
Learners (2007)

Sometimes Life Takes You in a New Direction...

Жанр : комедия, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 20М

Директор : Francesca Joseph

Краткое содержание

Bev is a downtrodden housewife who's failed her driving test eight times, having only been instructed by her impatient husband Ian. After registering with a driving school, she develops a crush on her instructor, Chris.


David Tennant
David Tennant
Jessica Hynes
Jessica Hynes
Shaun Dingwall
Shaun Dingwall
Con O'Neill
Con O'Neill
Sarah Hadland
Sarah Hadland
Richard Glover
Richard Glover
Mathew Baynton
Mathew Baynton
Jordan Long
Jordan Long
Michael Maloney
Michael Maloney


Jessica Hynes
Jessica Hynes
Francesca Joseph
Francesca Joseph
James Price
James Price
Art Direction


Телеведущий из Казахстана Борат отправляется в США, чтобы сделать репортаж об этой «величайшей в мире стране». Однако по прибытии оказалось, что главная цель его визита — поиски Памелы Андерсон с целью жениться на ней, а вовсе не съёмки документального фильма…
Проклятый путь
Чикаго времен Великой депрессии. Два сына — Майкл Салливан-младший и Коннор Руни отчаянно стараются завоевать расположение своих отцов — Майкла Салливана-старшего, гангстера из ирландского клана, и Джона Руни, босса Салливана-старшего, заменившего ему отца. Ревность и соперничество толкают их всех на гибельный путь.Семья Салливана-старшего становится жертвой страшной «профессии» главы семейства. Погибают его любимая жена и младший сын Питер. Месть и трагедия становятся постоянными спутниками Майкла и его оставшегося в живых сына…
Скромная Роуз обладает экстрасенсорными способностями, но соседи достают ее лишь просьбами изгнать духов надоедливых родственников. Однажды в ее родном городке объявляется рок-звезда Кристиан Уинтер. Наделенный дьявольской силой, он околдовывает местную девушку, и ее отец в отчаянии просит Роуз о помощи. У героини появляется шанс раскрыть свой дар, а заодно устроить личную жизнь.
Водительские права
Молодежная комедия о шестнадцатилетнем парне, который скрывает от всех, а главное, от своей девушки, что никак не может сдать экзамены на вождение автомобилем. А ведь завоевать сердце без автомобиля в Америке почти невозможно.
Бархатное утро
Фред появляется у порога его красивой молодой любовницы Вельвет после четырех лет разлуки, заявляя, что он, наконец, бросил свою жену. Но когда она отвергает его попытки вернуть романтику в их отношения, его настойчивость превращается в одержимость - и тёмная история между бывшими любовниками обретает резкость.
Saudi Women's Driving School
An unprecedented access to a number of Saudi women in the capital city of Riyadh as they embrace the freedom that comes from being behind the wheel.The Saudi Women’s Driving School is said to be the world's largest driving school, which caters exclusively to women since the ban on female drivers was lifted in 2017.
Bev is a downtrodden housewife who's failed her driving test eight times, having only been instructed by her impatient husband Ian. After registering with a driving school, she develops a crush on her instructor, Chris.
Nurse on Wheels
Quietly competent young Joanna moves with her scatterbrain mother to a country village to take up her first job as District Nurse. She soon overcomes the suspicion of her patients used to someone rather older, while becoming romantically involved with a local farmer - at least until he tries to evict a newly-arrived expectant couple who park their caravan on his land.
The Fierce Wife Final Episode
The movie continues the story from the TV series which ended with a cliff hanger where the wife (Sonia Sui) was deciding whether to return to her cheating husband (James Wen) or have a relationship with her boss (Chris Wang). 4 years after the divorce, her cheating husband, Wen Rui Fan, comes back in hopes of re-kindling their love. Will An Zhen return back to him or move on to a new love?
Глубокое синее море
Хистер, женщина средних лет, несчастлива в браке с респектабельным и скучным судьёй, и она заводит головокружительный роман с молодым лётчиком.
Σχολή για Σωφερίνες
Babis and Dinos have a driving school in partnership with several customers. And while fetching Dinos manages to combine a joy of life with his conquests, the Wretch Babis, left the thicker, the poor and elderly clients faculty ..
Å en så'n grabb
A car mechanic saves his friend from getting fired when money is missing at his office.
Stiletto Dance
Two undercover police officers must try to prevent a multi-million dollar nuclear arms deal among several mob factions.
