
Brazil (1944)

The Musical Love Story of Pan-America!

Жанр : комедия, мелодрама, музыка

Время выполнения : 1Ч 31М

Директор : Joseph Santley
Писатель : Frank Gill Jr., Laura Kerr

Краткое содержание

Brazil is perhaps the best of the handful of US films made by Brazilian singing sensation Tito Guizar. In typical screwball-comedy fashion, the plot is set in motion by authoress Nicky Henderson, who has hit the best-seller charts with her latest tome, Why Marry a Latin? While researching her next book in Rio De Janeiro, she finds out "why" when she meets handsome songwriter Miguel Soares. Upon learning about Nicky's book, Miguel decides to teach her a few lessons in the affairs of the heart. Edward Everett Horton is also on hand, twittering his way through the role of a well-meaning buttinsky. Thanks to the "Good Neighbor" policy of the 1940s, South American musicals were a glut on the market, but Brazil was good enough on its own merits to pay its way at the box office.


Tito Guízar
Tito Guízar
Miguel Soares
Virginia Bruce
Virginia Bruce
Nicky Henderson
Edward Everett Horton
Edward Everett Horton
Everett St. John Everett
Robert Livingston
Robert Livingston
Rod Walker
Richard Lane
Richard Lane
Edward Graham
Fortunio Bonanova
Fortunio Bonanova
Senor Renaldo Da Silva
Frank Puglia
Frank Puglia
Señor Machado
Roy Rogers
Roy Rogers
Roy Rogers
Aurora Miranda
Aurora Miranda
Ballerina, Specialty Dancer
Rita Lupino
Rita Lupino
Dancer (uncredited)


Joseph Santley
Joseph Santley
Jack A. Marta
Jack A. Marta
Director of Photography
Frank Gill Jr.
Frank Gill Jr.
Laura Kerr
Laura Kerr
Richard English
Richard English
Original Story
Fred Allen
Fred Allen
George Milo
George Milo
Set Decoration
Adele Palmer
Adele Palmer
Costume Design
Ary Barroso
Ary Barroso
Aloysio de Oliveira
Aloysio de Oliveira
Ned Washington
Ned Washington
Russell Kimball
Russell Kimball
Art Direction


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Город бога 2
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Элитный отряд
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Амазонки на Луне
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Boys in Brazil
Two teenagers decide to attend attend São Paulo's annual Gay Pride Parade, encouraged by one of their uncles, a successful - although closeted - business executive. After witnessing an incident of shocking violence at the parade, the group makes a pact - they all have one year to come out of the closet.
Villa-Lobos: A Life of Passion
The film tells the story of an intuitive, adventurous man who loved his country and being Brazilian. This man fought to be loyal to himself. His music is a transparent portrait of his genius, intuition, freedom, adventure and passion for Brazil.
Loucas pra Casar
Malu, Lúcia and Maria found the ideal man to marry. Until they discover that in reality this man is the same person: Samuel, who was dating all of them over the past years. The three will have to decide if they will fight amongst each other for exclusivity or will unite in revenge.
O Gato de Madame
Arlindo works delivering the clothes that his wife washes. During a working day, he finds a customer's cat, who offers a reward to whoever returns it. To deliver the animal, he ends up going through a lot of confusion.
O Grande Xerife
Inácio Pororoca is responsible for the local mail in an old west town. One day there comes bandit João Bigode, who kills the sheriff and puts Inácio on his place, just for fun. But Inácio takes his post seriously, and soon the bandits realize they've made a mistake.
O Jeca e a Freira
In the interior of Brazil, a farmer is responsible for the education of the daughter of one of his settlers. Years later, the girl returns from school with a nun and the farmer does everything to prevent her from know her parents.
O Vendedor de Linguiça
Story of a sausage salesman, a simple man struggling with family problems.
Portugal... Minha Saudade
Sabino, born Portuguese, has lived in Brazil since he was a child. He has a twin brother who lives in Lisbon and writes inviting him to go to Portugal.
Uma Pistola Para Djeca
Gumercindo is a simple man who sees the daughter become pregnant of the son of its boss. Determined to demand that his grandson have a father, he joins neighbors to seek justice in his own way.
Mazzaropi - Zé do Periquito
Zenó (Mazzaropi) is a poor gardener of a traditional school in São Paulo who falls in love with one of the local girls, much richer and younger than him. Willing to conquer her, he decides to get rich, getting involved in the most varied and funny situations.
The Nutty Boy 2
In this new adventure, Maluquinho is spending the holidays at the home of his grandfather Tônico (Stênio Garcia), an inventor who lives in a small community in the interior of Minas Gerais. His friends Junim (Samuel Brandão), Lucio (Cauã Bernard Souza), Bocão (João Romeu Filho) and Nina (Fernanda Guimarães) are coming to the city to help Maluquinho organize the circus for the centenary of the city. On this trip, they meet Tatá-Mirim, a small flame that ends up making the city believe that they are being invaded by the Capeta. So they end up living many adventures.
Elis Regina: Na Batucada da Vida
Her difficult career beginning in her hometown, Porto Alegre, was not different from her friends' stories. Elis belonged to a group of people born to win. She had the talent, she knew her potential and she just needed to face the world with courage and determination. That is exactly what she did. The result is known by everybody and it is in this film, a unique register of memorable interpretations by Elis, including the song which Elis learned with Tom Jobim and entitles the film.
Elis Regina: Doce de Pimenta
She mesmerised the crowd. The first sight would rapidly disappear and anyone who would get closer would also be surprised. It is not known if she did it for "beauty or precision", as Guimarães Rosa used to say. But the truth is that stereotypes would be destroyed as soon as she would fetch her followers. And revelations would unfold. Behind her suavely acute and toned voice, there was a deep tone that only few could reach. Behind her humble upbringing, there was an uncommon sensibility and intelligence. Her disguise was her irrepressible technique. Elis was pure emotion. And singing was not her final objective, she really wanted to make people happy. This film honours Elis and creates a singular portrait of Brazil's biggest star.
The movie depicts the political crisis that led to the suicide of president Getúlio Vargas, in the 19 days that preceded August 24, 1954. The crisis began with the attempted assassination of journalist and politician Carlos Lacerda in August 5, 1954, at rua Toneleros, Rio de Janeiro, in which Major Vaz was assassinated instead. Investigations pointed to Gregório Fortunato, chief of Vargas' personal guard, as the orderer of the frustrated assassination. This incident was one of the most importants in the history of Brazil.
Good Luck
After several behavior problems, teenager John is admitted to a psychiatric clinic by his family. There he meets Judith, for who he soon falls in love. The problem is that she does not have long to live and they know it. This shall not prevent the emergence of a great romance in the clinic.