
Mother: Caring for 7 Billion (2011)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 9М

Директор : Christophe Fauchere

Краткое содержание

Mother, the film, breaks a 40-year taboo by bringing to light an issue that silently fuels our largest environmental, humanitarian and social crises - population growth. Since the 1960s the world population has nearly doubled, adding more than 3 billion people. At the same time, talking about population has become politically incorrect because of the sensitivity of the issues surrounding the topic- religion, economics, family planning and gender inequality. The film illustrates both the over consumption and the inequity side of the population issue by following Beth, a mother, a child-rights activist and the last sibling of a large American family of twelve, as she discovers the thorny complexities of the population dilemma and highlights a different path to solve it.


Esraa Bani
Esraa Bani
Herself (Population Action International)
Albert Bartlett
Albert Bartlett
Himself - Host
Lester Brown
Lester Brown
Himself (Earth Policy Institute)
Martha Campbell
Martha Campbell
Herself (Venture Strategies)
Susan Davis
Susan Davis
Herself (BRAC)
Brian Dixon
Brian Dixon
Himself (Population Connection)
Paul R. Ehrlich
Paul R. Ehrlich
Himself - Host
Riane Eisler
Riane Eisler
Herself (Center for Partnership Studies)
Katie Elmore
Katie Elmore
Herself (Population Media Center)
John Feeney
John Feeney
Himself (Environmental writer)
Sara Morello
Sara Morello
Malcolm Potts
Malcolm Potts
Himself (University of California at Berkeley)
William N. Ryerson
William N. Ryerson
Himself (Population Media Center)
Peter Sawtell
Peter Sawtell
Himself (Eco-Justice Ministries)
Laura S. Scott
Laura S. Scott
Herself (author of Two Is Enough)
Negussie Teffera
Negussie Teffera
Himself (Population Media Center)
Aminata Toure
Aminata Toure
Herself (United Nations Population Fund)
Mathis Wackernagel
Mathis Wackernagel
Himself (Global Footprint Network)
Lyuba Zarsky
Lyuba Zarsky
Herself (Monterey Institute of International Studies)
Robert Walker
Robert Walker
Himself (Population Institute)


Christophe Fauchere
Christophe Fauchere
Christophe Fauchere
Christophe Fauchere
Joyce Johnson
Joyce Johnson
Christophe Fauchere
Christophe Fauchere
Christophe Fauchere
Christophe Fauchere
Associate Producer
Matthew Talarico
Matthew Talarico
Associate Producer


