
Behindert (1974)

Жанр : драма, телевизионный фильм

Время выполнения : 1Ч 36М

Директор : Stephen Dwoskin

Краткое содержание

Described by Stephen Dwoskin as "a documentary without being one," the basis of BEHINDERT is autobiographical: the story of a physically disabled man and a physically normal woman- played by Dwoskin (who has a post-polio disability) and Carola Regnier- who confront the difficulties of a relationship. The two were no longer a couple at the time Dwoskin made the film, yet it burns with the passion and intensity of true love.


Stephen Dwoskin
Stephen Dwoskin
Carola Regnier
Carola Regnier


Stephen Dwoskin
Stephen Dwoskin
Gavin Bryars
Gavin Bryars


A disgraced basketball coach is given the chance to coach Los Amigos, a team of players who are intellectually disabled, and soon realizes they just might have what it takes to make it to the national championships.
Он не пьет, не курит, не водит машину, не общается с женщинами и в жизни не заработал ни копейки. Но если он не раздобудет полмиллиона долларов, у его семьи отнимут землю. Приходится принять предложение подозрительного типа поехать на чемпионат мира по боулингу…
Прогулка. Наездница. Родео.
В 19-летнем возрасте Эмберли Снайдер, звезда родео, попала в автомобильную катастрофу, чудом оставшись в живых. После аварии она оказалась парализованной ниже талии, а врачи говорили, что она не сможет больше ходить. Однако неутешительные прогнозы докторов лишь раззадорили прикованную к инвалидному креслу девушку, которая пообещала вновь сесть на лошадь и вернуться в мир конного спорта.
The Present
The short tells the story of a boy who rather spends his time indoors playing videogames instead of discovering whats waiting in front of the door. One day his Mum decides to get a little surprise for her son, which makes it hard for him to concentrate on his video game.
Инопланетный контакт
Своевременно военные базы засекли инопланетян, которые подбираются к Земле. Тогда военные еще не знали, с чем именно им предстоит столкнуться. Оказалось, что в роли врагов человечества выступают не инопланетные корабли, а сами монстры. Это инопланетяне-рептилии колоссальных размеров.
Есть место ещё для одного
В семье инженера Джорджа Роуза было трое детей, когда его жена Анна решила взять из приюта еще двух детей – проблемную девочку-подростка и еще более проблемного мальчика-калеку. Терпение, доброта и любовь к детям приводят к заслуженному успеху и родительскому счастью.
Inside Moves
After a failed suicide attempt leaves him partially crippled, Rory begins spending a lot of time at a neighborhood bar full of interesting misfits. When Jerry the bartender suddenly finds himself playing basketball for the Golden State Warriors, Rory and the rest of the bar regulars hope his success will provide a lift to their sagging spirits. Will Jerry forget his friends? What about his junkie hooker girlfriend and her pimp?
Walk Softly, Stranger
A petty crook moves to an Ohio town and courts a factory owner's disabled daughter.
The Miracle Worker
The true story of Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan, a gripping battle to overcome impossible obstacles and the struggle to communicate. As a young girl, Helen Keller is stricken with scarlet fever. The illness leaves her blind, mute, and deaf. Sealed off from the world, Helen cannot communicate with anyone, nor anyone with her. Often frustrated and desperate, Helen flies into uncontrollable rages and tantrums that terrify her hopeless family. The gifted teacher Annie Sullivan is summoned by the family to help the girl understand the world from which she is isolated, freeing Helen Keller from her internal prison forever. Television remake of the 1962 film which also starred Patty Duke in the role of Helen Keller.
Death Carries a Cane
Ketty,a photographer living in Rome,accidentally witnesses the murder of a young woman at the hands of a razor-wielding black-gloved killer.Ketty and her fiance,Alberto,go to the police-only to learn that two other witnesses to the crime have been slashed to death.
When Jen Marshall, an LA girl with a reckless personality and a laundry list of burned bridges, returns to New York and unexpected tragedy strikes, it is up to her mistreated friends to decide between helping her through this tough time or abandoning her - like she did them.
Без предупреждения
