
Prep School (2016)

Kids can be cruel.

Жанр : драма, детектив

Время выполнения : 1Ч 25М

Директор : Sean Nichols Lynch

Краткое содержание

Upon learning of his girlfriend's infidelity, Greg, the star player of his elite private school’s rugby team, suffers an emotional breakdown, leaving his friends and teammates to pick up the pieces and deal with the crisis in their own ways, ranging from heroic to apathetic to downright horrifying.


Carly Schroeder
Carly Schroeder
Kyra Matheson
Taylor Lambert
Taylor Lambert
Tom Warner
Ben Bellamy
Ben Bellamy
Caleb Zechman
Austin Scott
Austin Scott
Tony Graham
Stephen Brookins
Stephen Brookins
Greg Markham
Clayton Rohner
Clayton Rohner
Dr. Swanson
Stewart Finlay-McLennan
Stewart Finlay-McLennan
Coach Winters
Lewis Sims
Lewis Sims
Dr. Brooks
Kapil Talwalkar
Kapil Talwalkar


Sean Nichols Lynch
Sean Nichols Lynch
Sean Nichols Lynch
Sean Nichols Lynch
Spenser T. Nottage
Spenser T. Nottage
Director of Photography
Jessie Chaffin
Jessie Chaffin
Production Design
Andi Wells
Andi Wells
Costume Design
Téa Toplak
Téa Toplak
Timothy Lynch
Timothy Lynch


Правосудие Шарпа
Англия, лето 1814 года. Война окончена, Наполеон в ссылке на Эльбе. Шарп получает назначение в Йоркшире, своём родном городе...
Поль Варлин, обычный средний француз, ехал со своей женой и дочкой на машине. На них напала банда злодеев-мотоциклистов. Их избивали, его жену и дочь изнасиловали, а затем и убили. И теперь он остался один и должен отомстить за смерть своих близких.
Psychic Killer
Mental patient Arnold Masters, hospitalized for a murder he didn't commit, learns astral projection--the art of leaving one's physical body and transporting the soul someplace else--from a fellow inmate. Upon his release, Arnold uses his new powers to bump off the people he holds responsible for his arrest, his mother's death while he was imprisoned and the price of meat! Lt. Morgan and Lt. Anderson are the cops on his trail, while his caring shrink, Dr. Scott, tries to prevent any more deaths.
В 1890 году, Понтус, голодающий писатель, блуждает по улицам Христиании, в поисках любви и шанса издать его рукописи. Но все, что он встречает — это поражение и страдание, и смысл жизни постепенно уходит. Но все же он сохраняет человеческое достоинство и гордость.
Joy of Sex
Teenager Leslie Hindenberg, mistakenly believing she has just weeks to live, decides she will lose her virginity before she dies.
Tell Me In The Sunlight
A sailor and a stripper fall in love on the beaches of Nassau in this romance. Unfortunately, the exotic dancer already has a lover.
Природа зверя
Бизнесмен Джек подбирает в окрестностях Невады «бродягу» Эдриана. Эдриен оказывается слишком назойливым попутчиком, и Джек хочет избавиться от него. Но Эдриена не так-то просто потерять из виду, потому что он знает один страшный секрет Джека и грозится сообщить об этом в полицию.
Blood Debts
It started with the rape of his daughter then the killing of her boyfriend. He takes the law "Death Wish" style into his own hands and has his revenge. Branded as a vicious killer by the underworld, the syndicate blackmails him into becoming their hitman. As he gets more and more tied up in the world of drugs, prostitution and death he decides he wants out. No one gets out of the syndicate alive. It then becomes a battle for survival, him against them in a desperate act of street warfare. His life is he prize.
Tall Man Riding
Still seeking revenge against ranch owner Tuck Ordway for publicly whipping him years earlier and breaking up his relationship with Ordway's daughter, cowboy Larry Madden plans to oust Ordway from his ranch by having his claim to the land declared invalid. Ordway's daughter Corinna, believing Madden to be the cause of the family's recent misfortunes, is unaware that the local saloon owner also has designs upon the Ordway holdings.
Two alien brothers crash their ship in the U.S. They get separated, and one searches the country for the other one.
Единственное, что сумел сделать пилот Дэвид Келлер после взрыва на борту, это увести падающий самолет от густонаселенных районов города. Но пассажиры лайнера, триста человек, погибли. Сам же Келлер предстал перед изумленными спасателями живым и невредимым, правда, страдающим провалами в памяти. Он пытается восстановить картину произошедшего, и на помощь ему приходит девушка-медиум Хоббс, которая слышит голоса жертв, зовущих Келлера на место катастрофы…
Ex-undercover cop turned biker Rane, witnesses the brutal murder of his pregnant wife by his crew who have learned about his old policemen days. Upon his exit from the hospital, he arms himself to the teeth and goes on an substance fueled, psychotic rampage, in the name of retribution
The Glove
In this actioner, a bounty hunter is assigned to bring back an enormous and angry ex-convict who wears a deadly glove made of leather and steel. Rock'em sock'em mayhem ensues.
City of Blood
A medical examiner investigating a series of prostitute murders discovers that the culprit is an ancient tribal witch doctor come back to life.
No Safe Haven
When his family is murdered by members of a drug gang, an undercover CIA agent tracks them down, but they escape and flee to their hideout, a fortress in South America. Knowing he can't count on the local authorities for aid, he calls on one of his fellow CIA agents for help in cracking the fortress, and getting to the gangsters and eliminating them and their leader.
Impossible Woman
A female Ninja starts a war against the drug cartel she was forced to work for.
The One-Armed Executioner
An Interpol agent is out for revenge against the gangsters that cut off his arm and killed his bride. This tragedy left him deeply depressed, and his battle with depression has to be won first before he can be thoroughly trained in martial arts. After his training, Ortega hunts down his adversaries for a final reckoning.
At Chicago's North Avenue Beach, the lifeguards are the law. These ragtags will do everything in their power to make sure you don't go out past your waist. Best friends Hughie (the hopeless romantic) and Otis (the ladykiller) get caught in one love triangle after another as young vixen Maggie and tomboy May make it hard for them to keep their eyes on the water at all times. As the summer sun heats up, so does tension among the crew, and their despotic superiors make sure that's it's never just another day at the beach.
Многолетний проект позволит проследить развитие реального человека с момента рождения. Уникальный шанс увидеть год за годом взросление ребенка, жизнь его родителей и изменения окружающего мира в целом.
Дочери Евы
В фильме рассказывается о жизни бедной филиппинской деревни на побережье океана, жители которой ведут натуральный образ жизни - разводят быков, ловят рыбу, торгуют мясом; они купаются голыми, совокупляются в соломенных хижинах, не прикрываясь от посторонних глаз. Мирный образ жизни нарушает парочка молодых людей, приехавших из города. Городская приезжая сестра главной героини снова заводит любовь с местным сексуально привлекательным парнем Симоном, из-за которого начинаются конфликты среди женщин.