Albert Conti

Albert Conti

Рождение : 1887-01-29, Trieste, Austria-Hungary [now Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy]

Смерть : 1967-01-18


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Albert De Conti Cadassamare (29 January 1887 – 18 January 1967), professionally billed as Albert Conti, was an Austrian-Hungarian-born Italian-American film actor. Born in the village Gorizia (now part of Italy), Conti achieved moderate fame as an actor in American films, but first he specialized in law (high school and law college in Graz) and natural science, and married Patricia Cross. When World War I began, he became an officer. His father was Albert, Ritter Conti v. Cedassamare and his mother was Marie Bernhardine Anna (Countess Caboga) a member of an old Ragusan/Dubrovnik noble family. After his discharge from the Austrian army at the close of World War I, he came to America like many other now-impoverished postwar Europeans from both sides of the conflict. Conti emigrated to the United States via the Port of Philadelphia in 1919. After settling in the new country, Conti was obliged to take a series of manual labor jobs, his patrician background notwithstanding. While working in the California oil fields, he answered an open call placed by director Erich von Stroheim, who was in search of an Austrian military officer to act as technical advisor for his upcoming film Merry-Go-Round (1923). A better actor than most of his fellow Habsburg Empire expatriates, Conti was able to secure dignified character roles in several silent and sound films; his credits ranged from Josef von Sternberg's Morocco (1930) to the early Laurel and Hardy knockabout Slipping Wives (1927). He appeared in the 1928 silent film Dry Martini as a roué artist. Though he made his last film in 1942, Albert Conti remained in the industry as an employee of the MGM wardrobe department, where he worked until his retirement in 1962.


Albert Conti


Everything Happens at Night
Maitre d'Hotel
Two reporters compete to discover a scientist living in hiding and win his daughter.
Чарли Чен в городе Тьмы
Travel Agency Manager
Чен едет в Париж на встречу с друзьями времён Первой мировой войны. Там он расследует убийство производителя боеприпасов, поставлявшего оружие врагу. В конце Чарли проповедует нам об опасностях мирных конференций.
M. Fevrier
Однажды на приеме у короля маг предвещает Фердинанду, что тот большую часть своей жизни посветит рытью большой канавы. Забавное будущее, но никто не верит прорицателю. И все же, через несколько лет Фердинанд действительно задумывает соединить моря, чтобы появились новые возможности для соседних стран. Мысль кажется невозможной, но как раз тогда он вспоминает странного старца, говорившего про какую-то канаву. Фердинанд намерен осуществить задуманное, но непросто пойти против воли короля, для которого подобное возвышение и популярность соперника совсем некстати. И Фердинанд вынужден всю жизнь сражаться не только со стихией воды, но и с королем. А последнее куда сложнее, чем работать над воссоединением земель. Но Фердинанд не отступает.
Irish immigrant meets returning war correspondent on a liner bound for New York. When she resists the amours of another passenger, charges result in her being detained at Ellis Island.
Прощай навсегда
Modiste Benoit
Это трогательный рассказ, который начинается с трагедии и суровых реалий жизни, в котором Марго должна отказаться от своего ребенка. После того, как ее жених погибает, Марго в отчаянии идет к мосту, готовая покончить счеты с жизнью, но ее останавливает Джим Ховард, врач, который путешествует по миру без определенной цели. Через некоторое время у нее рождается сын, а поскольку она не имеет ни имени, ни дома, ни денег, чтобы воспитывать ребенка, она соглашается отдать ребенка на усыновление в семью друзей Джима, с условием, что ребенок никогда не узнает, кто является его настоящей матерью.
I'll Take Romance
Theater manager James Guthrie's (Melvyn Douglas) career depends on famed soprano Elsa Terry (Grace Moore) singing in his Buenos Aires opera house, however, Elsa breaks the contract in favor of a more lucrative deal in Paris. Desperate, James begins showering her with flowers and candy in an attempt to woo her to the Argentinian opera house. When Elsa overhears James confess to his friend Pancho that he'd be willing to resort to kidnapping to get Elsa to Argentina, she mistakenly believes his motives to be solely romantic.
Dangerously Yours
A detective poses as a jewel thief and joins a bunch of other crooks sailing from Europe to New York in search a famous gem. He falls in love with one of the crooks.
One in a Million
Hotel Manager
American theatrical manager (Menjou) discovers Henie preparing for the Olympics in Switzerland and brings her to Madison Square Garden.
