
Margot (2005)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 2Ч 43М

Директор : Tony Palmer

Краткое содержание

This film is a biographical look at the career of the acclaimed Margot Fonteyn.


Margot Fonteyn
Margot Fonteyn
Margot Fonteyn


Tony Palmer
Tony Palmer


До свиданья, дорогая
История о сложных и порой комичных отношениях между одинокой женщиной Полой МакФадден и невезучим актером Эллиотом Гарфилдом. Поначалу между ними нет ничего общего кроме вынужденного соседства. Но даже между двумя такими не похожими друг на друга людьми может возникнуть настоящий любовный роман.
Очень страшное кино 5
Молодая супружеская пара Дэн и Джоди начинают замечать некоторые странные активности, когда они приносят своего новорожденного ребенка Айдена домой из больницы. Но когда нарастают проблемы и хаос в работе Джоди и карьере Дэна, они понимают, что их семью преследуют гнусные демоны. Вместе с советом сертифицированных специалистов и при помощи многочисленных камер, они должны выяснить, как избавиться от этих существ, пока не стало слишком поздно.
Specter of the Rose
Ballet dancer Sanine may have murdered his first wife. A detective thinks so, and he's not the only one.
Dance, Subaru!
Subaru and her twin brother Kazuma share a dream in becoming ballet dancers, but their passion is discouraged by their father. After Kazuma's death from a hereditary illness, dancing became Subaru's only happiness and she yearns to lose herself in dance. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she runs into cabaret owner Isuzu, who recognizes the talent in Subaru and trains her in her nightspot. But to become a professional ballerina, Subaru has to overcome harsher challenges than merely satisfying the cabaret drunkards. Spurred on by her rivaling dance companions, Subaru enters an international dance competition, to vie for recognition and a scholarship to any top ballet company in the world. Subaru and her companions soon discover that there are more to compete than the championship, and tests of friendship, betrayal and self-worth come one after another. Gradually the youngsters learn about themselves as dancers, as persons and as friends.
Мужчины в её жизни
Актриса цирка русского происхождения Лина Варсавина становится балериной. Скорее из благодарности, чем по любви, она выходит замуж за своего преподавателя. После его смерти её мужем становится американец-интеллектуал, который заставляет её оставить балет. Но она покидает мужа, чтобы вернуться к своей любимой профессии...
Возлюбленная вампира
Труппа красивых молодых танцовщиц оказались в зловещем, похожим на призрак старом замке, не зная, что он является домом для группы вампиров.
Умирающий лебедь
"Трагическая новелла". Немая танцовщица Гизелла приобретает известность благодаря танцу "Умирающий лебедь". Сумасшедший художник Валерий Глинский рисует танцовщицу, надеясь в ее облике запечатлеть саму смерть. Но Гизелла влюбляется, и в ее глазах начинает светиться жизнь. Художник, не смирившись с утратой натурщицы, душит Гизеллу в той позе, в которой она застывала перед ним прежде.
Déjà Vu
A choreographer who believes that he was reincarnated believes that his present wife possesses the soul of his wife in his previous wife, a ballerina.
The Ballet Master's Dream
It's late in the evening, and the ballet master's bed has been prepared for him. But he cannot take his mind off of his work, and instead of going to sleep he paces the floor and tries out dance steps. Finally, he goes to bed and falls asleep, but ballet dominates even his dreams. He sees two dancers who seem to come right into his room as they perform, and that's just the beginning.
Heaven, Hell ... Earth
An injury and a surprise turn in her relationship bring a young dancer's life down around her.
Amy Muller
Vaudeville dancer Amy Muller performs a portion of her stage routine, which features dancing on her toes. She dances on one toe for part of the performance. Later, she also twirls and does cartwheels.
A ballerina resorts to prostitution when her fiance is reported killed in World War II.
At The Ballet
At The Ballet is the rise and fall of a Prima ballerina.
The Mad Genius
A crippled puppeteer rescues an abused young boy and turns the boy into a great ballet dancer. Complications ensue when, as a young man, the dancer falls in love with a young woman the puppeteer is also in love with.
The Microscopic Dancer
“This is an absolutely new and extraordinary subject. A juggler takes in succession about a dozen eggs out of his servant's mouth. He breaks all the eggs into a hat, and after having beaten them up after the manner of a cook, he extracts an egg as large as the hat itself. As soon as he sets this egg on the table there appears a tiny dancing girl, full of life, as big as a baby's doll, and who performs on the table some beautiful stage dances. All of a sudden she increases to the size of a ordinary woman, and jumping on the floor she delights the audience with her turns. The juggler and the dancing girl disappear in the most extraordinary way.” (Méliès Catalog)
Ballerina is a 2006 documentary film that follows the training sessions, rehearsals, and everyday lives of five Russian ballerinas at different stages in their career.
The Dancer
The career of a classical ballet dancer is short and often riddled with injuries, and it takes a special kind of artist to submit to the discipline and strenuous regimen needed to dance with a world-class company. Follows the young and gifted Katja Björner through years of intensive training at the Royal Swedish Ballet School as she develops into an international ballet star.
The Firebird
Italian singer Mario Vanni visits the Royal Opera in Stockholm and fall in love with ballet dancer Linda Corina.
The Night Is Young
Young Austrian Archduke Paul "Gustl" Gustave is in an arranged engagement but his uncle, the emperor, decides to let Gustl carry on a fling with ballet dancer Lisl Gluck.
Огни рампы
Стареющий клоун Калверо спасает от самоубийства соседку — девушку-танцовщицу, вынужденную из-за болезни покинуть балетную труппу. Так начинается эта дружба-любовь, которая, по мнению Калверо, не может иметь продолжение — слишком велика разница в возрасте…