
Strauss R: Elektra (2010)

Elektra by Richard Strauss at the Salzburger Festspiele

Жанр : музыка

Время выполнения : 1Ч 49М

Директор : Thomas Grimm

Краткое содержание

The Nikolaus Lehnhoff production of Richard Strauss's "Elektra", recorded live at the Salzburger Festspiele in 2010. Iréne Theorin stars as Elektra, with Eva-Maria Westbroek as Chrysothemis, Waltraud Meier as Klytämnestra, Robert Gambill as Aegisth, and René Pape as Orest. Daniele Gatti conducts the Wiener Philharmoniker.


Iréne Theorin
Iréne Theorin
Waltraud Meier
Waltraud Meier
Eva-Maria Westbroek
Eva-Maria Westbroek
Robert Gambill
Robert Gambill
René Pape
René Pape
Oliver Zwarg
Oliver Zwarg
Orest's Tutor
Daniele Gatti
Daniele Gatti
Wiener Philharmoniker
Wiener Philharmoniker


Daniel Dooner
Daniel Dooner
Scenic Artist
Raimund Bauer
Raimund Bauer
Set Designer
Andrea Schmidt-Futterer
Andrea Schmidt-Futterer
Costume Design
Duane Schuler
Duane Schuler
Lighting Coordinator
Denni Sayers
Denni Sayers
Martin Kern
Martin Kern
Video Assist Operator
Thomas Grimm
Thomas Grimm
Richard Strauss
Richard Strauss
Original Music Composer
Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Nikolaus Lehnhoff
Nikolaus Lehnhoff
Production Director
Daniele Gatti
Daniele Gatti


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