Голливудский бульвар
Bill Sanford - Trocadero Manager
With a full Hollywood background and settings but more an expose of scandal-and-gossip magazines of the era, has-been actor John Blakeford agrees to write his memoirs for magazine-publisher Jordan Winston. When Blakeford's daughter, Patricia, ask him to desist for the sake of his ex-wife, Carlotta Blakeford, he attempts to break his contract with Winston.
Fatal Lady
Headwaiter (uncredited)
On her debut as an opera star, Marion Stuart is interrogated and possibly implicated in the death of a male acquaintance. Released, although thoroughly shaken-up, Marion attempts to perform but loses her voice onstage. Humiliated, but driven to sing, she travels to South America under the assumed name of Maria Delasano, and works in an opera company under the tutelage of Feodor Glinka, who wants her to shun men and save herself for her art. Mary resists the persistent attentions of wealthy young Phil Roberts, who follows the company in hopes of marrying her. ...
Here's to Romance
Kathleen Gerard, a high society wife fed up with her husband's artistic "protegées", decides to take one of her own in Nino, a promising tenor, patronizing him to study in Paris. He and her girlfriend are perfectly happy until the Gerards pay a visit and Mrs. Gerard starts to show too much interest in him.
Page Miss Glory
Riding Habit Tailor (uncredited)
A country girl goes to the city and gets a job in a posh hotel, and winds up becoming an instant celebrity thanks to an ambitious photographer.
Diamond Jim
A loose biopic based on the life of Gilded Age tycoon "Diamond" Jim Brady.
Крестовые походы
Leopold, Duke of Austria
Иерусалим захвачен войском Саладина - владыки Сирии и Египта. Жителей продают в рабство. Третий крестовый поход уже начался. Король Англии Ричард Львиное Сердце решает принять участие в походе, чтобы избежать женитьбы на принцессе Франции, дороге он женится на Беренгарии, но она попадает в плен к Саладину, и тот отвозит ее в Иерусалим. Жизни Ричарда грозит смертельная опасность.
Shadow of Doubt
Louie - Head Waiter
When a Hollywood producer is murdered, the most likely suspect is a man who is smitten with the victim's fiancee.
Symphony of Living
Just before Adolph Greig's solo violin performance at the Cosmopolitan Orchestra, his right hand is injured and his dream, shattered. His flighty children turn their backs on him and he collapses in the street. However, an opportunity arises for him to tutor a young violin prodigy.
The Night Is Young
Mueller (uncredited)
Young Austrian Archduke Paul "Gustl" Gustave is in an arranged engagement but his uncle, the emperor, decides to let Gustl carry on a fling with ballet dancer Lisl Gluck.
Mills of the Gods
Count Filippo Di Fraschiani
Fay Wray plays Jean Hastings, the wealthy and spoiled scion of a factory-owning family led by her irrepressible grandmother. Sparks fly when Jean meets Jim Devlin, the labor leader who’s spearheading a tense worker’s strike against the factory. After circumstances force Jean and Jim to spend a night together in his cabin, she begins questioning her family’s ruthless tactics. This hard-to-see Columbia film by British director Roy William Neill not only features Wray as a brunette but also includes an explosive depiction of labor strife. (Block Cinema)
Чёрный кот
The Lieutenant
Американские новобрачные проводят медовый месяц в Венгрии, где их ожидают жуткие приключения.
Baron Franz von Hausmann
Story about four generations in a family of musicians.
Gigolettes of Paris
Silent screen favorite Madge Bellamy starred in this low-budget melodrama written and directed by character actor Alphonse Martell. In love with a rich customer, Count Albert Valraine (Theodore Von Eltz), salesgirl Suzanne Ricord accepts his engagement ring, but when she fails to understand "the rules of the game," as he puts it, the caddish Valraine demands that she return the bauble.
Torch Singer
When she can't support her illegitimate child, an abandoned young woman puts her up for adoption and pursues a career as a torch singer. Years later, she then searches for the child she gave up.
Shanghai Madness
In the 1920s Pat Jackson destroys a Chinese post and is discharged from the Navy. Li Po Chang hires him to run a gunboat up the river. He drops Wildeth off at a mission for safety, but when his boat returns the mission is being attacked by communists.
Henri de Fairville
Чтобы продвигать на рынке свою продукцию, производители лечебной воды нанимают в качестве химика-консультанта далёкого от реальной жизни профессора. Они используют его имя и безупречную репутацию, чтобы обмануть общественность. Каково же было удивление самого профессора, когда он обнаружил, что с его одобрения мошенники продают разлитую в бутылки воду из-под крана...
