
Saranair: The Movie (2009)

Жанр : комедия, документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 30М

Директор : Nareubadee Wetchakam

Краткое содержание

Comedy troupe Saranae get two interns to play pranks on a series of Thai and Korean celebrities.


Willy McIntosh
Willy McIntosh
Nakorn Silachai
Nakorn Silachai
Kiattisak Udomnak
Kiattisak Udomnak
Petchtai Wongkamlao
Petchtai Wongkamlao
Jaroenporn Onlamai
Jaroenporn Onlamai
Pongpitch Preechaborisuthikul
Pongpitch Preechaborisuthikul
Yuenyong Opakul
Yuenyong Opakul
Padung Songsang
Padung Songsang
Kritsana Jitnaowarat
Kritsana Jitnaowarat
Seksan Rattanaponpit
Seksan Rattanaponpit


Nareubadee Wetchakam
Nareubadee Wetchakam
Kritsana Jitnaowarat
Kritsana Jitnaowarat


Bonne d'enfants et soldat
A maid is out walking with her young charge when a soldier takes the boy's place.
Breezing Along
This is a better than average Hamilton film thanks to the presence of a bratty kid who makes Lloyd's life miserable. It seems that Lloyd was hired as a combination chauffeur, butler, cook, etc. and isn't particularly adept at any of these tasks. however, to make things worse, there is a bratty kid in the home who does his best to ruin everything.
Кот Крэйзи и мышонок Игнатц в цирке
На заре анимации, особенно в США, очень популярны были герои газетных комиксов, которые переселились с бумажных листов на целлулоидную пленку и задвигались. Произошло это весьма естественно и органично. Ведь что такое комиксы с точки зрения кинематографа? Та же раскадровка. Одним из таких популярных героев был Кот Крэйзи.
The Mischance of a Photographer
A family goes to a photographer. The photographer pushes the boy around, and no one seems to care. The boy gets his revenge.
A Pig's Tale
Kids' comedy with all the clichés. Six boys (hero, pudgy, dumb, romeo, etc), reluctantly sent to summer camp, are grouped together in a ramshackle hut, and instantly identified as losers and outcasts by the overconfident camp bullies, who target gorgeous Tiffany (Jakub) as their Lothario's girlfriend. They set out to make everyone's life miserable as they impose their authority on the other kids and ineffective counselors alike. Andy, the good-guy hero, of course has a crush on Tiffany, but hasn't a clue how to approach her. Gradually, the nice guys gain the edge over the bullies, by honest endeavor and standing up for themselves - and in doing so, win over the other kids, even Tiffany. Until the bullies frame them and have them expelled.
An alcoholic grandfather is seriously ill. His doctor suggests that experiencing a bad scare could cure him. His grandson volunteers to help him.
Grandpa's Glasses
A naughty boy paints his grandfather's glasses while he sleeps. Upon awakening, the grandfather is frightened by the imagined blindness, creating a series of confusions in the house. Brazil's first fiction film which was destroyed. Only a few fragments are available.
Mother Was a Rooster
Foghorn Leghorn is sound asleep when the barnyard dog places an ostrich egg beside him for a gag. When Foghorn awakes and sees the egg...
Tchin-Chao, the Chinese Conjurer
A Chinese conjurer stands next to a table, it becomes two tables. A fan becomes a parasol, lanterns appear and disappear. The conjurer spins the open parasol in front of himself, and a dog leaps out from behind it. The dog becomes a woman, then a masked man appears. The conjurer sits them each on a box a few feet apart: suddenly the woman and man have changed places. The disappearing and the transfers continue in front of a simple backdrop.
The Lock In
In the spring of 2010, a church lock in at First Baptist Church was organized by Pastor Chris. In the first hour of the lock in, one of the students, Justin, had an unusual “incident” and was “inconsolable.” It was reported that he calmed down and kept to himself for the remainder of the event. Two days after the lock in, Justin reportedly broke down to his parents that he experienced something “evil” at the lock in. He also claimed he captured everything on tape. After watching the footage, the parents met with church leaders to discuss criminal charges they were considering filing against the church for child endangerment, neglect and torture.
