
Camps of the Dead (1947)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 11М

Директор : U.S. Army Signal Corps Pictoral Division

Краткое содержание

Filmed in Buchenwald, Dachau and Ohrdruf by "Allied Cameramen" there is no information about the director of the film.



U.S. Army Signal Corps Pictoral Division
U.S. Army Signal Corps Pictoral Division


Passing Days
Story about a man whose environment doesn't let him live his simple life.
Mutable Fire
Totems of destruction and desire. An operation on the combustible urges in a junk black mass. A swiftly-sliced nightmare of history and erotic autobiography.
The Sex Life of the Polyp
Dr. Benchley is addressing the Ladies Club on the subject of the reproductive habits of the polyp, a small aquatic organism. Although he is not able to display his live specimens, he has prepared a series of pictures of his subjects. He explains that the subject is made more complicated by the fact that polyps are able to change their sex from time to time. Then he presents some of the pictures of his specimens and the experiments that he has done with them. (IMDb)
Duo Concertantes
Jordan’s imagery is exquisite and eloquent, concentrating on simple, repeated use of particularly poetic symbols and figures, a conglomerative effect of old Gustave Dore drawings, 19th century whatnot memorabilia, all fused to a totally aware perception. —Lita Eliseu, East Village Other
Day in the Life of Gestapo Officer Schmidt
The photographs of a member of the Gestapo, with narration from the captions he left in his album. Film released in 1964.
A bold and unsettling short film that combines mysteriously striking images, on-screen captions, and computer-generated speech narration.
The Funeral of Metropolitan Emilianos of Silyvria
A six minute film of the funeral of the murdered Metropolitan Emilianos of Grevena, of which all has been lost, save for 17 seconds. Emilianos was murdered on October 1st, 1911.
Pochemu u lastochki khvost rozhkami
Soviet animation movie based on a Kazakh tale: a little bird fights against a three-headed dragon.
Of Special Merit
Controversial short by Hellmuth Costard.
Parades of the Turkish Artillery in Bitola
Early Balkan footage.
Paul Tomkowicz: Street Railway Switchman
In this film, Paul Tomkowicz, Polish-born Canadian, talks about his job and his life in Canada. He compares his new life in the city of Winnipeg to the life he knew in Poland, marvelling at the freedom Canadians enjoy. In winter the rail-switches on streetcar tracks in Winnipeg froze and jammed with freezing mud and snow. Keeping them clean, whatever the weather, was the job of the switchman.
The Red Book
An elliptical, pictographic animated film that uses flat, painted figures and collage elements in both two and three dimensional settings to explore the realms of memory, language and identity from the point of view of a woman amnesiac.
A Funeral of a Metropolitan in Bitola
Balkan actuality.
Камасутра снова на коне
Веселая сюрреалистическая сатира Боба Годфри. Мультфильм высмеивает общественные запреты в отношении секса и взаимоотношений мужчины и женщины. Сюжет фильма «Кама Сутра…» рассказывает о сексуальных подвигах немолодой пары Стэнли и Этель. Супруги идут на все, чтобы разнообразить свою интимную жизнь. Стэнли ищет новизны и является движущей силой в паре. Между тем Этель ничего не остается, как терпеть проделки мужа и соглашаться на предложенные эксперименты, зачастую опасные. Бесстрастная и сдержанная британская мужественность противопоставляется диковинной и экстремальной сексуальной практике Кама-Сутры.
Multiple SIDosis
Short film utilizing quick cuts and multiple angles of a one-man-band musical performance by Sid Lavarents (who served as both film-maker and musician). Added to the National Film Registry, Library of Congress for 2000.
In GLORIA! Frampton juxtaposes nineteenth-century concerns with contemporary forms through the interfacing of a work of early cinema with a videographic display of textual material. These two formal components (the film and the texts) in turn relate to a nineteenth-century figure, Frampton's maternal grandmother, and to a twentieth-century one, her grandson (filmmaker Frampton himself). In attempting to recapture their relationship, GLORIA! becomes a somewhat comic, often touching meditation on death, on memory and on the power of image, music and text to resurrect the past.
Song 1
SONG 1: Portrait of a lady (the Songs are a cycle of silent color 8mm films by the American experimental filmmaker Stan Brakhage produced from 1964 to 1969).
Pan 700
A series of ghost-like vehicles drive by in this short film by Hollis Frampton.
Alger: rue Bab-Azoun
Another street scene from the Lumiere company
Colleurs d'affiches
A bill poster comes upon a blank wall, and immediately puts up a poster advertising a movie show at one location.