
The Airzone Solution (1993)

Жанр : фантастика

Время выполнения : 1Ч 5М

Директор : Bill Baggs

Краткое содержание

The Airzone Solution takes place in a future Britain where pollution has reached a point where the populace must often wear filtration masks when they venture outside. AirZone, a powerful corporation, signs a lucrative deal with the government to deal with the problem. The public is told that AirZone plans to build giant filtration plants to clean the atmosphere, but environmentalists are skeptical, especially when people begin dying and disappearing around AirZone facilities.


Jon Pertwee
Jon Pertwee
Oliver Threthewey
Peter Davison
Peter Davison
Al Dunbar
Sylvester McCoy
Sylvester McCoy
Anthony Stanwick
Heather Tracy
Heather Tracy
Rachel Lonsdale
Bernadette Gepheart
Bernadette Gepheart
Robin Archer
Colin Baker
Colin Baker
Arnold Davies
Nicola Bryant
Nicola Bryant
Elenya Brown
Nicholas Briggs
Nicholas Briggs
Sam Flint
Alan Cumming
Alan Cumming
Michael Wisher
Michael Wisher
Richard Allenby
Emma Hill
Emma Hill
Quentin Rayner
Quentin Rayner
Gary Russell
Gary Russell
Mike Sibley
Mike Sibley
Newsroom Worker


Bill Baggs
Bill Baggs
Nicholas Briggs
Nicholas Briggs
Alistair Lock
Alistair Lock
Dick Kursa
Dick Kursa


День Доктора
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The Airzone Solution
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Стражи Галактики
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