
Killing American Style (1988)

There are all kinds of killings. The best is American style.

Жанр : боевик, криминал, триллер

Время выполнения : 1Ч 41М

Директор : Amir Shervan

Краткое содержание

A gang of hot headed brutes lead by Tony Stone and sexual sadist John Lynch execute a robbery with some inside help. A bloody shoot-out with the LAPD ensues and the criminals are apprehended. After a brief stint in the slammer, the gang escapes a prison-bus with the help of Tony s brother Jesse who is critically wounded in the process. He needs a doctor, fast. A hospital visit too risky, they seek out other options. Now on the run, they commandeer a palatial residence, taking hostages. All - American good guy John Morgan returns home becoming a pawn; sent out to retrieve the doctor.


Robert Z'Dar
Robert Z'Dar
Tony Stone
Jim Brown
Jim Brown
Lt. Sunset
Harold Diamond
Harold Diamond
John Morgan
Joselito Rescober
Joselito Rescober
Dr. Fuji
John Lynch
John Lynch
Veronica Paul
Veronica Paul
Jimmy Williams
Jimmy Williams
G. Alexander Virdon
G. Alexander Virdon
Sam Travino
Sam Travino
Nick (uncredited)
Delia Sheppard
Delia Sheppard
Blonde Woman (uncredited)


Amir Shervan
Amir Shervan
Alan DerMarderosian
Alan DerMarderosian
Peter Palian
Peter Palian
Joselito Rescober
Joselito Rescober
Executive Producer
Amir Shervan
Amir Shervan


While Paris Sleeps
To save his daughter Manon from falling into the hands of a vicious gang of pimps, convict Jacques Costard escapes from jail. Jacques' problems are twofold: he must keep Manon from being abducted into a life of prostitution, and he must also hide his true identity from the girl, who has been raised to believe that Jacques died a hero in WWI.
The film is an emotional journey of a common man to an unknown place with the hope to come home and lead a better life. The film revolves around a story of human survival adapted from a newspaper article of a real-life crisis event, when three oil workers from India were kidnapped and taken hostage in Sudan.
Закончилась гражданская война между Севером и Югом. Тихо, мирно на отдалённом ранчо живёт Дэвид Санделс и его сын Норман. Однажды к их дому приезжает смертельно раненый человек, в котором Дэвид узнаёт бывшего военного товарища. Тот успевает сказать, что полковник Кук находится в опасности, и погибает от пуль двоих преследователей. В возникшей перестрелке в живых остаётся лишь Норман. Он отправляется к друзьям отца, чтобы вместе с ними найти их бывшего командира — полковника Кука, надеясь прояснить хоть что-то. Но приехав к полковнику в Энджел-сити, они оказываются почти в пустом городе и узнают, что поселение подверглось нападению банды Рамона, которые застрелили всех, кто оказал сопротивление, а всех оставшихся мужчин забрал с собой в качестве заложников, оставив только женщин и детей.
Специальный полуночный выпуск
Отец и сын сбегают, после того, как отец узнает, что его ребенок обладает сверхъестественными способностями.
Gun Street
In this movie filmed and released in 1961 (and not a 1962 production), an escaped convict returns to town and begins a reign of terror. Marked for death are Dr. Dean Knudtson, his wife Janice, formerly married to the killer, and Jeff Baxley, on whose testimony the man was originally sent to prison. Sheriff Charles Morton and deputy Sam Freed head a posse tracking down the killer in the desert. The man is found dead of the wounds inflicted by a prison guard trying to prevent his escape. The sheriff resigns his job and heads west with Joan. Written by Les Adams
The Phynx
A rock band is invented by the government as a cover to find hostages in a remote castle in Albania held by communist enemies of the USA.
Bunker of Blood
Negotiations with the Far East have failed, and the unthinkable has happened: all-out nuclear war. With civilization as we know it at an end, the United States President is whisked away to safety in an underground bunker. Along with him is a team of scientists and advisors, as well as an elite fighting force of the best assassins and soldiers in the country. This Presidential Security team is hand-selected to protect and preserve the government in this time of crisis.
The Only Way Home
Two bikers stop on the road to help a family with car troubles. An argument ensues leaving the father dead, and the others are held hostage in a barn. As police investigate, the fate of the hostages is uncertain.
In this offbeat thriller, Ann is a young woman trying to put her life back together after she lost her child in a car wreck. Formerly a single mother, Ann has recently started dating a man named Tom, and one day Tom asks Ann for a favor -- would she be willing to baby sit for his boss' daughter? Ann agrees, and she soon finds herself becoming quite fond of the little girl. However, before long, Ann discovers Tom has something less than honest up his sleeve
In her search for her biological father, after a long journey eastbound, Suzanne discovers a shrouded and horrifying part of her own past, that turns her greatest dream into a dark nightmare.
White Fury
Two ruthless criminals take two teenage couples hostage at a remote mountain cabin in Colorado following a botched bank robbery.
The leader of a South African Nation is imprisoned. His followers, led by Zabo, hijack a plane with the intent to use the passengers as hostages to trade for his release. They select a plane carrying a religious leader to use as their main hostage. They soon learn that they have an added bonus of the daughter and grandson of Colonel Shaw, a bigwig in the country. The grandson all the while has to cope with the dual problems of being hijacked and held hostage while needing a kidney transplant. The hijackers have everything in their favor, except that the colonel's daughter is the sweetheart of Major Sam Striker. Striker puts together a band of mercenaries and sets about freeing the hostages.
Spellbound Hound
Mr. Magoo invites a friend to his lakeside cabin, unaware that a bloodhound has pursued an escaped convict to that isolated location.
Eddie & Suzanne
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Wild Seed
A man who escaped from a prison comes to his inmate's village to find his wife, after having been told how wonderful she is. He hides at her place only to find out that she receives "night visits" from the village men. He starts a killing spree, causing panic among the locals.
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Кристина и Франческо путешествуют по Сардинии. В горах острова молодого человека похищают бандиты, а девушке приказывают держать язык за зубами. С родителей Франческо похитители требуют кругленькую сумму. Те решают не предавать дело огласке и начинают собирать деньги. Но Кристина, понимая, что ее друга не оставят в живых, решает обратиться в полицию...
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Она не знает пощады, не умеет медлить. Она — киллер. Ее послужной список огромен, и многие предпочли бы никогда не встречаться с ней на узкой тропе… Но даже суперпрофессионалы, как выяснилось, совершают ошибки. Одна из них может стоить жизни. И вот она становится добычей, объектом охоты, мишенью для таких же стрелков. Они идут по горячему следу, и вот она уже чувствует их дыхание у себя за спиной. И кажется, что уже не спасут ни пуля, ни скорость. Но не зря ее называют «Шустрой»…
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