Warszawa 1956 (1956)
Жанр :
Время выполнения : 7М
Директор : Jerzy Bossak, Jaroslaw Brzozowski
Краткое содержание
Man's rebellion against the world of the digits.
Heretic is a modern dance work by Martha Graham performed to Tetus Breton, an old folk tune from Brittany.
A short film by Hollis Frampton.
A short surreal animation created with fashion magazine clippings and sound collages.
In a joyous tour de force, the world's greatest paintings -- all schools, all periods -- flash by at the rate of eight per second; yet we are able to recognize and retain most.
"Studie II (Hallucinationer)" (Study II (Hallucinations)) (1952), comprises twelve staged scenes that were modelled after a set of drawings. Accompanied by metallic sounds, various body parts, limbs and objects form surrealistic collages against the background of a black space. Peter Weiss intended to create associative images that can not be deciphered completely. Beyond any logical interpretation, he wanted to show pure inner feelings.
Story about a man whose environment doesn't let him live his simple life.
1935 documentary about the hard working life of Welsh coal miners.
Короткометражный мультфильм, претендовавший на премию «Оскар» в 1964 году. Автор мультфильма — Кармен Д’ Авино, кинорежиссер и скульптор. Он начал свою карьеру в качестве художника в 1930-е годы. «Пианиссимо» — это необычное музыкальное кино. Сначала на экране возникает музыкальный инструмент, который на глазах начинает приобретать цвет всех оттенков. Зрители могут видеть, как двигаются клавиши, создающие мелодию. Вокруг тоже все оживает, расцветает, наполняется жизнью, музыкой, красками.
Black TV is the title of Tambellini’s best-known videographic film, which is part of a large intermedia project about American television. Compiled from filmed television news programs and personal experimental videotapes, Black TV has been seen in many versions during the four-year period in which Tambellini constantly re-edited it (1964-68).
A send-up of Griffith's THE LONELY VILLA and other movies of that sort, such as THE GIRLS AND DADDY, THE LONEDALE OPERATOR and many others, as the heroine, thinking that burglars are trying to break into her home phones her husband at the office, who rushes home.... well, who tries to rush home in his chauffeur-driven automobile.
A young girl relates what happened during her first LSD trip, when – among other things – her food began talking to her.
A butchered cow is decapitated in this short film by Hollis Frampton.
The camera pans across a field of flowers at extreme speeds in this short film by Hollis Frampton.
Another street scene from the Lumiere company
A series of ghost-like vehicles drive by in this short film by Hollis Frampton.
In GLORIA! Frampton juxtaposes nineteenth-century concerns with contemporary forms through the interfacing of a work of early cinema with a videographic display of textual material. These two formal components (the film and the texts) in turn relate to a nineteenth-century figure, Frampton's maternal grandmother, and to a twentieth-century one, her grandson (filmmaker Frampton himself). In attempting to recapture their relationship, GLORIA! becomes a somewhat comic, often touching meditation on death, on memory and on the power of image, music and text to resurrect the past.
Веселая сюрреалистическая сатира Боба Годфри. Мультфильм высмеивает общественные запреты в отношении секса и взаимоотношений мужчины и женщины. Сюжет фильма «Кама Сутра…» рассказывает о сексуальных подвигах немолодой пары Стэнли и Этель. Супруги идут на все, чтобы разнообразить свою интимную жизнь. Стэнли ищет новизны и является движущей силой в паре. Между тем Этель ничего не остается, как терпеть проделки мужа и соглашаться на предложенные эксперименты, зачастую опасные. Бесстрастная и сдержанная британская мужественность противопоставляется диковинной и экстремальной сексуальной практике Кама-Сутры.