Driving School
In the GDR, purchasing a car was such a difficult process that many families applied for one years in advance. For example, Gisela secretly orders a Wartburg model after the birth of her first child. By the time the vehicle is ready, her daughter is a teenager, and Gisela's husband, who actually prefers walking, has already bought a second Wartburg from a friend in financial trouble. As a result, the couple decides to sign up for driving school together.
Crash Course
Some students taking driver's ed during the summer. Among the students is Riko, a cocky guy; Chad, a guy from a privileged background, who's terrified to get behind the wheel; Vanessa, who's over protective mom who wouldn't allow her to take the course, who went behind her back; and Maria, a spoiled foreign student. Now the principal wants the students to pass so he tells the instructor, who's still not over his wife leaving and is not exactly up to the task, that it's important for the students to pass so he brought in a special instructor, who's very tough. And the principal also tells one of his teachers to let, one of the students Maslanski who's the school football star, pass the test he failed so that he can concentrate on driver's ed. But the teacher, seeing this as an opportunity to expose the principal as not doing his job and thus paving the way for him to be the new principal, makes Maslanski take a make up test
Moriyamachu Driving School
Kiyotaka Sato (Shuhei Nomura) is a university student. He is sociable, but he looks like he doesn't have interest in those around him. During his summer vacation, Kiyotaka Sato plans to get his driver's license to impress schoolmate Matsuda (Yukino Kishii). At this time, a yakuza boss (Ken Mitsuishi) orders Todoroki (Kento Kaku) to get his driver’s license. Todoroki doesn't show his feelings outwardly. Later, Todoroki drives a car without a driver’s license and he hits Kiyotaka Sato. To cover up the accident, Kiyotaka Sato is placed in a car and taken to away. He arrives at an unofficial driving school. The driving school is run by the Uehara family. There, Kiyotaka Sato and Todoroki learn that they graduated from the same high school. They spend their summer at the driving school.
Friends, Lovers, & Lunatics
An artist fired from his job comes home and discovers that his wife is having an affair and that she is leaving with her lover. He then sets off in pursuit of them, but in the process runs into another woman who is on the run from her crazed lover who is chasing her as much to get his stolen motorcycle back as he is to actually find her.
The Seventh Sin
In post-WWII Hong Kong, unhappily married Carol has an affair with Paul. Her physician husband Walter discovers it and presents her with a choice: travel with him to China (where he will fight a cholera epidemic) or face the scandal of a public divorce. She persuades him to reconsider and he proposes an alternative. If Paul's wife will agree to a divorce and he marries Carol within one week Walter will obtain a quiet divorce. Carol presents Walter's 'deal' to Paul, who regretfully declines, citing respect for his wife.Carol sees as her only choice to accompany Walter to the village, where she meets booze-soaked Tim. He soon introduces her to nuns at the local hospital-convent and Carol begins to re-evaluate her self-absorbed life and character. Working at the convent, Carol learns she is pregnant. She tells Walter she's unsure who is the father and he regrets her honesty. Shortly after, Walter contracts cholera and dies. Carol returns to Hong Kong and an uncertain future.
Fridolf sticker opp!
A comedy about the shunned office worker Fridolf who gets into trouble when a rationalization expert audits the colonial goods company. It doesn't get any better when Fridolf invites the clerk Lisa, who is newly employed and feels lonely, to his home, a visit that his jealous wife Selma does not appreciate.
Ирена, домой!
Главные герои фильма — семейная пара Маевских. Муж, Зигмунт, — мастер на одном из варшавских заводов и большой противник того, чтобы женщины работали. Его жена, Ирена, зная мнение супруга, скрывает свое желание учиться профессии. Случайно она узнает о курсах для водителей и начинает их посещать. Муж ни о чем даже не подозревает. Ирена делает большие успехи и по окончании курсов хочет устроиться на работу. Когда счастливая женщина заявляет о своем намерении мужу и таким образом оказывается раскрыта ее тайна, супруг негодует и пытается привлечь собственную жену к старому устоявшемуся порядку…