Тайна 7 сестер
В мире, где семейным парам разрешено иметь только одного ребенка, рождается семь сестер-близняшек. Родители решают сохранить всех и дают малышкам имена в честь дней недели. Так девочки и появляются на людях — каждая в свой день. Но однажды Понедельник пропадает…
Сквозь снег
Земля. Недалекое будущее. Семнадцать лет назад на планете произошла техногенная катастрофа. Там, где раньше росли леса и цвели сады, теперь лежат снег и лед. Жизнь сохранилась лишь в гигантском поезде, без остановки мчащемся по трансевразийской магистрали. В первых вагонах состава живет правящая элита, во множестве последних — простые люди. Жизнь в хвосте поезда напоминает концлагерь — болезни, нищета, беспредел надсмотрщиков. Но именно здесь из среды униженных и оскорбленных восстает человек, способный восстановить справедливость. Однако у каждой благородной идеи есть своя темная сторона, и любая революция пожирает своих детей.
Бегство Логана
Сюжет разворачивается в отдаленном будущем, возрастной порог в котором ограничен тридцатью годами. По достижении юбилея, любой человек подвергался аннигиляции, а тот, кто решал скрываться от властей, объявлялся беглецом и становился объектом охоты оперативников — Песчаных людей. Логан, главный герой, как раз из таких — бывший Песчаный человек, ударившийся в бега.
2017 год. Жизнь на Земле стала тяжела и жестока. Природные ресурсы на исходе, а население чудовищно увеличилось. Результат всего этого — строгий режим и новый закон о том, что женщина может иметь только одного ребенка. После смерти первенца, Бренник и его жена Карен нарушают закон и ждут рождения второго ребенка. Их заключают в Крепость, самую изощренную тюрьму с максимальной степенью защиты, из которой еще никому не удавалось выбраться. Подвергнутый чудовищным пыткам, Бренник решает бежать любой ценой.
Постапокалиптическое будущее. Мо выкупает у Сталкера скелетообразную голову робота, и решает подарить ее своей девушке Джилл. Джилл — скульптор, и такая фигура как раз пригодится ей в работе. Однако они даже понятия не имели с чем связались — голова робота, оказалась частью убийственного боевого андроида «МАРК 13», обладающего отличным искуственным интеллектом. И вот, робот ожил и начал постепенно собирать самого себя из близ лежащего металлолома. Вскоре оказывается так, что Джилл остается в своей квартире один на один с этой Железякой…
Children of the Decree
Procreation is the social duty of all fertile women, was the political thinking during the 1960s and 1970s in Romania. In 1966, Ceaucescu issued Decree 770, in which he forbade abortion for all women unless they were over forty or were already taking care of four children. All forms of contraception were totally banned. The New Romanian Man was born. By 1969, the country had a million babies more than the previous average. Romanian society was rapidly changing. By using very interesting archival footage and excerpts from old fiction films and by interviewing famous personalities from that time – gynecologists or mothers who were part of the new society - the director revives this period of tremendous oppression of personal freedom. Many deaths were caused by the mere fact that women, including wives of secret Romanian agents, famous TV presenters, and actresses, had to undergo illegal abortions. Many women were jailed for having them.
Surviving Earth
Mass suicide prevention from resource depletion, overpopulation and climate change.
Jenn lives in an underground bunker, protected from the monsters that now ravage the world. This is the day that she goes outside...


