
La Désintégration (2012)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 18М

Директор : Philippe Faucon

Краткое содержание

Three young men meet Djamel (Yassine Azzouz), a charismatic manipulator, who turns the three friends against society.


Rashid Debbouze
Rashid Debbouze
Yassine Azzouz
Yassine Azzouz
Ymanol Perset
Ymanol Perset
Mohamed Nachit
Mohamed Nachit
Zahra Addioui
Zahra Addioui
Mère d'Ali
Kamel Laadaili
Kamel Laadaili
Frère d'Ali


Philippe Faucon
Philippe Faucon


In this film, director Rene Feret tells the story of his parents' lives. In 1935 his mother Aline works in her parents' cafe in a mining town in northern France. There, she meets a customer, Pierre and decides she is going to marry him. In a reversal of roles, she is the one who proposes to him, and she also engineers a false pregnancy to persuade her parents to okay the match. With a few stops along the way, the story picks up after the war with the birth of the couple's third son, who is given the name Rene in memory of their first, dead son. Never rich, they achieve some level of financial stability just as their sons are about to head off to the city for college. The love between the two older people is highlighted in a poignant scene as, just as he is about to die, the father shares a champagne toast with his wife in memory of one of their happier moments.
Forbidden to Know
When the police find Simone seated near her husband's corpse it is predictable that she is charged with the murder. Jean-Pierre Laubray is appointed counsel for the defence. He begins an inquiry into the case and he finds out that the murdered man had killed a barman in a robbery the night before. He finds out as well he was a leg-man of Cristiani's for his election campaign. He tries to contact Juliette, Cristiani's daughter, and he discovers that Bruno, Juliette's brother, also died that same night in a car accident...
Faustine and the Beautiful Summer
Faustine suffers the wounds of first love. During a summer when she is staying with her grandmother, she comes to know the nearby neighbors. Two brothers live in the large house. One is divorced and one has recently remarried, both of them live there with their teenaged and adult children. Though the boys of the household are drawn to Faustine, she grows ever more smitten with the divorced older man...
В маленьком доме в изолированной алжирской местности живёт Уардия, мать, похоронившая сына, который был убит своим братом Али. В её хрупкий, испещрённый болью мир постепенно возвращается смысл. По крупицам она отыскивает радость в своих днях, чтобы, несмотря на горе, продолжить жить. Возрождение ей дарит сад, за которым она ежедневно ухаживает, и ребёнок женщины, которую любили оба её сына…
José, a Bolivian retired general, is lying on his deathbed after a heart attack. Tormented by memories of his involvement in Operation Condor and invaded by deep remorse, he decides to tell his only son his biggest secrets in search of redemption.
Elise, or Real Life
Elise (Marie-Josee Nat) is a young provincial woman working in a factory in Paris. Her revolutionary brother secured the position for her, and she falls in love with an Algerian native who works with her. She becomes painfully aware of the prejudice he experiences from the police and his superiors. The recent conflict between France and Algeria only compounds the problems of Algerians in France. Her love and concern for the man causes her to search for him after he disappears one day. Elise considers moving to Algeria to find the man she loves in this bitter social drama.
The Desert Within
To redeem himself from a great sin, a man dedicates himself to building a church.
Hearth Fires
The Bar at the Crossing
In 1916, Vincent van Horst leaves Europe to return to his Canadian homeland. There, he seeks his former love, Maria... but the lady's pride is hurt and she refuses to see him. Vincent then falls for a younger woman, Annie.
Heart to Heart
The independently-minded daughter of lower-middle class French shopkeepers, Brigitte, one of three sisters, refused to marry the father of her child when she became pregnant. In this film, she reminisces about her family life beginning when she was about five years old, up to the present when she is in her early 20s. Of her two sisters, one has a nervous breakdown and the other one becomes something of a baby factory. Colorful anecdotes of her eventful life lend additional depth to her insights.
On the Outs
Follows the choices made by three young women - one a drug dealer, one an addict, one a pregnant teen - in Jersey City.
Joy & Joan
Fashion model Joy is unlucky in love. Having been jilted by the object of her desire, Marc Charoux, she takes a trip to Singapore with the rich and decadent Bruce. Soon, however, Joy implores servant girl Millarca to help her escape from Bruce's grounds. Posing as a tourist, she meets Joan, a tour guide and kindred soul who begins to introduce Joy to brand new ways of passion. But trouble, as well as one of Bruce's man-servants, insists on following Joy & Joan wherever they go.
This Is What Democracy Looks Like
This film, shot by 100 amateur camera operators, tells the story of the enormous street protests in Seattle, Washington in November 1999, against the World Trade Organization summit being held there. Vowing to oppose, among other faults, the WTO's power to arbitrally overrule nations' environmental, social and labour policies in favour of unbridled corporate greed, protestors from all around came out in force to make their views known and stop the summit. Against them is a brutal police force and a hostile media as well as the stain of a minority of destructively overzealous comrades. Against all odds, the protesters bravely faced fierce opposition to take back the rightful democratic power that the political and corporate elite of the world is determined to deny the little people.
В Сантьяго идет дождь
Фильм рассказывает о событиях, происходивших в Чили 11 сентября 1973 года, во время военного переворота.
The Betrayal
This film about the Algerian war shown at the April-May 2006 San Francisco International Film Festival was also currently on view in theaters in France.
Ники Арделян, полковник запаса
Пожилой полковник запаса Николаэ и его жена недавно похоронили сына, а их единственная дочь Ангела вот-вот должна получить американскую визу и навсегда уехать вместе с мужем в США. Решение оставить родителей одних дается Ангеле непросто. Николаэ разрывается между желанием знать, что дочь счастлива, и быть с ней рядом, и тоже тяжело переживает ее отъезд. Зато это решение целиком одобряет отец ее мужа, Флориан, считающий, что в Румынии молодым делать нечего, будущего здесь нет, тогда как в Америке для них открыты огромные возможности.
The Children
Ernesto, a seven-year-old boy who has the body of a thirty-year-old man, decides, upon attending his first day of school, that he no longer wishes to attend, because he does not wish to be taught matters that he does not know.
Кэндис Страсберг, американская туристка, путешествующая автостопом, была убита во Франции. Полиция подозревает сразу несколько человек, от инженера-изобретателя до простого итальянского рабочего. И лишь случайная находка помогает комиссару Бонетти вычислить настоящего убийцу.
To Be a Crook
Four young people, tired of working life, decide that they can earn money from crime than they can from work. The film follows their training at the first "crime school", as well as their work.
The Passenger
When he learns of the death of his older brother Richard, Thomas sets out for Marseilles to identify the body. Having collected his brother’s possessions, he returns to their home town, hoping to recall their earlier life together. Here, Thomas insinuates himself into the company of Richard’s friends, whilst keeping his own identity a secret. As he does so, he begins to bring his brother back to life, although not all the memories are pleasant ones...