
Garden of the Moon (1938)

Visit the World's Swankiest Swing Spot

Жанр : комедия, музыка, мелодрама

Время выполнения : 1Ч 34М

Директор : Busby Berkeley
Писатель : Jerry Wald, Richard Macaulay

Краткое содержание

Don Vincente is determined to make a success of himself and his band. He gets his break by performing at the Garden of the Moon, which is broadcast over the radio. The problem is that John Quinn is the club's ruthless, scheming manager who will do anything to keep Vincente under his thumb. John's assistant, Toni Blake, falls for Vincente, complicating the escalating war.


Pat O’Brien
Pat O’Brien
John Quinn
Margaret Lindsay
Margaret Lindsay
Toni Blake
John Payne
John Payne
Don Vincente
Johnnie Davis
Johnnie Davis
Slappy Harris
Melville Cooper
Melville Cooper
Isabel Jeans
Isabel Jeans
Mrs. Lornay
Mabel Todd
Mabel Todd
Mary Stanton
Penny Singleton
Penny Singleton
Miss Calder
Dick Purcell
Dick Purcell
Rick Fulton
Curt Bois
Curt Bois
Maharajah of Sund
Granville Bates
Granville Bates
Angus McGillicuddy
Edward McWade
Edward McWade
Peter McGillicuddy
Larry Williams
Larry Williams
Ray Mayer
Ray Mayer
Jerry Colonna
Jerry Colonna
Joe Venuti
Joe Venuti
Jimmie Fidler
Jimmie Fidler
Jimmie Fidler
Nat Carr
Nat Carr
Joe - Food Store Owner (uncredited)
Glen Cavender
Glen Cavender
Graham - Waiter (uncredited)
Ralph Dunn
Ralph Dunn
Fred - Hotel Detective (uncredited)
Edgar Edwards
Edgar Edwards
Chauncey - the Ape-Man (uncredited)
Harry Fox
Harry Fox
Photographer (uncredited)
Eddie Graham
Eddie Graham
Night Club Patron on Dance Floor (uncredited)
Lew Harvey
Lew Harvey
Mr. Brown - Fulton's Henchman (uncredited)
Al Herman
Al Herman
Workman Changing Marquee Name (uncredited)
John Hiestand
John Hiestand
Nightclub Announcer (uncredited)
Stuart Holmes
Stuart Holmes
Night Club Patron (uncredited)
Selmer Jackson
Selmer Jackson
Doctor (uncredited)
Eddie Marr
Eddie Marr
Thug Shooting at Quinn (uncredited)
Charles Marsh
Charles Marsh
Photographer (uncredited)
Mira McKinney
Mira McKinney
Sarah - Champagne Customer (uncredited)
Bert Moorhouse
Bert Moorhouse
Reporter (uncredited)
Charles Morton
Charles Morton
Mrs. Lornay's Escort (uncredited)
James Nolan
James Nolan
Sound Man with Microphone (uncredited)
Thomas Pogue
Thomas Pogue
Jonathan - Champagne Customer (uncredited)
John J. Richardson
John J. Richardson
Jones - Waiter Who is Fired (uncredited)
John Ridgely
John Ridgely
Sound Control Engineer (uncredited)
Tony Romano
Tony Romano
Musician (uncredited)
Constantine Romanoff
Constantine Romanoff
Man Cutting In at Dance (uncredited)
Harry Seymour
Harry Seymour
Sammy - Pianist (uncredited)
Bobby Sherwood
Bobby Sherwood
Fidler's Announcer (uncredited)
Jack Wise
Jack Wise
Night Club Patron on Dance Floor (uncredited)


Busby Berkeley
Busby Berkeley
Jerry Wald
Jerry Wald
Richard Macaulay
Richard Macaulay


