
Sand Wars (2013)

How the World is Running Out of Sand

Жанр : документальный

Время выполнения : 1Ч 14М

Директор : Denis Delestrac

Краткое содержание

Is sand an infinite resource? Can the existing supply satisfy a gigantic demand fueled by construction booms? What are the consequences of intensive beach sand mining for the environment and the neighboring populations?


Sumaira Abdulali
Sumaira Abdulali
George Borden
George Borden
Eric Chaumillon
Eric Chaumillon
Riza Damanik
Riza Damanik
Pieter de Pous
Pieter de Pous


Denis Delestrac
Denis Delestrac
Denis Delestrac
Denis Delestrac
Guillaume Rappeneau
Guillaume Rappeneau
Sébastien Robitaille
Sébastien Robitaille
Marc Martinez Sarrado
Marc Martinez Sarrado
Seamus Haley
Seamus Haley
Michèle Hollander
Michèle Hollander
Ibon Olaskoaga
Ibon Olaskoaga


Человек-паук 3: Враг в отражении
Человек-паук предстает перед нами в новом облике. Загадка нового костюма обнаруживает темную сторону его личности. Но обстоятельства вынуждают выбирать между силой костюма и благородным образом героя, когда на горизонте появляются доселе невиданные злодеи: Песочный человек и Вимон, готовые обрушить всю мощь своего Разрушительного Возмездия, чтобы запугать Питера и тех, кто ему дорог. Сможет ли Питер обуздать своих внутренних демонов или это конец Человека-паука?
Наследник знаменитого дома Атрейдесов Пол отправляется вместе с семьёй на одну из самых опасных планет во Вселенной — Арракис. Здесь нет ничего, кроме песка, палящего солнца, гигантских чудовищ и основной причины межгалактических конфликтов — невероятно ценного ресурса, который называется меланж. В результате захвата власти Пол вынужден бежать и скрываться, и это становится началом его эпического путешествия. Враждебный мир Арракиса приготовил для него множество тяжёлых испытаний, но только тот, кто готов взглянуть в глаза своему страху, достоин стать избранным.
После ночной вечеринки, студентики просыпаются утром на пляже, песок которого начинает их засасывать.
Лето 42-го
Трое пятнадцатилетних подростков приезжают на летние каникулы в Новую Англию. Двое из них интересуются любовными похождениями со сверстницами, а третий переживает настоящий взрослый роман с двадцатидвухлетней женщиной, муж которой отбыл на фронт. Юное сердце сталкивается с нешуточными страстями, которые заставляют его сделать непростой выбор между чувством и сочувствием, желанием и состраданием по отношению к молодой женщине, оставшейся в одиночестве и потому особо нуждающейся в нежности.
Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead
A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worse for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.
Кровавый пляж
Something or someone is attacking people one by one on the beach. Some of them are mutilated, but most of them are sucked into the sand, disappearing without a trace. What is the creature responsible? Where does it live, and where did it come from? And is there any chance of it reproducing? Meanwhile, David Huffman and Mariana Hill are once-almost-married old friends, reunited over the death of her mother on the beach, and searching for clues in the abandoned buildings where they used to play when they were young.
The Wind
When Letty Mason relocates to West Texas, she finds herself unsettled by the ever-present wind and sand. Arriving at her new home at the ranch of her cousin, Beverly, she receives a surprisingly cold welcome from his wife, Cora. Soon tensions in the family and unwanted attention from a trio of suitors, including neighbor Lige Hightower, leave Letty increasingly disturbed, resulting in tragedy.
Characters morph into objects and each other in this stop motion animation made with sand.
Sand Wars
Is sand an infinite resource? Can the existing supply satisfy a gigantic demand fueled by construction booms? What are the consequences of intensive beach sand mining for the environment and the neighboring populations?
Белые луга
Рахмата попросили встретить жителей этих островов, чтобы собрать их слезы. Хотя в течение многих лет люди плакали Рахмату, никто не знает точно, что он делал с ними.
A crew on a remote construction site are plagued by a series of bizarre mishaps. As the incidents turn more and more savage, it becomes clear that the sole link to the deadly events - is a 50-ton bulldozer.
Sand, Love and Salt
Love story between a fisherman of the Adriatic coast and a young girl of the village.
Wind Along the Coast
A lyrical and funny story about the hard life of a village on the coast suffering from the high winds.
Médicaments: les profits de la pénurie
Injectable anti-inflammatories, anticoagulants, anti-infectives, anticancer drugs and even cotton wools are in short supply. Like many others in France, the pharmacy at Rennes hospital is constantly on the edge. Over the past two decades, shortages of medicines and health products have increased twentyfold in Europe. With almost all laboratories affected, practitioners and health establishments are forced to juggle with quotas to make up for shortages. Some even have to prioritise patients in terms of access to treatments, according to scales established by the laboratories. In the Netherlands, hospital pharmacies have resigned themselves to manufacturing the molecules they lack.
Image de sable
Ruiz’s short about Pieter Wiersma, a Dutch sculptor who makes intricate sandcastles.
Holy Sand
A man who used to be a political brigade commissar offended the society. Twenty years after the war, he comes to visit the old monument erected in honor of his dead comrades, unwanted and abandoned. They were roll-calling the dead and alive, but his name was not mentioned. And he stood before his comrades, face to face. He stood, and it looked as if he had never existed.
The First Murder
Based on the novel "Šta bi učinio Zobec?" (What Would Zobec Do?) by Svetozar Vlajković. It's a short movie about a young man who is afraid of being turned down by a girl.
Luna Tune
A short 1979 sand animation celebrating women's spirituality with 80-year-old lesbian poet Elsa Gidlow reading her work "What If."
Наши герои начисто лишены стыда и инстинкта самосохранения, совсем не обращают внимания на боль и с удовольствием будут мучить себя и других!
Inside Deep Throat
In 1972, a seemingly typical shoestring budget pornographic film was made in a Florida hotel, "Deep Throat," starring Linda Lovelace. This film would surpass the wildest expectation of everyone involved to become one of the most successful independent films of all time. It caught the public imagination which met the spirit of the times, even as the self appointed guardians of public morality struggled to suppress it, and created, for a brief moment, a possible future where sexuality in film had a bold artistic potential. This film covers the story of the making of this controversial film, its stunning success, its hysterical opposition along with its dark side of mob influence and allegations of the on set mistreatment of the film's star.