A Matter of Perspective
A young teacher is the victim of a cruel joke. When she enters the classroom, all her pupils are naked, standing near their bench. Their clothes are heaped up on the podium
The Big Finish
Fed up with their college classmates' repeated attempts to make them feel like outsiders, Gary (Gary Moreline) and Tom (Tom Woodman) stage the ultimate act of rebellion by launching a strange series of practical jokes on the last day of fall term and capturing everything they do on camera. Neil, Lea and John Heather -- three-fourths of the creative team of siblings known as the Heather Brothers -- direct this black comedy with considerable bite.
Жестокий ручей
Сэму, младшему брату Рокки, досталось от школьного хулигана Джорджа. И тогда Рокки со своими друзьями решает проучить его. Они приглашают его на выдуманный день рождения Сэма и вшестером отправляются кататься на лодке по реке. Они начинают игру «Правда или желание», в которой игроку, в зависимости от того, что он выбрал, следует либо честно ответить на вопрос, либо выполнить желание другого игрока. Цель затеянной игры в том, чтобы, когда Джордж выберет желание, заставить его раздеться догола и спрыгнуть в воду, а самим уплыть, оставив его одного с позором возвращаться домой.
10 грязных поступков
В одном из американских колледжей ходят слухи о «10 грязных поступков», которые должен выполнить лучший выпускник от заката до рассвета в ночь на субботу. Но решиться на это может не каждый. Поступки не просто сверхординарны, зачастую, они просто опасны. Тихоня Зак принимает вызов. Тем более что в этом у него есть свой собственный, личный интерес.
Снежный день
"Снежный день" - дар небес! С наступлением зимы каждый школьник мечтает о том, чтобы этот день пришел. И если вдруг Господь смилостивится и ниспошлет его детям в качестве сюрприза, настанет настоящий праздник. В этот день все дороги исчезнут под толщей снега, дома утонут в сугробах, занятия в ненавистной школе отменят, и можно будет веселиться вовсю... В этот раз снега навалило огромное количество! Злобный директор школы был позорно закидан снежками и вынужден в "принудительном" порядке отменить занятия. Юным героям этого фильма, детям эксцентричного ведущего прогноза погоды, невероятно повезло. Старший сын Хэл уже в двух шагах от того, чтобы пригласить на свидание самую красивую девушку школы. А младшей сестре Хэла и ее друзьям предстоит опасный поединок со зловещим "снегоуборщиком" и его жуткой машиной.
Опасные игры
Фильм основан на книге Криса Фурмана. После того, как группу учащихся католической школы поймали за тем, что они рисовали непристойный комикс, ребята планируют кражу, которая превзойдёт их предыдущую выходку и сделает их местными знаменитостями.
Die Die Delta Pi
In late 1980s, when times were fun, technology was changing, clothes were Rad and girls were Bad; there was one thing that didn't change, traditions. Delta Pi, a long-lasting sorority institution in the heart of Tampa, Florida, keeps that tradition "alive"...until late 1986 Spring Break when a serial killer was just coming to light.
Clown Torture: Clown with Goldfish
This is one of four videos in a collection called Clown Torture, 1987 by Bruce Nauman- this one being "Clown with Goldfish" featured at the Chicago Art Institute.
Heaven Help Us
Sixteen-year-old Michael Dunn arrives at St. Basil's Catholic Boys School in Brooklyn circa 1965. There, he befriends all of the misfits in his class as they collide with the repressive faculty and discover the opposite sex as they come of age.
Ad Fundum
Sammy Raes, a nice, naive law-freshman from a simple family, dies in a form of hazing known as the 'flying carpet'. The father of the arrogant fraternity president Guy Bogaerts who ordered this reckless procedure abuses his connections to prevent a judicial homicide conviction, while the college authorities prefer to avoid a scandal in the press. However Sammy's freshmen friends Tom Smits and Denn