The Secret of Madame Blanche
French Hotel Desk Clerk (Uncredited)
A murder trial reunites a former chorus girl and her son, a grandson of an English aristocrat.
Men Are Such Fools
An immigrant and his wife arrive in America hoping to make it big in the world of music. Shortly thereafter, though, the husband finds out his wife is having an affair with a local lowlife; when he turns up dead, the husband is jailed for his murder, even though he protests his innocence.
The Giddy Age
Mabel's 1st Accomplice
A quirky short about Love and Liars.
Убийство хозяйки ночного клуба
Vincent Rowland
A police commissioner investigates the murder of a nightclub owner who was under police protection.
Red-Headed Woman
Frenchman in Paris (uncredited)
Lil works for the Legendre Company and causes Bill to divorce Irene and marry her. She has an affair with businessman Gaerste and uses him to force society to pay attention to her.
As You Desire Me
Bar entertainer Zara is a discontented alcoholic who is pursued by many men but lives with novelist Carl Salter. One day, Tony shows up on Salter's estate claiming that Zara is actually Maria, the wife of his close friend Bruno, claiming that her memory was destroyed during World War I. Zara doesn't remember but leaves with Tony to Salter's dismay. Bruno, now an officer in the Italian Army, tries to coax Maria's memory back on his large estate. No one is really sure if Zara is Maria, and when Salter shows up with a mental case from Trieste that he claims is the real Maria, everyone on Bruno's estate is desperately searching for the truth.
State's Attorney
Corrupt alcoholic attorney Tom Cardigan is one of the best lawyers around, commanding the courtroom like a stage and often winning his cases. Mobster Valentine Powers, who employs Cardigan and put him through school, asks him to represent a woman, June Perry, accused of prostitution. Cardigan agrees. But he never expected to fall for her, which is problematic since he's angling to become governor and will need the right kind of wife.
The Doomed Battalion
Captain Kessler
During World War 1, an Austrian Battalion holds a mountain stronghold against the attack of the Italian army.
Careless Lady
French Hotel Desk Clerk
Innocent Sally Brown thinks men are only attracted to experienced women, so she poses as the wife of an unmarried businessman on a trip to Paris.
Бедная трудолюбивая официантка Китти влюбляется в богатого студента колледжа Дэвида Ливингстона. Мать Дэвида делает всё возможное, чтобы разлучить молодых. Она использует все свои связи и добивается заключения Китти в колонию на основании сфабрикованных обвинений. После выхода на свободу Китти делает карьеру на сцене и очень быстро становится звездой, окруженной многочисленными поклонниками. Однажды она встречает ставшего успешным врачом Дэвида, и прежние чувства между ними вспыхивают с новой силой.
Lady with a Past
Rene, the Viscomte de la Thernardier
A wealthy girl hires a male escort to make one of her male friends jealous. She spreads rumours about her character that makes her popular amongst all bachelors in the city including her friend.
Landowner (uncredited)
Клеопатра — красавица-акробатка. В нее влюблен карлик Ганс, которому она предпочла силача Геркулеса… Когда Клеопатра узнает, что Ганс — наследник огромного состояния, она решает сначала выйти замуж за несчастного лилипута, а потом отравить его. Но после неудачной попытки отравления цирковые уродцы (сиамские близнецы, безрукая девушка и гермафродит) решают отомстить Клеопатре…
This Modern Age
André de Graignon
A Harvard football star disobeys his upper class parents and runs off with his true love.
The Common Law
Strangeways Party Guest (uncredited)
When a woman models for an artist they fall in love. Can the artist overcome the beauty's recent past as another man's mistress?
Just a Gigolo
French Husband
A playboy pretends to be a paid escort in order to court--and test the moral character of--a young British socialite. Comedy.
Strangers May Kiss
De Bazan
After years of fighting off the advances of her old flame Steve, Lisbeth settles into a steamy, casual romance with journalist Alan. Against the advice of her happily married aunt Celia -- who encourages her to demand a serious commitment -- Lisbeth continues to see Alan, even after she hears he may have a wife in France. When Alan's work sends him abroad, a lovesick Lisbeth struggles to understand her feelings.
The Boudoir Diplomat
The ambassador of the Kingdom of Luvaria orders Baron Belmar, his attaché, to win the interest of Mona, wife of the war minister, who opposes a treaty the ambassador very much wants signed. However, his mission is complicated by the fact that Helene, the ambassador's wife, is extremely jealous of every woman he meets, for she was responsible for getting him his appointment as attaché. Belmar, nevertheless, is in love with Greta, who will not marry him until he is proven worthy of her trust. After many narrow escapes from exposure of the personal intrigue, he manages to sway the attentions of Mona, who persuades the war minister to sign the treaty, thus gaining Belmar an appointment as ambassador to Peru and Greta as his wife.
