A Nymph of the Waves (1900)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 1М

Директор : Frederick S. Armitage

Краткое содержание

A woman in ballet slippers wearing a large white hat and a long white dress - with ruffles, puffy sleeves and petticoats - dances across water with roiling waves behind her. She holds the edges of the skirt with her hands, lifting and twirling, sometimes exposing her bloomers and a dark garter on one leg. Her style combines ballet with the exuberant kicks and twirls of a burlesque dance hall. With churning waves behind her, the water seems to wash beneath her feet. The film of the dancer, "M'lle. Cathrina Bartho" (1899), is superimposed on that of the water, "Upper Rapids, from Bridge" (1896).


Catarina Bartho
Catarina Bartho


Frederick S. Armitage
Frederick S. Armitage


Огни большого города
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Мадагаскар 2
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Новые времена
«Новые времена» — это эмоциональный, выдержанный в комическом ключе, отклик на перекосы машинной эпохи. Маленький Бродяга не желает быть «винтиком» в огромной мега-машине промышленного производства и так похожею на него человеческого общества. Чарли сражается с тупыми богачами, всесильными полицейскими, бездушными начальниками конвейерного производства. Иногда он выигрывает в этих сражениях, но чаще проигрывает, в конце концов, бесстрашно идет навстречу рассвету. Хотя «Новые времена» считается последним немым фильмом Чарли Чаплина, в нем Маленький Бродяга в первый и в последний раз обрел голос. Правда, он не заговорил, а запел в финальных кадрах картины, символизируя прощание с прекрасным периодом немого кинематографа.
Trust Me
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Neptune's Daughters
A combination of the picture entitled "The Ballet of the Ghosts," and a surf scene; the resulting effect being that the ghostly figures rise up out of the surf and come to the shore, cast their draperies aside and dance a few steps of the ballet, after which they again take up their draperies, and having covered themselves, retreat into the waves.
Pierrette's Escapades
Columbine resists Pierrette's courting in favour of Harlequin in this hand-coloured short by Alice Guy.
The Fat and Lean Wrestling Match
A series of fantastical wrestling matches.
Le village de Namo - Panorama pris d'une chaise à porteurs
The film is a panorama shot-scene lasting just under a minute. The panorama film, as coined by Lumière, is a moving-camera shot--usually accomplished by placing the camera on a moving transport, such as a boat or train.
Automobile Parade
The famous Madison Square Garden forms the background of this excellent picture. A number of very fine automobiles pass in this strip, coming close to the camera and show clear and life size. A very strange coincidence in the closing of the picture is two old ladies who drive by in a dilapidates looking buggy drawn by a long eared mule. This is a remarkable picture showing up-to-date means of transportation in New York City, and the incident of the mule and the two old ladies adds a sufficient amount of humor.
Avenue de l'Opéra
A shot of a busy street in Paris is shown in reverse.
Panorama of Eiffel Tower
“Showing the entire height of this wonderful structure from the base of the dome and return, with the great Paris Exposition in the background, looking down Champs de Mars. A most realistic picture.” According to Edison film historian Charles Musser, this film features the first camera tilt among the company's surviving oeuvre.
Why Mrs. Jones Got a Divorce
This scene opens by showing a pretty cook mixing bread in the kitchen. Jones comes in unexpectedly from a trip and carries a dress suitcase. He inquires for his wife and is told by the cook that she is absent. Jones is hungry and asks for something to eat. The cook is very obliging and Jones becomes unruly, chuckles the cook under the chin. The cook puts her arms around Jones' neck and leaves finger imprints of flour on his back. This is where the trouble commences. (Edison catalogue)
Grandma and the Bad Boys
Two bad boys enter the kitchen. One climbs to the kitchen table and takes down the old lamp, the other goes to the flour barrel and scoops out some flour, pouring it into the chimney until it is filled to the top. The lamp is then replaced in the bracket. Grandma enters, scratches a match, removes the lamp chimney, when the flour falls upon her head. It sticks in her hair and fills her eyes, but this is where she turns the tables.
Scene from the Elevator Ascending Eiffel Tower
“A marvelously clear picture taken from the top of the elevator of the Eiffel Tower during going up and coming down of the car. This wonderful tower is 1,000 feet in height, and the picture produces a most sensational effect. As the camera leaves the ground and rises to the top of the tower, the enormous white city opens out to the view of the astonished spectator. Arriving at the top of the tower, a bird's eye view of the Exposition looking toward the Trocadero, and also toward the Palace of Electricity, is made, and the camera begins its descent. The entire trip is shown on a 200-foot film. 30.00. We furnish the ascent in 125 foot film.” (Edison film catalog)
Danse Serpentine (In a Lion's Cage)
Madame Ondine performs a serpentine dance surrounded by big cats.
Danse du papillon
Butterfly dance.
Automated Hat-Maker and Sausage-Grinder
A machine churns out sausages on one side and spits out hats on the other.
The Cook's Revenge
A decapitated cook wreaks havoc on the restaurant proprietor.
How He Missed His Train
A man misses his train due to his clothes turning into other types of clothes.
Davey Jones' Locker
Two sets of images are superimposed. From the side, we see a two-masted ship. Across the deck walks a skeleton. It sits down, its legs akimbo. The legs separate and continue a dance while the body of the skeleton faces us and the skull moves its jaw bone. It rises and the legs rejoin the skull and body for an additional jig back and forth on deck.
Dance of the Seasons: Winter, Snow Dance
A dancer personifying Winter, dances in the snow.
The Doctor and the Monkey
A monkey wreaks havoc on a doctor.
Let Me Dream Again
Possibly the first film to utilize the technique of focus pulling. A man kisses a beautiful and lively woman, then the image blurs and dissolves into a clear image of the man waking up to his nagging wife.
Faust and Marguerite
Marguerite is seated in front of the fireplace, Faust standing by her side. Mephistopheles enters and offers his sword to Faust, commanding him to behead the fair Marguerite. Faust refuses, whereupon Mephistopheles draws the sword across the throat of the lady and she suddenly disappears and Faust is seated in her place.