The World of Paul Delvaux (1946)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 11М

Директор : Henri Storck

Краткое содержание

This was Henri Storck first art documentary, a portrait about the painter, Paul Delvaux.



Henri Storck
Henri Storck


Der Firmling
A father and son celebrate the son's Confirmation in a fancy restaurant.
Mondo Elvis
A short film from Tom Corboy about devoted fans of Elvis Presley in the years after his death.
Oskar Langenfeld. 12 Mal
Twelve short scenes of the life of an elderly homeless person, Oskar Langenfeld, in Berlin.
The Present
Simple objects, photographs, and events prompt Frank to self-conscious rumination. From his homes in New York and Nova Scotia and on visits to friends, the artist contemplates his relationships, the anniversary of his daughter's death, his son's mental illness, and his work.
A formal 1861 portrait of a Chinese Mandarin and his wife is the starting point for this allegorical investigation of the fantasies spawned in the West about the East, particularly that which associates femininity with the mysterious Orient. ADYNATA presents a series of oppositions-male and female images, past and present sounds-which in and of themselves construct a minimal and fragmentary narrative, an open text of our imaginations, fears and fantasies.
Deus Ex
A look at the inner workings of a hospital.
La Cabale des oursins
A travelogue of abandoned strip mining sites in France extolling their potential for recreational use.
This short follows Lennon and Ono as they take a hot-air balloon ride over snow-covered countryside.
Sort of a Commercial for an Icebag
This short film sees the thoughts and process of Claes Oldenburg come to life as he produced the soft kinetic sculptures from his ice bag series at Gemini GEL print studios.
A Time Out of War
Two Union soldiers maintaining a position on a riverbank negotiate a one-hour truce with the Confederate soldier manning the opposite bank. During the hour, they gain respect for one another as they trade tobacco, enjoy some fishing and make an unsettling discovery.
The Singing Lesson
Think of Me First as a Person
Documentary film and home movie about Dwight Core, Jr., a boy with Down syndrome. The footage was originally shot throughout the 1960s and 1970s by Core's father, Dwight Core, Sr. The footage was later discovered and completed by the filmmaker's grandson, George Ingmire
The Spirit of the Navajos
Directed by Mary J. Tsosie and Maxine Tsosie.
Universal Hotel
Universal Hotel combines objective and subjective elements. In it, Thompson chronicles his research into experiments by Dr. Sigmund Rascher at Dachau in 1942, in which he nearly froze a Polish prisoner and then got a German prostitute to warm him up; Thompson uses photographs from archives in six countries and recounts a subjective dream set in what he calls the Universal Hotel.
Les souffrances d'un oeuf meurtri
A surrealist saga in four parts: 1.) The credit sequence in which title cards show successively larger foetuses pulsating on the screen until the baby is born and cries. 2.) Etoile-directly referring to Cocteau, Lethem shows an adolescent sucking a starfish and then giving birth to a smaller starfish. A statement of inadequacy. To give birth involves an emasculation and a loss of vitality. 3.) Corps-two images of a man on a couch groping for each other, watched by a mysterious peeping Tom. As the two superimposed images come together, the heavy breathing subsides…the statement that the birth of desire is a self – realisation. 4.) Hymen – The decaying body of a girl is shot through green filters, and the final image reveals her vagina crawling with maggots and overlain with a crucifix. A representation of Catholicism preventing the free expression of desire.
Beauty Knows No Pain
In 1940, the Kilgore College Rangerettes became the first dancing drill team in the nation. They have been performing at half-time shows during college football games ever since.
Selective Service System
One of the most shocking documentary films ever made. A young anti-war American, to avoid the draft, calmly aims a rifle at his foot and shoots. For several endless minutes, he thrases about the floor in unbearable pain, in his own blood.
Новые приключения Дядюшки Сэма
Сатирический мультфильм, персонажи которого — сплошь национальные американские символы. «Новые приключения Дядюшки Сэма» рассказывают о жизни простого американского трудяги с юго-запада Штатов. Дядя Сэм и его помощник — Американский Орёл — работают на бензозаправке. Когда героя похищают Денежные Мешки, верная птица отправляется ему на выручку. Но не время расслабляться — террористы планируют добраться до святая святых — Статуи Свободы. Дядя Сэм и Орёл бросаются на выручку монументу.
Vacation in Sylt
Vacation in Sylt is a black and white compilation film about Heinz Reinefarth, a Nazi Party member, high SS police leader of Warthe, and later mayor (1951-1964) of Westerland/Sylt.
What Farocki Taught
A remake, in English of the German film Nicht löschbares Feuer (1969).