В фильме рассказывается о покушении на жизнь президента США Рональда Рейгана, во время которого очень тяжёлую травму получил его пресс-секретарь Джеймс Бреди. «Медведь» (домашнее прозвище Бреди) оказался после ранения «прикованным» к инвалидной коляске и лишённым возможности работать в команде президента. Бреди очень тяжело переживает всё случившееся, но основная тяжесть легла на плечи его жены Сары, которая ценой невероятных усилий пытается вдохнуть в мужа интерес к жизни. Благодаря её силе воли Джеймс обретает спокойствие и уверенность в завтрашнем дне. Вместе с женой он борется за ограничение продажи оружия частным лицам в США.
The story revolves around a boy named Guppy(Master Chethan) who finds his living out of rearing and selling the small fish Guppy. Guppy has this dream of buying an automatic wheel chair for his ailing mother (Rohini). Things gets into turmoil when Engineer Thejus Varkey (Tovino Thomas) comes to the seaside village for the construction of a railway bridge. Many unexpected things occur when a small rivalry starts between Guppy and Engineer.
And I'll Run to the Ends of the Earth
Majka "Chatterbox" is a girl entering adolescence. She was born with a minor disability. While her mother keeps scolding her for the way she walks, her classmates mock her and call her a "duck". Along an innocent first love affair and a secret friendship, she receives little understanding from her parents and lots of malice from her schoolmates. Majka finds refuge with her grandmother and in her own fantasy world. Director Peter Solan made a sensitive portrait of a twelve year-old schoolgirl. The eloquent film language talks to child and adult audiences alike.
Nico: The Movie
Recently moved with his family to the town of Bellavista, Nicholas faces the challenge of adapting to a new environment, a new school and some new mates ... with the added difficulty of being blind. There Nicholas attends the Guide Dog School, where he meets Tom, his trusty Labrador retriever, who accompanies him on his adventures. Gradually the gang at his school will set aside their prejudices and accept him as he is: a normal boy who sees life differently. An unforgettable story about integration, friendship and unconditional love.
Meerayude Dukhavum Muthuvinte Swapnavum
Muthu and his disabled sister live with their grandmother and uncle Suseelan. Muthu's life takes a turn when he falls in love with a woman and meets a mysterious man.
Fuck... Fuck... Fuck Me, Tim!
A poor girl works in a general store with a blind boyfriend playing guitar. He becomes famous and she also becomes blind.
John Baker's Last Race
John Baker emerges as a fine runner while in High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and then continues setting records at the University of New Mexico. His ability is world-class, and after receiving his university degree he accepts a position as a coach and physical education teacher at Aspen Elementary School while continuing to train (with the 1972 Olympics in sight). He becomes very popular with parents and students alike, for seeking ways to involve all his students, even those with an apparent lack of ability. Learning that he has terminal cancer he contemplates suicide, but instead chooses to dedicate himself even more to the kids, helping even the handicapped to participate, and co-founding and coaching the Duke City Dashers, an all-girl AAU track team. He hopes his "last race"...already beating the odds by a year, will not end before seeing this team win the national title.
The Emmett Smith Story
Emmett Smith, a competitive runner and high school track coach at Cortez High School in Phoenix, Arizona, is left without a sense of balance after a brain tumor is removed. He is told that he will never run again, but undaunted, he sets and meets a goal of not only regaining the ability to run, but to run 20 consecutive miles before a year has elapsed. Wheelchair-bound Cindy Duncan's determination gets her admitted to Apollo High School in Glendale, Arizona after she demonstrates that she will not need special attention. Coach Smith (now at Apollo) challenges her to meet the goal of recovering from her injuries (from being hit by a car) to the extent of being able to walk to the podium at graduation to receive her diploma. He bets that she can do it, and will have to wheel himself in her wheelchair the entire three miles to Cortez H.S. if she succeeds.
Ocean Therapy
Ocean Therapy is the story of an unknown hero, Bruno, surfer, skipper bound for living on the ocean, navigating and discovery. Bruno’s dream falls appart when, at 24 years old, he is victim of an accident and looses the use of his legs. After a deep period of depression and two suicide attempts, Bruno will reconnect with life through his passion for the Ocean. Ocean Therapy is the authentic story of a man that lives for his passions.