Ecuador (2012)

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 12М

Директор : Jacques Sarasin

Краткое содержание

This documentary profiles Rafael Correa, an established economist who was elected Ecuador's president in 2006 and quickly transformed a country with archaic structures into a participatory democracy.



Jacques Sarasin
Jacques Sarasin


Дочь и мать её
Взбалмошной Эмили уже за 30, и её только что бросил парень. Теперь девушке нужно срочно найти попутчика для путешествия в Эквадор вместо выбывшего бойфренда. Эмили удается уговорить на совместную поездку свою сверхосторожную маму. Но вместо спокойного семейного отдыха дочь и мать её ждет похищение. И когда такие разные женщины оказываются вместе в заложниках, их родственная связь испытывает нешуточную проверку на прочность. Возможно, они станут даже ближе друг другу, но только если сумеют сбежать и выжить в джунглях.
Темная правда
Бывший сотрудник ЦРУ, продолжил свою карьеру в политической сфере. Ему предстоит выяснить, что на самом деле происходит в джунглях одной из «банановых республик» Южной Америки. По некоторым данным, там происходят массовые убийства и угнетается местное население. Главная героиня, поможет политику узнать правду…
Galapagos with David Attenborough
Two hundred years after Charles Darwin set foot on the shores of the Galápagos Islands, David Attenborough travels to this wild and mysterious archipelago. Amongst the flora and fauna of these enchanted volcanic islands, Darwin formulated his groundbreaking theories on evolution. Journey with Attenborough to explore how life on the islands has continued to evolve in biological isolation, and how the ever-changing volcanic landscape has given birth to species and sub-species that exist nowhere else in the world. Encompassing treacherous journeys, life-forms that forge unlikely companionships, and survival against all odds, Galápagos tells the story of an evolutionary melting pot in which anything and everything is possible.
Yellow Sunglasses
Julia, a thirty-year-old newly separated and in search of a life change, finds two new friends. The three begin to live an intense friendship that turns into a love triangle in which their frustrations and fears of not knowing if they will manage to be who they dreamed to be when they were younger.
Left to Die
With help from U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown, Tammi Chase (Rachael Leigh Cook) fights to free her mother (Barbara Hershey) from an Ecuadorean prison.
Bananaland: Blood, Bullets & Poison
For consumers, bananas are a delicious and nutritious start to the day, a healthy snack and a fixture in our fruit bowls. For millions of residents in the banana lands, the production of bananas means social upheaval, violence and pesticide poisoning. Banana Land explores the origins of these disparate realities, and opens the conversation on how workers, producers and consumers can address this disconnect.
Королевский тур по Эквадору
«Королевский тур» - это революционная серия телевизионных спецпредложений, созданная и проведенная лауреатом премии «Эмми» и редактором CBS News Travel Питером Гринбергом, демонстрирующая страны так, как их никогда не видел ни один посетитель. Руководствуясь одними из самых динамичных и влиятельных глав государств, Питер путешествует вглубь каждой страны, чтобы предоставить зрителям полный доступ к необычным местам, историческим достопримечательностям и культурным событиям. В этом последнем выпуске Питер получил королевскую экскурсию от президента Эквадора Рафаэля Корреа. Целую неделю г-н Корреа стал главным гидом, демонстрируя визуальные жемчужины, которые может предложить его страна.
The Invincible Shuar People of the Upper Amazon
Scenes of daily life in the Indian communities of Ecuador.
La Tola Box
Beyond the punches, boxing paints a complex portrait of life itself - its obstacles, the discipline, the commitment. With the stories of a child aspiring boxer, and a young amateur boxer, the film weaves a tale about the triumph of human spirit both in ring and in life.
The Call of Fayu Ujmu
A 13-year-old Indian boy is found unconscious after being attacked in the jungle by the evil spirit Fayu Ujmu. A shaman attempts to ritually tame the spirit and advises the boy’s father to capture it. This story is based on a Chachi Indian legend; it was shot with indigenous inhabitants of the jungle community of Loma Linda, on the Rio Cayapas.
Cesar's Grill
In order to rescue his father's ramshackle grill restaurant, filmmaker and vegetarian Dario Aguirre is traveling back to his homeland Ecuador. What starts out as a strange debate about opening times, chips and Excel spread sheets, develops into a moving family drama.
A Secret in the Box
The life and works of Ecuadorian writer Marcelo Chiriboga, a key figure of the Latin American literature and member of the “boom” generation. Through interviews, visits to different cities, archival footage and his most important book, a puzzle is woven that blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction.
The Golden Equator
This short film focuses on the evolving country of Ecuador.
Spears from All Sides
Until the 1950s, the Waorani were able to successfully defended their area of settlement – today’s Yasuni National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon – with the aid of spears. Then Christian missionaries entered the thick rain forest and paved the way for an oil company. Nowadays many of the tribes are estranged as some want to benefit from the short-term money the company is offering while others fight to preserve their land, culture and independence under all circumstances.
A drama set in turbulent, turn-of-the-millennium Ecuador and centered on a young man who begins to develop complicated feelings for Juano after he saves him from a beating.
A dog story about a stray traveling in the dense and swallowing Amazon jungle, the dusty streets of Quito, Ecuador, and a Switzerland. Arthur joined a race, and outpaced death, to find a new life with the adopted adventure seekers.
Ecuador vs. el resto del mundo
November 7th, 2001. After a seventy years absence, the Ecuadorian national soccer team is close to qualifying for the first time to a Soccer World Cup. This documentary follows the events that took place during that historic date, when a whole country lived under the shadow of a soccer game.
San Telmo Tapes
Portrays the misunderstandings, losses and shipwrecks of the past of an unusual character who walks the streets of San Telmo forced to build a new identity.
Dawn in Pichincha
A tragedy based on first love.
A conversation between two Ecuadorian friends in the city of Panama.