показанных в ленте Шейна Блэка «Железный человек 3».Тревор Слэттери отбывает своё заключение в тюрьме строгого режима «Seagate». К счастью для него, образ террориста по имени Мандарин - принес ему большую известность и защиту даже за решеткой, вследствие чего, актер с удовольствием согласился дать интервью режиссеру-документалисту Джексону Норрису.Для Норриса это последний шанс зайти дальше, чем ложь и отговорки, столкнуть Слэттери с элементами его собственного прошлого и добраться до правды. Потому, что всем нужно выяснить раз и навсегда: кто такой Тревор Слэттери?
Короткометражка Marvel: Объект 47
Короткометражный фильм расскажет об обратной стороне событий показанных в ленте Джосса Уидона «Мстители». Центральные герои: Клэр и Бенни - молодая нью-йоркская пара, в руки которой попало импульсное оружие пришельцев Читаури. Но, ребята решают использовать находку вовсе не на благое дело. Во всеобщем хаосе они взялись грабить банки. Остановить современных Бонни и Клайда посланы два агента организации Щ.И.Т., один из которых Джаспер Ситуэлл.
Безумные Миньоны: Преображение дома
Миньонам нужно сделать дом Грайса безопасным для детей, до того как придет проверяющий органов опеки и попечительства.
Angela's Christmas
A trip to church with her family on Christmas Eve gives young Angela an extraordinary idea. A heartwarming tale based on a story by Frank McCourt.
Уоллес и Громит: Неправильные штаны
Пластилиновый мультфильм об изобретателе Уоллесе и его собаке Громите. В этом фильме гангстер-пингвин снимает комнату в доме Уоллеса. Чтоб осуществить ограбление, пингвин решил украсть технические штаны, изобретенные друзьями. Но Громит встает на пути у грабителя.
After discovering her mother’s dead body, Luz tries to protect her younger sister, Catalina, from the harmful reality by using fantasy and games.
Смертельная битва: Возрождение
Сюжет фильма является альтернативной историей развития событий вселенной Смертельной Битвы. В данном фильме ведется переосмысление роли и сущности каждого из героев.
Soul Eater
Three kids unleash more than they bargained for from an ancient book of witches.


Anticipation of the Night
First person view of a man seen only in shadow attempting to connect with the world around him.
Star Spangled to Death
An examination of the history of the U.S. through archival footage and contrasting views of society, incorporating audiovisual material ranging from political campaign films to animated cartoons to children’s phonograph records, featuring Al Jolson, Mickey Mouse, the young Jack Smith, and a half-dozen American presidents.
The Riddle of Lumen
“The Riddle of Lumen” presents an evenly paced sequence of images, which seem to follow an elusive logic. As in “Zorns Lemma” the viewer is called upon to recognize or invent a principle of association linking each shot with its predecessor. However, here the connection is nonverbal. A similarity, or an antithesis, of color, shape, saturation, movement, composition, or depth links one shot to another. A telling negative moment occurs in the film when we see a child studying a didactic reader in which simply represented objects are coupled with their monosyllabic names in alphabetical order. –P. Adams Sitney
Glens Falls Sequence
Starting in the late 1930s, illustrator and experimental animator Douglass Crockwell created a series of short abstract animated films at his home in Glen Falls, New York. The films offered Crockwell a chance to experiment with various unorthodox animation techniques such as adding and removing non-drying paint on glass frame-by-frame, squeezing paint between two sheets of glass, and finger painting. The individual films created over a nine-year period were then stitched together for presentation, forming a nonsensical relationship that only highlights the abstract qualities of the images. —Kansas City Electronic Music and Arts Alliance
The Process
This film by Stan Brakhage investigates the process of memory and thought by melting a series of images and a field of color. The positive-negative flickering graphs a sort of shutter-window all over the matter of the vision. Jittery flocks of space are interweaving as pieces of language in a scant illumination, whereas the process of thought is sheared in fuzzy transience.