История о том, как общество потребления и мода на «здоровое питание» на самом деле приводят нас к ожирению. Австралийский режиссер и актер Дэймон Гамо снимает на камеру свой эксперимент, в ходе которого он начинает питаться исключительно едой, имеющей маркировку «healthy», чтобы раскрыть для зрителей всю горькую правду о сахаре, который на самом деле скрыт в свежевыжатых соках, обезжиренных йогуртах, мюсли, протеиновых батончиках и другой «полезной» еде. Фильм демонстрирует изменения, которые происходят с телом молодого человека, до начала эксперимента не испытывающего проблем с лишним весом. Благодаря познавательному путешествию Дэймон освещает неизвестные многим факты о том, как строится индустрия пищевой промышленности и какого сахара на самом деле стоит опасаться на полках супермаркетов. Этот фильм навсегда изменит ваше представление о здоровом рационе.
Statin Nation
We are told that cholesterol is a major cause of heart disease. At least 40 million people are currently taking cholesterol-lowering medications, known as statins, and millions more people are avoiding foods that contain saturated fat and cholesterol. The basic idea is that dietary saturated fat raises cholesterol levels, and these two substances somehow clog-up our arteries, causing a heart attack. This idea is often referred to as the diet-heart hypothesis. However, a number of doctors and researchers have been challenging this hypothesis for decades, and the latest heart disease statistics reveal some alarming facts.
Rethinking Cancer
Rethinking Cancer is an educational documentary film that provides a rare look into the psychological and therapeutic journeys of five men and women who used biological alternative cancer therapies to overcome serious illness. Their stories represent successes that mainstream medicine and the public ought to know about. Four of the featured subjects had been diagnosed with cancer; two of these patients were considered terminal cases. The fifth patient had a severe case of Lyme disease. All five have outlived their diseases, between 15 and nearly 40 years, thus far.
10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace
Bestselling author and lecturer Wayne W. Dyer has created this film, based on his thought-provoking book, for those of us who have chosen to consciously be on our life path. The ten “secrets” for success and inner peace presented here apply whether you’re just embarking on your path, are nearing the end of it, or are on the path in any way. Dr. Dyer urges you to view with an open heart. By doing so, you’ll learn to feel the peace of God that truly defines success. Dr. Dyer shares his view that we’re living in an age of spiritual deficiency. We have more than enough information in our society — it’s spirituality that’s lacking.
Heal Yourself, Heal The World
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There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem
Wayne breaks down the phrase into its three key words: problem, spiritual, and solution. By taking examples from the lives of St. Francis of Assisi and Mother Teresa—and even finding wisdom in a “simple” nursery rhyme—Wayne clearly illustrates that by changing your perceptions, you can truly find a spiritual way to deal with any problem you encounter!
The Organic Life
Documentary - Sweat, sun, rain, tears, and green thumbs are all part of the challenge for a young couple attempting to become full-time organic farmers in this illuminating doc.
Introduction to Permaculture Design
Geoff Lawton takes you into the world of Permaculture and explains the basic concepts for beginners.
Overfed & Undernourished
Overfed and Undernourished examines a global epidemic and our modern lifestyles through one boy's inspiring and personal journey to regain his health from the inside out.
Imagine a world where the trapped emotions, fears, anxieties and unprocessed life experiences we hold in our bodies are the source for everything that ails us. That’s the world we live in. Now imagine a world where everyone is manifesting from their heart the perfect creation that’s inside each of us. Imagine a world where abundance, inner peace, longevity and loving relationships abound. Imagine emotion experts from around the world sharing their wisdom and negative-emotion clearing techniques to light a new pathway for humanity. Imagine we are sacred, spiritual beings here for a much larger reason, serving a much higher purpose, a divine purpose. That’s where we’re going.
American Addict
Riveting look at the politics, big business and the medical industry that has made America the most prescription-addicted society in the world. America is less than 5% of the World's population but consumes 80% of the World's prescription narcotics. We have gone from being the land of the free to the land of the addicted.
The story of a mom whose son healed from all allergies and asthma after consuming raw milk, and real food from farms. It depicts people all over the country who formed food co-ops and private clubs to get these foods, and how they were raided by state and local governments.
The Shift
From the creators of You Can Heal Your Life: The Movie comes a compelling portrait of three modern lives in need of new direction and new meaning. In his first-ever movie, Wayne Dyer explores the spiritual journey in the second half of life when we long to find the purpose that is our unique contribution to the world. The powerful shift from the ego constructs we are taught early in life by parents and society—which promote an emphasis on achievement and accumulation—are shown in contrast to a life of meaning, focused on serving and giving back. Filmed on coastal California’s spectacular Monterey Peninsula, The Shift captures every person’s mid-life longing for a more purposeful, soul-directed life.
Wishes Fulfilled
This video is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined.
An Inconvenient Tooth
The story of the water fluoridation controversy which has arisen from moral, ethical, political and safety concerns regarding the fluoridation of public water supplies. The controversy occurs mainly in English-speaking countries, as Continental Europe does not practice water fluoridation. Instead, fluoride is added to most table salt in Europe. Those opposed argue that water fluoridation imposes ethical issues, may cause serious health problems, is not effective enough to justify the costs, and has a dosage that cannot be precisely controlled.
At the focal point of this movement, and of this film, are the farmers and chefs who are creating a truly sustainable food system. Their collaborative work has resulted in great tasting food and an explosion of consumer awareness about the benefits of eating local. Attention being paid to the local food movement comes at a time when the failings of our current industrialized food system are becoming all too clear. For the first time in history, our children'€™s generation is expected to have a shorter lifespan than our own. The quality, taste and nutritional value of the food we eat has dropped sharply over the last fifty years. Shipped from ever-greater distances, we have literally lost sight of where our food comes from and in the process, we've lost a vital connection to our local community and to our health.
Все было готово для празднования пятилетнего юбилея супружеской жизни, когда вдруг необъяснимо пропал один из виновников торжества. Остались следы борьбы в доме, кровь, которую явно пытались стереть, — и цепочка «ключей» в игре под названием «охота за сокровищами»; красивая, умная и невероятно изобретательная жена ежегодно устраивала ее для своего обожаемого мужа. И похоже, что эти «ключи» — размещенные ею тут и там странные записки и не менее странные безделушки — дают единственный шанс пролить свет на судьбу исчезнувшей. Вот только не придется ли «охотнику» в процессе поиска раскрыть миру и пару-тройку собственных малосимпатичных тайн?