A Farewell Celebration (1999)

A farewell celebration for Glen Payne, George Younce, Ernie Haase, Scott Fowler and Roger Bennett.

Жанр : музыка

Время выполнения : 0М

Директор : Dennis Glore

Краткое содержание

"The Cathedrals: A Farewell Celebration" captures this legendary group during one of their finest - and most emotional - hours. This video was taped at a live concert in the Ryman Auditorium on the Nashville stop of the group's 1999 farewell tour. The farewell celebration, hosted by Bill Gaither, attracted some of the biggest names in gospel music. Shown paying musical tribute to the Cathedrals are the Statler Brothers, the Oak Ridge Boys, Sandi Patty, Guy Penrod and others.


Glen Payne
Glen Payne
Himself, The Cathedrals
George Younce
George Younce
Himself, The Cathedrals
Ernie Haase
Ernie Haase
Himself, The Cathedrals
Scott Fowler
Scott Fowler
Himself, The Cathedrals
Roger Bennett
Roger Bennett
Himself, The Cathedrals
Bill Gaither
Bill Gaither
Don Reid
Don Reid
The Statler Brothers
Harold Reid
Harold Reid
The Statler Brothers
Phil Balsley
Phil Balsley
The Statler Brothers
Jimmy Fortune
Jimmy Fortune
The Statler Brothers
William Lee Golden
William Lee Golden
The Oak Ridge Boys
Richard Sterban
Richard Sterban
The Oak Ridge Boys
Joe Bonsall
Joe Bonsall
The Oak Ridge Boys
Duane Allen
Duane Allen
The Oak Ridge Boys
Sandi Patty
Sandi Patty
Brian McSee
Brian McSee
Amy Rouse
Amy Rouse
Guy Penrod
Guy Penrod


Dennis Glore
Dennis Glore
Bill Gaither
Bill Gaither
Bryan Bateman
Bryan Bateman


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