Sea Legs
Searchlight Doyle, lightweight boxing champion of the United States Navy, is shanghaied into the fleet of Sainte Cassette, an island republic, as a replacement for a wealthy slacker who must serve his country to receive a $2 million inheritance, a scheme concocted by attorney Gabriel Grabowski. All his shipmates, except Hyacinth Nitouche, assume that he is indeed the wastrel he purports to be. Doyle falls in love with Adrienne, the most beautiful of the captain's daughters, and wins her affections by treating his comrades in her teashop. Admiral O'Brien, grandfather of the man Doyle is impersonating, comes to visit, and mistaking him for a civilian, Doyle throws him overboard and to everybody's surprise is complimented on his vigilance. But his real identity is exposed by some American sailors, and he is suspected of killing young O'Brien; he is cleared of suspicion, however, and is reinstated by the admiral, thereby gaining Adrienne's love.
Oh, for a Man!
Disenchanted opera star Carlotta Manson falls for ruffian cat burglar Barney McGann and gives up her career to marry him. But Barney grows disenchanted himself at being known as the husband of a diva and itches to get back to his life of crime and manliness.
Col. Quinnovieres (uncredited)
Марокко, конец 20-х. Певица Эми Жолли приезжает выступать в местное варьете. Богач и донжуан Ла Бессье предлагает ей своё покровительство, а спустя некоторое время — руку и сердце. Но Эми влюбляется в легионера-американца Брауна. После недолгих колебаний она отказывается от обеспеченной жизни в доме жениха и уходит за любимым, отправляющимся в дальний поход в пустыню.
Мадам Сатана
Empire Officer
Анджела и Боб Брукс - супружеская пара из высшего общества. К сожалению, Боб - неверный муж. Но у Анджелы есть план, как вернуть любовь мужа. На борту великолепного дирижабля состоится изысканный бал-маскарад. Анджела будет присутствовать и замаскируется под таинственную Мадам Сатану. Спрятавшись под маской и надев соблазнительное платье, Анджела попытается соблазнить своего ничего не подозревающего мужа и преподать ему урок.
Monte Carlo
Prince Otto's Companion / M.C.
A countess fleeing her husband mistakes a count for her hairdresser at a Monte Carlo casino.
Our Blushing Brides
Monsieur Pantoise
Three department store girls--Connie, Franky, and Gerry--share an apartment on West 91st Street in New York City. Each earns little more than 20 dollars per week. Gerry is the sensible one, but the others throw themselves at amoral rich men in an attempt to hook one and better themselves. They end up being hurt and disappointed despite Gerry's attempts to warn them.
One Romantic Night
Count Lutzen
A princess is forced to choose between a charming tutor and a rakish prince.
Such Men Are Dangerous
Paul Strohm
A wealthy and powerful industrialist changes his identity to avenge himself on the wife that spurned him on their wedding night.
Jazz Heaven
Walter Klucke
A young songwriter struggles to make good in New York.
Why Is a Plumber?
Saturday's Children
Youthful sweethearts, Bobbi and Jim, plan to get married but Bobbi wants them to settle down in their sleepy hometown. Jim has bigger plans and walks out on Bobbie who then resorts to her feminine tricks to win him back.
Lady of the Pavements
Baron Finot
Karl, a German diplomat in Paris, discovers that his fiancee, Diane, has been cheating on him. He tells her that he would rather marry a "girl of the streets" than her. Outraged, Diane decides to grant hi his wish, and enlists the services of a Spanish singer/dancer from a disreputable nightclub to pose as a sophisticated, convent-educated singer, and surreptitiously arranges for her to meet Karl.
Captain Lash
Alex Condax
Lash is the head coal stoker on a steam ship whose shipmates have nicknamed "Captain". Lash somehow grabs the attention of society dame passenger Cora Nevins. Nevins is actually a jewel thief who's lifted diamonds from wealthy passenger Arthur Condrax. She needs Lash to aid in sneaking the "ice" ashore at Singapore. Cocky is Lash's concertina-playing buddy and uses it to signal Lash.
Show People
Peggy Pepper arrives in Hollywood, from Georgia, to become a great dramatic star. Things do not go entirely according to plan.
