
Raymie (1960)

The Boy on the Beach

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 12М

Директор : Frank McDonald
Писатель : Mark Hanna

Краткое содержание

Raymie, an eight-year-old boy and an avid fisherman, dreams of catching a legendary giant barracuda know as Old Moe.


David Ladd
David Ladd
Raymie Boston
Julie Adams
Julie Adams
John Agar
John Agar
Charles Winninger
Charles Winninger
R.J. Parsons
Richard Arlen
Richard Arlen
Frank Ferguson
Frank Ferguson
Ray Kellogg
Ray Kellogg
John Damler
John Damler
Jester Hairston
Jester Hairston
Vicente Padula
Vicente Padula
Ida Smeraldo
Ida Smeraldo
Christy Lynn
Christy Lynn
Brent Wolfson
Brent Wolfson
Marianne Gaba
Marianne Gaba
Second Girl
Shirlee Garner
Shirlee Garner
First Girl
Leslie Glenn
Leslie Glenn
Camera Girl
Vance Skarstedt
Vance Skarstedt
Doak Roberts
Doak Roberts


Frank McDonald
Frank McDonald
Mark Hanna
Mark Hanna


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