The Arrested Development Documentary Project (2013)
This documentary follows the story of the show through fan, cast and crew, and celebrity interviews.
Жанр : документальный, комедия
Время выполнения : 1Ч 15М
Директор : Jeff Smith
Краткое содержание
Featuring interviews from major cast and crew members, along with 200 fans from across the country, this documentary tells the whole story of this amazing and one of a kind tv show.
Television plays an important role in the life of the people of Havana. Despite there being only one program - the daily broadcast of the Telenovela is a most welcome distraction from the boring everyday life in the capital of Cuba. The movie watches enthusiastic and less enthusiastic viewers, and the almost holy people who are repairing the precious, mostly Russian devices.
Funny & Famous Comedy Jam
Two episodes of the 1957 TV series "Hawkeye and the Last of the Mohicans" edited together and released as a feature.
It had all the makings of a huge television success: a white-hot comic at the helm, a coveted primetime slot, and a pantheon of future comedy legends in the cast and crew. So why did The Dana Carvey Show—with a writers room and cast including then unknowns Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert, Louis C.K., Robert Smigel, Charlie Kaufman, and more— crash and burn so spectacularly? TOO FUNNY TO FAIL tells the hilarious true story of a crew of genius misfits who set out to make comedy history… and succeeded in a way they never intended.
In the spring of 2003, the six comedians DAVID BATRA, ANNA BLOMBERG, JOHAN GLANS, RACHEL MOHLIN, VANNA ROSENBERG and MIKAEL SYRÉN got both television viewers and critics to laugh at the black mood series Skatan. The action revolves around a number of odd existences, all of which live or work in the fictional Skatan neighborhood. Now we have selected the best pieces from the first season of the skater neighborhood. Enjoy the absurd, black humor and all the crazy characters. Feel the Indian guru that never gets taken seriously, the disrespectful office cleaner, the tattooed blonde, the leopard vampire vampire, the depths of the game store, the enemies at the office - and many many more unlikely characters.
A pair of Playboy TV stars take their show on the road and encounter erotic adventures.
The Class of 2017 takes their rightful place in the WWE Hall of Fame.
Documentary road movie ‘Tarot Serbia’ is following Milan Radonjić, the star of ‘Commercial Tarot’ on his odyssey through rural, provincial parts of Serbia, where he’s invited to be the guest of honor at local TV stations. On his journey Milan will explore and reveal the characters of people living at the very edge of society, the ones who lost their jobs during transition, refugees from Bosnia and Kosovo, war veterans, invalids, sick people, betrayed lovers, girls possessed by demons, lonely pensioners, exorcists and all other people asking him for help and solution to all their problems.
Компания неразлучных и жадных до наживы приятелей наконец-то находит Гран Тесоро — гигантский корабль развлечений. И, разумеется, сразу же отправляется в казино. Их всех постигает невиданная доселе удача, но, кажется, наши герои стали жертвами хитроумной мошеннической схемы.
Американский киномейкер Артур Брэдфорд решил рассказать, как создавали популярный мультсериал "Южный парк". В этой документалке зрители увидят создателей South Park. Перед выпуском каждого эпизода разрабатывают концепт и основной сюжет. Примерно за неделю до премьеры сюжет обрастает новыми подробностями. Герои мультсериала всегда в курсе последних мировых новостей.
A group of fugitives end up killing an international businessman Casanovva's girlfriend, after entrapping the couple in a reality show. Furious, Casanovva sets out to avenge her death.
Angel works in a wedding dress store. Ulisses, her boyfriend, works as personal trainer. They are swallowed for the television and, to leave, need to discover how to use the Ulisses' ring.
Raghunandan (Mohanlal) is a TV show host and a budding novelist. He is a loner and a compulsive alcoholic, the latter of which resulted in his divorce from Meera (Kaniha). Despite this Meera and her husband Alexy (Shankar Ramakrishnan) are his best friends. His alcoholism however starts taking a huge toll on his life and things take a turn for the worst. At this point he meets Maniyan (Nandu) a plumber who is a bigger alcoholic than he is which makes Raghu re-evaluate his relationship with alcohol.
Сюжет рассказывает о молодом журналисте, телепродюсере, и его престарелом дядюшке – вспыльчивом старике-докторе Абельмане. Оба они борются за сохранение своей карьеры. При этом юноша не гнушается ничем и решает вынести жизнь своего дядюшки на обозрение телезрителей. На самом деле жизнь врача Сэма Абельмана – не сказка. Долгие годы своей практики он потратил на то, чтобы помочь больным и нуждающимся, лечил бездомных в Бруклине. Но циничный и разочарованный в жизни племянник смотрит на мир под другим углом.
TV star Jason Steel reluctantly becomes the sounding board for his best friends' bored wives, and must fend off their advances while managing his own fragile relationship.
Reprising the television series roles which first made them household names, Richard Beckinsale and Paula Wilcox star as Geoffrey Scrimshaw and Beryl Battersby, a hesitant, inexperienced, young couple attempting to negotiate the sexual minefield of the ‘permissive’ society. This big-screen transfer of Jack Rosenthal’s hugely likeable sitcom sees old-fashioned girl Beryl continuing to slap down the advances of her frustrated boyfriend, whose clumsy attempts to initiate ‘Percy Filth’ suggest he’s not quite up to speed himself! Like everyone else, Geoffrey and Beryl want to fall in love – or they think they do; like everyone else, since Adam and Eve. But Adam and Eve didn’t live in Manchester in 1972…
Беспринципный Мартин Твид, ведущий суперпопулярного американского телевизионного реалити-шоу «Американская мечта», сделал, пожалуй, абсолютно все, что только было возможно, чтобы удержать в фокусе общественного интереса свою почти аморальную передачу, и, можете быть уверены, он готов продолжать в том же духе, не останавливаясь ни перед чем. В новом телесезоне Твид подготовил для зрителей очередной сюрприз. В его конкурсе певцов будут соперничать несколько выдающихся образчиков человеческой породы, включая террориста-неудачника Омера, а судить их в качестве специального члена жюри будет никто иной, как сам президент США, который испытывает колоссальное падение рейтинга и предпринимает любые шаги для исправления положения…