
Janasheen (2003)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 2Ч 42М

Директор : Feroz Khan

Краткое содержание

Australian based Lucky Kapoor (Fardeen Khan) has no interest whatsoever in his dad's, Virendra Kapoor's (Harsh Chhaya) business in India. Saba Karim Khan (Feroz Khan), however, does have an interest in the property of Mr. Kapoor, but Mr. Kapoor is not willing to sell. This angers Karim Khan, and he has Mr. Kapoor killed, and makes it look like an accident. Lucky's childhood sweetheart, Jessica Periera (Celina Jaitley), has the proof of Mr. Kapoor's death, but decides to keep it to herself. When Karim Khan meets with Lucky to re-negotiate the property, he finds that Lucky is willing to sell; he also finds that Lucky resembles his dead son. Karim Khan will give anything to make Lucky the heir to his vaste wealth and properties, but Lucky is not willing. Karim Khan turns on all the machinations he has in his power to force Lucky to be his heir.


Fardeen Khan
Fardeen Khan
Lucky Kapoor
Feroz Khan
Feroz Khan
Celina Jaitly
Celina Jaitly
Archana Puran Singh
Archana Puran Singh


Feroz Khan
Feroz Khan
Shabina Khan
Shabina Khan


This story is about Deputy Superintendent of Police Bhagat Pandey (Om Puri), who is thorough, honest, and has an excellent track record of apprehending criminals. This background creates problems for him with other criminals who are closely connected to powerful politicians. As a result he is transferred to Bombay (now know as Mumbai). He takes charge of his post, and transforms everything to a diligent and honest policing machine. Unfortunately, politicians and criminals alike do not like his diligence, and talk about transferring him to Kashmir, where he will be killed in an encounter by a terrorist. Bhagat also comes in touch with suspended Police Inspector Sukhdev Singh, and gangleader, Rajnath Guru, the son of a freedom-fighter, Dinanathji (Aloknath).
Виджап — преуспевающий бизнесмен, выросший приемным сыном в семье промышленного магната Обероя. Он влюблен в Мадху, единственную дочку судьи отставке. Она отвечает ему взаимностью и дело движется к свадьбе. Но родной сын магната также влюблен в Мадху и однажды Оберой-старший приходит в дом к судье, чтобы просить руки Мадху для своего родного сына…
Богатый промышленник Раджив положил глаз на Симу, невесту своего друга Амара. Он организует для них поездку в Африку, задаривает девушку ценными подарками, не оставляет Симу в покое даже после того, как она выходит замуж...
AK 47
Rudra Pratap Sharma comes from an aspiring Hindu 'Bramhin' family consisting of his dad, Dayashankar, a bank manager by profession, his mom Sharda and a much younger sister Gaithri. The family resides in Banaras, India; Rudra cannot stand injustice in any form and revolts by publicly beating some college-bullies. This forces him and his family to relocate to the city of Bombay where Rudra continues to deal with wrong-doers by turning them over to the law.
Ek Tha Raja
Film about a family separated by unfortunate circumstances.
Ничто не остановит любовь
Рама влюбляется в парня по имени Джай. Однако друг Джая Оберой также влюбляется в Раму. Молодой человек всеми силами пытается сойтись с ней, используя любые, даже самые грязные методы. Оберой постоянно строит молодым людям козни, пытаясь рассорить их. Парень никак не может понять, что на руинах чужого счастья он не сможет построить своё. Оберой продолжает гнуть свою линию, постепенно пополняя перечень своих грязных уловок шантажом и предательством.
Бывшие друзья
Когда красавица Дженни отвергает притязания сына владельца судоходной компании Махеша и собирается выйти замуж за своего возлюбленного Санджая, оскорбленный отец Махеша, Кедар Натх, решает любыми путями расстроить этот брак. С этой целью он фабрикует против Санджая обвинение в похищении Дженни и тот попадает в тюрьму. Выйдя на свободу, Санджай расправляется со своим обидчиком...
Kundecha is a wealthy industrialist as well as the owner of around 40 branches of Kundecha Coop. Bank Ltd. He has booked all the lockers in all his bank branches and does not let any member of the public rent them. If anyone opposes his policy he reduces them to ashes through one of his gizmo's. One day he comes to a branch run by Mr. Chiklia to empty some of his lockers.
Ravi Verma is an honest and diligent Inspector who lives with his wife, daughter, and brother Raghuveer. Ravi and Raghuveer are brothers with a very strong bond and both are extremely close to each other. However, their bond weakens because Raghuveer often gets into fights. Raghuveer can't stand injustice and when he watches injustice done to his professor, he fights for him.
Jai Vikraanta
Choudhary Amar Singh is a farmer in rural India and lives a modest lifestyle with his wife, Sharda, and son, Vikraanta. He excels in sugar cane production and is presented an award and a tractor by the State Government. He has named his farm after his son, and expects him to continue farming.
Жаждущий мщения
Прабхат однажды лишается своего голоса. У мальчика очень тяжёлая жизнь, ведь его отец в тюрьме, и ему приходится ухаживать за мачехой и ее детьми. Прабхату долго не удается найти работу. Но в один прекрасный день он получает шанс, которого так давно ждал и устраивается на фабрику. На работе он узнает, что директор фабрики Прем подворовывает. Према сажают в тюрьму. Он полностью отсидел срок и, выйдя на свободу, принял решение отомстить Прабхату за донос.
Bhola, a good Samaritan from a small town of Sabalpur, is diagnosed with AIDS. A village man Madhav who is jealous of Bhola's reputation spreads the rumour that AIDS is a deadly contagious disease that happens to immoral people. That propels the villagers to desert Bhola. When Bhola attempts to meet his family, Madhav leads a group of fire-breathing villagers to drive him away from their village, which results in terrifying consequences. Will the villagers ever open their eyes to the truth or will they wallow in their obnoxious blind beliefs?
Oh, My God!!
Mumbai-based Rajendra Gupta works for Global Investment Group but is more engrossed in trying to get people, including his co-workers, to invest in a savings scheme. He even puts off being a parent, much to the displeasure of his wife, Suman, who he has been married to for over five years.
Kolkata-based Rohan Mitra lives with his widowed maternal grandmother, Mridula Chatterjee. He is an aspiring advocate who will soon be taking up his first assignment with an established lawyer and is attracted to Tara. Through discussions with his grandmother, he finds out that his parents' relationship was far from harmonious - with his mother, Palaash, getting into arguments with her husband, Dev, and frequently asking Mridula to intervene, and even moving out several times - with Dev threatening to move the courts to take possession of Rohan.
Bawri Chhori
A young woman who has arrived in London from India to find her husband and kill her and feed her corpse to the pigs.
Путешествие в медовый месяц
Что может быть самым главным для двух влюбленных? Конечно же, свадьба, ощущение того, что теперь вы вместе и навсегда. А что начинается сразу же после свадьбы? Конечно же, свадебное путешествие. Ну, кто же из молодоженов не мечтает отправиться в экзотическое путешествие в свой медовый месяц? Вот и главные герои этой комедии тоже отправляются в путешествие. Шесть пар, которые только что поженились, отправляются на медовый месяц в Гоа, где их ждут самые невероятные приключения.