Echo (2012)

Жанр : мультфильм

Время выполнения : 5М

Директор : Merlin Flügel

Краткое содержание

People, animals and buildings create a visual echo in this surreal, hand-drawn animation. Obtuse, atmospheric and engaging.



Merlin Flügel
Merlin Flügel
Jonathan Schwenk
Jonathan Schwenk
Sound Designer


Херб Элперт и тихуанская игра на духовых
Оскароносный короткометражный анимационный фильм с ненавязчивым сюжетом на музыку двух популярных мелодий — «Испанская муха» и «Такси Тихуана». Аккомпанемент записан Хербом Элпертом и латиноамериканским ансамблем Tijuana Brass. Героями историями становятся скромная муха, осел, курица и богатые посетители фешенебельной гостиницы, веселый латиноамериканец-таксист, его клиенты и пешеходы. «Херб Элперт и тихуанская игра на духовых» — это прообраз музыкальных клипов, ненавязчивая и забавная история с приятным саундтреком.
Ферма на холме
Философский мультфильм о сельской жизни. Мирный быт семьи фермеров и их ближайшего окружения — пастуха, пасущего стадо овец и самих овец — ничто не нарушает. Тихая и спокойна жизнь царит в этом удаленном от городской суеты уголке. Внезапно в село приезжают туристы и начинают фотографироваться под каждым кустиком и лезть не в свои дела. Потом на горизонте появляются охотники, которые решают повеселиться и пострелять. Ферма на холме привлекает также внимание медведя, а завершается дело природными катаклизмами — наводнением и засухой. Чем закончится эта катавасия?
Эта короткометражка о пурпурном динозавре по имени Зигмунд, который любит лазать по деревьям.
Swiss Army Knife with Rats and Pigeons
Utilising an apparently new-found obsession with the colour red and reinvigorating some of the circular imagery of A Man and His Dog Out for Air and 69, Breer delves into the very basis of animation to explore how a variety of easily recognisable objects can be portrayed and manipulated differently using pixillation and classically drawn animation. -Malcolm Turner
Like Rabbits
“Like rabbits” is the second part of “Chronicles of bad luck”. The man with the fish head continues his melancholy stroll through a fun fair, randomly distributing, its bubbles of misfortune. As its title suggests, there is a lot of talk of rabbits, but don't let that make you forget the crows. And if you see in this movie, a sordid portrait of a badly barred humanity, your mind may have gone awry.
Sales Pitch
A door-to-door salesman tries to use the gift of the gab to sell an elderly couple things they don't really need.
A moonlit churchyard is a lovely spot for a nocturnal game of cricket.
Batik Girl
Struggling to cope after a recent tragedy, a young girl finds herself drawn into a magical world within a batik painting.
Music Box
Animated Self-Portraits
An animated film compiled by David Ehrlich consisting of 27 animators from different countries all explaining themselves through their animation.
Sea Roar
In a certain fishing village, a memorial service is held to burn abandoned boats, and old fishing boats that have finished their duty have a dream on the verge of death. Deep-sea fish galloping through the alleys, fishermen pulling long ropes, ghosts of screaming girls...
Dear Diary: World's First Pranks
Eep reveals how a comical accident led her and Dawn to discover the joys of tricking their families and set about performing "the world's first pranks."
Candy Boy
Children are mysteriously falling ill at an orphanage. Candy Boy, the most valiant of the orphans, investigates, but the arrival of a new boarder complicates his inquiries.
Heavenly Appeals
After many millennia of being tortured in Hell, Raymond K. Hessle has finally earned a chance to appeal his sentence of Eternal Damnation. Upon arriving at the "appeals" gate of Heaven he is greeted by the angel who will preside over his case. As Raymond waits at the edge of paradise, he will finally have a chance to prove just how worthy he is.
The cycle of life. A boy whose father is a pilot imagines that his toy plane becomes the real thing, allowing him to fly side-by-side through the heavens with his father. He takes off from a tree house overlooking the sea and his father's landing strip. Their flight is graceful and full of adventure. Then, we watch the boy grow, study, marry, father a child, and become, himself, a grandfather. Holding a toy plane, he takes his grandchild to the same cliff from whence his own imagination took off years before.
All until yesterday, three birds didn’t even think of taking a look around, but today they heard some voices for the first time and decided to do something meaningful…
During a closed-door meeting, three narcos discover a listening device installed in reverse, which reveals the presence of an undercover.
And Um
Direct animation on 35mm.
El vento
In the plains a strong wind blows hard and things go flying, except for a little man.
L'arme du crocodile
After a masked hold-up one gangster and one sweeper meet in a public park.