Says Fred Camper of the film: "Invited to Riverside, California, Brakhage, under the mistaken impression that it was a desert, was planning a desert movie when he arrived to discover an unattractive suburban landscape. So he decided to make, and shoot, a desert on his motel room table".
The Domain of the Moment
An experimental film by Stan Brakhage. Frenetic editing and hand-painted film accompany scenes of dogs and raccoons, snakes and mice.
Visions in Meditation #4: D.H. Lawrence
A short film by Stan Brakhage.
Hindle Wakes
A young working-class girl causes a stir when she sneaks off for a romantic getaway with the wealthy heir of the mill where she works.
Samsara: Death and Rebirth in Cambodia
Made as a relief worker's master's thesis, this documentary chronicles the difficulties of rebuilding a community in post-Pol Pot Cambodia
Power and the Land
A documentary showing the struggle to bring electricity to rural areas of the United States.
On the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud in Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious, or Can the Avant-Garde Artist Be Wholed?
“Freud established that jokes were structurally akin to dreams in their use of condensation, displacement, representation by opposites, punning and ‘nonsense’. All of these strategies are much in evidence in (Land’s) marvelously duplicitous ON THE MARRIAGE BROKER JOKE… [...] so clever and original a filmmaker as to make most others – not to mention his critics – seem flat-footed by comparison. ON THE MARRIAGE BROKER JOKE harks back to Bunuel’s early work. Not only is it structured like a dream and filled with sexual imagery, but like Un Chien Andalou, it smacks of being an insider’s joke played upon the avant-garde. Where Bunuel used the insights of psychoanalysis to satirize Christianity, Land– with an almost equal perversity – reverses the process and uses Christianity to send up Freud.” – J. Hoberman, American Film
The Geography of the Body
A quotation from Aristophanes, "The desire and pursuit of the whole is called love," precedes views of a man and a woman's bodies, often in extreme close up. Off-screen, a voice recites fragments of oracular literature and purple prose. We see an eye, an ear, a mouth, a tongue, bits of hair, a hand, the tips of fingers, toes. Occasionally, the frame includes a larger scape of a body: a chest, a back, a breast. Usually the camera is stationery; sometimes, it moves across a body, remaining in close up. They hold hands for one moment. The bodies are without clothes; no genitalia are visible.
Visions in Meditation #2: Mesa Verde
This meditation takes its visual imperatives from the occasion of Mesa Verde.
Visions in Meditation #3: Plato's Cave
A short film by Stan Brakhage featuring music by Rick Corrigan.
Thigh Line Lyre Triangular
Birth footage of one of Brakhage's children.
The Stars Are Beautiful
We move back and forth between scenes of a family at home and thoughts about the stars and creation. Children hold chickens while an adult clips their wings; we see a forest; a narrator talks about stars and light and eternity. A dog joins the hens and the family, while the narrator explains the heavens. We see a bee up close. The narrator suggests metaphors for heavenly bodies. Scenes fade into a black screen or dim purple; close-ups of family life may be blurry. The words about the heavens, such as "The stars are a flock of hummingbirds," contrast with images and sounds of real children.
Dekeukeleire's film evokes the notion of impatience via fragmented images of a revving motorcyle, a woman's expressions, and roads of a mountainous landscape.
A young man meets a young woman under a bridge by a railroad. They shelter from the rain and exchange a kiss. The man grows sullen and leaves. The film starts with him and ends with her. It’s a straightforward anecdote told in traditional ways, the likes of which he’d forsake forever; that is, it uses actors, a soundtrack with music and post-dubbed sound effects, a photographer who frames everything professionally and a coherent edited narrative.
Wholly Communion
A short film documenting what was referred to as "The International Poetry Incarnation". It was billed as Great Britain's first full-scale "happening", with the world's leading Beat poets together under one roof at the Royal Albert Hall on June 11, 1965, for an evening of near-hallucinatory revelry. It came to be seen as one of the cultural high points of the Swinging Sixties.