
Painted Hero (1997)

Dodging Bulls Is Dangerous. Dodging Bullets Is Deadly.

Жанр : драма, триллер

Время выполнения : 1Ч 45М

Директор : Terry Benedict

Краткое содержание

Virgil Kidder hasn't been in Waco for quite a spell, but now that he's back in town clowning in the rodeo, his troubles are catching up with him quicker than a Brahma bull. Country star Dwight Yoakam makes his leading role debut as Kidder, a "painted hero" who's at his best - and safest - when he's taunting the meanest bulls in the business. It's only when the paint comes off that the real danger strikes on a wild Waco weekend filled with thrills, spills and more twists than an eight second bull ride.


Dwight Yoakam
Dwight Yoakam
Virgil Kidder
Michelle Joyner
Michelle Joyner
Kiersten Warren
Kiersten Warren
Cindy Pickett
Cindy Pickett
John Getz
John Getz
Sheriff Acuff
Bo Hopkins
Bo Hopkins
Walton Goggins
Walton Goggins
James Terry McIlvain
James Terry McIlvain
Peter Fonda
Peter Fonda
Ray the Cook
Brent Anderson
Brent Anderson
Toby Metcalf
Toby Metcalf
Bill Thurman
Bill Thurman
Old Man Bolen


Terry Benedict
Terry Benedict
Stan Bertheaud
Stan Bertheaud
Terry Benedict
Terry Benedict
Jeff Wood
Jeff Wood


Младший Боннер
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Последний ковбой
A man and a woman running from their pasts are trapped on a collision course with the future. Frank T. Wells, a newly-released ex-con looking for a few acres of freedom on the rodeo circuit. Scarlett Stuart, a wild beautiful woman on the run from a bank robbery gone desperately wrong. Together they will explore their own personal vision of the American Dream.
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8 секунд
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Автобусная остановка
В кафе «Синий Дракон» разбитной ковбой Бо, приехавший в город участвовать в родео, решительно и грубо требует от героини фильма внимания и благосклонности. Шери даже вынуждена сесть на автобус, чтобы бежать из города, но Бо отправляется следом. Автобус заносит снегом и пассажиры вынуждены провести ночь в кафе, где происходит драка между водителем автобуса, защищающим пассажирку, и ковбоем, преследующим эту женщину. Бо терпит постыдное поражение, он унижен. На следующий день, когда буря закончилась, Бо начинает понимать, что ничего не добьется, если будет действовать как скотина
Держись подальше, Джо
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Lights of Old Santa Fe
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The Lusty Men
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A Lady Takes a Chance
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Trouble In Texas
Rodeo stars are being killed with poisoned needles, and Tex Ritter is next on the list.
Drift Fence
Although Larry "Buster" Crabbe earns top billing, the hero of Drift Fence is former Western star Tom Keene as Jim Travis, who, at a rodeo, meets city dweller Jim Traft (Benny Baker), who has come west to erect a fence that will prevent Clay Jackson (Stanley Andrews) from continuing his cattle rustling business. A tough Western type, Travis suggests that he impersonate Traft and the building of the fence soon begins. But Travis is opposed by Slinger Dunn (Crabbe) and his family, whose small ranch will suffer from the division of the land. A romance between Travis and Slinger's sister, Paula (Katherine DeMille), paves the way for a meeting of the minds, however, and Slinger switches sides completely upon learning that Travis is a Texas Ranger in disguise. An in-house production (as opposed to Harry Sherman's Hopalong Cassidy Westerns), Drift Fence was the closest Paramount came to a B-Western in the mid-'30s. Zane Grey's original novel was published in 1932.
Blood Shack
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