“The Goon” comic, which debuted in 1998 and was picked up by Dark Horse in 2003, is about a hulking orphan raised by his aunt, a strong-woman for a carnival. When a gangster named Labrazio guns down the aunt, the Goon kills the gangster and takes over his operation.
Based on C.T. Khanolkar’s novel “Agochar”.
C.T. Khanolkar, a notable luminary in the field of literature is the author of the great work “Agochar”. Agnidvya is born from his renowned creation. Relations, moral and destiny are the 3 pillars of his unique story, which is set on the backdrop of the science but enigmatic Konkan region. In the struggle between the autocratic despot Anandrao Desai and the principled and scrupulous Nandini, it is not only Nandini, but the cursed old mansion which has to undergo the test of the cleansing fire, or Agnidivya. Nandini’s first sight itself kindled a fire within Anandrao. Enchanted by her beauty, he brought her into the house as the wife of his brother Achyut, who being insipid and lacking backbone was the antithesis of his brother. Anandrao who hitherto was used to having total control and command over all women not only in the household but the entire town, met his match in his lone antagonist Nandini.
Варис Шаха называли Шекспиром Пенджаба за его великую историю любви «Хир и Ранджха». Поэт-суфий, он воспел любовь к Богу через трагическую любовь двоих, которым было не суждено соединиться. Рассказывают, что в классическую трагедию Варис добавил собственные переживания из-за несбывшейся любви. «Варис Шах» - это дань почитания пенджабцев своему легендарному соотечественнику, который пел, когда петь было запрещено, и зарождал вкус к музыке даже в самых суровых служителях своей родины.