Топаз (1933)
Does It Pay To Be Honest? At forty he discovered hidden power. So he turned over a new leaf and became a crook! You'll love the scoundrel!
Жанр : комедия, драма
Время выполнения : 1Ч 18М
Директор : Harry d'Abbadie d'Arrast
Писатель : Ben Hecht
Краткое содержание
Чтобы продвигать на рынке свою продукцию, производители лечебной воды нанимают в качестве химика-консультанта далёкого от реальной жизни профессора. Они используют его имя и безупречную репутацию, чтобы обмануть общественность. Каково же было удивление самого профессора, когда он обнаружил, что с его одобрения мошенники продают разлитую в бутылки воду из-под крана...
Short film based upon a ballet by Yves Bonnat & Françoise Adret
Молодой новобранец отправлен патрулировать улицы города. Когда ему поручают обеспечивать безопасность во время большого митинга, он оказывается среди разгневанной толпы. Это становится триггером для выхода всех накопившихся негативных эмоций.
Джерри подозревает, что у его жены есть роман на стороне. Его приятель Майк говорит, что лучшая месть — это нанести ответный удар и у него есть на примете салон, где можно испытать «нечто особенное». Однако этот эксперимент превращает жизнь Джерри в сущий кошмар. Любители нестандартных хорроров с интригующим сюжетом останутся довольны!
A small group of queer punks find safety and comfort in their local queer pub; but their world is turned upside down. A group of normative heterosexuals have obnoxiously taken over the pub. Tate and Bunny lead a mission to take it back.
Inaugurated in 1986 by François Mitterrand, a link between the Louvre and Pompidou, Orsay houses the largest collection of Impressionist art in the world. Project after project, the museum has been transformed to modernize and welcome more visitors, while preserving its historic character. Challenges taken up with each new project.
"The Vengador", always concerned about society and mainly about young people, is like a father to Saul and Robert. He always guides them on the right path. Unfortunately, Robert is killed and this fighter will not rest until he avenges him.
A group of super special humans are tasked with the job of stopping a dried up old business man from his evil-doing.
In a once-in-a-lifetime musical event, Taylor Swift performs songs from her award-winning album, “Lover.” Filmed in Paris, the City of Love, in September 2019, this show gives fans unprecedented access to behind-the-scenes moments with the artist and marks her only concert performance in 2020.
This ABC documentary special provides a detailed look into the disastrous fire that ravaged Paris' revered Notre-Dame Cathedral in 2019. Firsthand accounts of firefighters, clergy, local officials and those who were inside the cathedral on April 15, 2019, as well as harrowing footage from within the inferno, tell the story of the fire watched around the world.
An asylum patient must find her mother amid the guests at a large gala held at the hospital.
Cathy moves into a new home and soon comes into contact with a vibrator with ancient evil powers. Two researchers must locate this possessed item before Cathy and anyone else she encounters becomes a sex slave for Satan.
The quirky minutiae of Sam and Jake's distinctly Los Angeles friendship are examined in ten colorful, giddy one-minute bursts.
14 лет назад Борат был отправлен в США, что снять документальный фильм и прославить Казахстан, но потерпел неудачу и по возвращение был отправлен в ГУЛАГ. Но теперь у него появляется шанс, чтобы снова поехать в штаты и вернуть былое величие своей страны.
Papa Lester and his three boys amuse themselves by kidnapping and murdering women deep in the woods. The tables turn when their latest victim turns out to be just as crazy as they are. What happens when four crazy men kidnap one crazy girl?
Paris, in 1942. The wearing of the yellow star is decreed. On the verge of bankruptcy, Joseph Haffmann, a Jewish jeweler, offers his employee, Pierre Vigneau, to entrust him with his shop if he agrees to hide it until the situation improves for the Jewish community in France. Will Peter take the risk to clandestinely host his "old" boss? And if so, under what condition? Pierre finally accepted. Named six times for Molières, four times awarded, this play by Jean-Philippe Daguerre has been adapted for the cinema with, in the main roles, Daniel Auteuil, Sara Giraudeau and Gilles Lellouche. The film will be released in 2021.
A Pretentious Student Art Film about Capitalism... and a Pseudo-Sexual Adaptation of "Le Avventure di Cipollino" by Gianni Rodari. 01101001 01110100 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100110 01100001 01101011 01100101
You've seen them in pictures...Now see them on the big screen! Everyone's favorite best friends make their feature length debut in a slice of life experience fit for the whole family to enjoy. Follow Abuse of Power as they make their way across the world and back while getting into a little trouble along the way! Will they die in a horrible car wreck? Will Yoon be detained for international war crimes? Will Kaleb and Lon drown Lucky in a hot spring? Will J Little laugh at everything? Did Jug capture all of this action? There is only one way to find out...