Riot Squad
Crime drama starring Richard Cromwell as a young medic who becomes the private physician to an underworld gang.
The Ecstasies of Women
Harry is a man whose friends throw him night-long bachelor party on the eve of him getting married. Harry flashes back to his many female "conquests" with the go-go dancers that remind him of his many past lovers.
The Girl from Mexico
Carmelita Fuentes is a fiery-Latin singer/dancer in Mexico City who has designs on Dennis Lindsay, an American publicity agent, for unclear reasons, while Lindsay's shiftless uncle Matthew Lindsay aids and abets her every step of the way to the marriage altar.
Великая красота
Аристократки, нувориши, политики, преступники высокого полёта, журналисты, актёры, декаденствующие отпрыски благородных семейств, священники, художники, подлинные или мнимые интеллектуалы... Всех их поглощает современный Вавилон, пока они ткут канву непрочных взаимоотношений, предаваясь суетной жизни на фоне старинных дворцов, огромных вилл и великолепных террас. Все они здесь, и никто не предстаёт в выгодном свете. Апатичный и разочарованный 65-летний Джеп Гамбарделла, писатель и журналист, не расстающийся со стаканом джина с тоником, наблюдает за этим парадом влиятельных, но пустых и потерянных людей, которые производят на него гнетущее впечатление. Головокружительная картина потери нравственных ориентиров разворачивается в атмосфере великолепного и безразличного римского лета. Вечный город подобен умершей диве.
See My Lawyer
Ole and Chic are comedians employed in a nightclub, but seeking to be released from their contracts to take a better job. But the prissy nightclub owner, B. J. Wagonhorn, refuses to let them go. In reprisal, they start hurling insults at the nightclub patrons… a ploy that soon has them facing multiple lawsuits… to the delight of three struggling attorneys, Charlie Rodman, Bettty Wilson and Arthur Lane.
Ghost Catchers
Two zanies get mixed up with a Southern colonel, his beautiful daughters, a nightclub and a haunted mansion.
Blues Busters
The Bowery Boys (Bowery Boys) open a nightclub after Sach has his tonsils out and wakes up with a singing voice.
The Kneeling Goddess
Legendary superstar María Félix, stars in this melodrama noir playing the role of Raquel, a woman who has a passionate love affair with married aristocrat Antonio. However, a sensual sculpture untitled “The Kneeling Goddess” and modeled after Raquel will lead Antonio down a memory lane he'd rather soon forget.
Т2 Трейнспоттинг (На игле 2)
Прошло двадцать лет. Рентон возвращается в единственное место, которое может считать своим домом. Они все ждут его: Кочерыжка, Кайфолом и Бегби. А вместе с ними другие старые знакомые: месть и страх, ненависть и любовь, дружба, сожаление и надежда. Все они выстроились в шеренгу, приветствуя Рентона, и он, кажется, готов к ним присоединиться.
Перед нами история восхождения в Голливуде Винсента Чейза — молодого и многообещающего актера из Нью-Йорка. В его ближайшее окружение входят: лучший друг и по совместительству менеджер Эрик Мёрфи, менее успешный брат-актер Джонни «Драма» Чейз, старый друг и личный водитель Черепаха, а также агент Ари Голд.
The Truth About Youth
A young man falls into the clutches of a nightclub singer who corrupts him.
She Couldn't Say No
A night club singer falls for a gangster.
The Saxon Charm
In order to get his way, New York producer Matt Saxon manipulates and controls everyone around him but his latest protégé, novelist Eric Busch, finally stands-up to him.
The Tiger Woman
Murder mystery programmer from Republic pictures
Цена денег
Новоиспечённый владелец складов вторсырья, как и отец, не потратит и пенни лишнего. Однако, поддавшись на уговоры друзей и невесты, он уезжает в Лондон, чтобы развеяться — и встречает блондинку своей мечты. Много ли тут сэкономишь...
Henry Busse and His Orchestra
This one-reel musical short, part of the WB/Vitaphone Melody Master series, features the music of trumpet-player and orchestra leader Henry Busse and his Orchestra, playing their own arrangements of various popular songs of the time...or in the Warners' song library. Those include "Wang Wang Blues," "Hot Lips" and "Along the Santa Fe Trail."
Tonight for Sure
On the Las Vegas strip, two unlikely men rendezvous: Samuel Hill, an ill-kempt desert miner, and Benjamin Jabowski, a John Birch Society dandy from the city. Intent on some sort of mayhem, they enter the Herald Club before the burlesque show starts, and they wire something to the electrical box, set to blow at midnight. They sit at the back of the club to get to know each other. As they drink and glance at the stage, Sam tells of a partner driven mad by visions of naked women in the sagebrush; Ben tells a tale of trying to rid his neighborhood of a pin-up studio. As they get drunker and the clock ticks toward midnight, they pull their chairs closer to the women on stage.
Hollywood Stadium Mystery
A boxer is killed in the ring, and the only clue is a tune that a man was whistling.
Sitting on the Moon
A successful songwriter and a struggling singer become involved professionally and romantically on the road to stardom.
The Common Law
When a woman models for an artist they fall in love. Can the artist overcome the beauty's recent past as another man's mistress?