
Out of Sight (2010)

Жанр : мультфильм, приключения, драма, фэнтези

Время выполнения : 6М

Директор : Yu Ya-Ting

Краткое содержание

The main character of little girl in the story confronts a robbery and strays from the road she is familiar with. After passing a hedge, she enters an unknown world and unfolds a magical adventure depending on senses other than vision and her imagination. With soft and cute colors as the main key, we used simple designs to depict the little girls' imaginary world.


Ye Yaxuan
Ye Yaxuan
Zhong Ling
Zhong Ling


Yu Ya-Ting
Yu Ya-Ting
Yu Ya-Ting
Yu Ya-Ting
Ling Chung
Ling Chung
Ya-Hsuan Yeh
Ya-Hsuan Yeh
Background Designer
Yu Ya-Ting
Yu Ya-Ting
CGI Supervisor
Yu Ya-Ting
Yu Ya-Ting
Ya-Hsuan Yeh
Ya-Hsuan Yeh
Color Designer
Ya-Hsuan Yeh
Ya-Hsuan Yeh
ling chung
ling chung
Color Designer


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