The Magnificent Flirt
Count D'Estrange
Count D'Estrange tries to save his nephew Hubert from Denise Laverne he believes a heartless flirt. Denise's mother Mme. Florence Laverne uses all her charms to solve the problems. Finally Count D'Estrange marries Mme. Florence Laverne. Both couples leave for a honeymoon in Venice
The Legion of the Condemned
Von Hohendorff
Finding his sweetheart, Christine, in the arms of a German officer, Price joins the French Air Legion. Christine is later revealed to be the spy whom Price has been ordered to drop behind enemy lines. They are reconciled, are captured by the Germans, and are rescued by his unit.
The Devil Dancer
Arnold Guthrie
An English explorer disturbed by the practices of an isolated tribe attempts to rescue a native girl he has become fascinated with. THE DEVIL DANCER was highly praised at time of release for its exquisite cinematography, especially in the use of light and shadow. The film received an Academy Award nomination in this category. Sadly, it is among the lost. No prints or negatives are known to survive.
Китайский попугай
Martin Thorne
В основе сюжета жемчужное ожерелье, ставшее причиной смерти и/или разорения всех его владельцев. Второе появление на экране детектива Чарли Чена.
Love Me and the World Is Mine
In Old Vienna in the days prior to The Great War, a beautiful woman, Hannerl, has her choice of two men; the first is a dashing young army officer who can provide blazing romance and little long-time security. The other is an older man, influential in the affairs of Austria, who could provide wealth...and tender devotion. Hannerl thinks about it.
Based on the 1852 novel and play La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas, fils.
Military Commandant at Novokursk (uncredited)
There is hunger in Siberia during the Russian Civil War. One day while dim-witted peasant Sergei is searching corpses for food, he meets a young woman looking for the town of Novokursk. She asks Sergei to help her get there, and to tell anyone they might meet that he is her husband.
Ускользающие жены
Hon. Winchester Squirtz
Молодая семейная пара. Муж, живописец, занятый своей работой. И молодая жена, о дне рождения которой он совсем забыл. Старый друг семьи, с которым женщина поделилась своей бедой, посоветовал найти человека, который поухаживал бы за ней, ну муж бы взревновал. Тут как раз приходит Фердинанд Фламинго, свободный художник, идущий из неоткуда в никуда. Поначала дворецкий не хочет его пускать, но вмешивается жена, и Фламинго заходит. Он-то и становится тем человеком, которому предлагается поухаживать за женой.
The Blonde Saint
Playboy novelist Sebastian Maure falls for Ghiirlaine Bellamy, a product of a wealthy--and puritanical--society family, a girl so prim and proper that she's known as "The Blonde Saint". One night at a dinner party, she informs Maure that she is engaged to young VIncent Pamfort and is leaving for England the next day to marry him. Maure tricks her into meeting him onboard a boat going to Palermo, and before they get there she suddenly grabs her and jumps overboard. They wind up in a fishing village on a small island and before long find themselves caught up in a cholera epidemic and a local criminal gang.
Веселая вдова
Danilo's Adjutant (uncredited)
Принц Данило влюбляется в танцовщицу по имени Салли О’Хара. Но его дядя, король Никита I из рода Монтебланко, даже и слышать не хочет о браке с простолюдинкой…
Old Loves and New
Dr. Chalmers
Gervas Carew's wife, Elinor, has deserted him while he was fighting for France, for Lord Clyde Geraldine, a cad of the first order, but Elinor, in turn is cast off when Lord Geraldine turns his attention to an Irish lass, Marny. Marny has no idea of Geraldine's past nor his brutal nature.
Во время смотра войск взгляд императрицы Екатерины случайно падает на молодого корнета Владимира Дубровского. Она вызывает его к себе и делает ему весьма недвусмысленное предложение. Но он сбегает от нее, и там навлекает на себя ее гнев. Вскоре он узнает, что его родное имение отобрал новый сосед отца, задира и хвастун Кирила Троекуров, а отец его умирает в нищете. Дубровский бросается в родное село, но успевает только сказать отцу последнее прости, отец умирает у него на руках. Дубровский клянется отомстить Кирилу Троекурову за все причиненное зло, он собирает шайку разбойников. Сам он скрыл свое лицо под маской. За его подвиги и маску его прозвали Черный Орел. Однажды им в руки попадается карета дочери Кирила Троекурова Маши. Дубровский отпускает ее. Встретив случайно нанятого Кирилом учителя французского, он его подменяет, и в качестве учителя приезжает в имение...
Rudi / Baron von Leightsinn
A nobleman, posing as a necktie salesman, falls in love with the daughter of a circus puppeteer, even though he is already married to the daughter of his country's war minister.