Приключения мышонка (2012)
Приключения мышонка 3D
Жанр : мультфильм, приключения
Время выполнения : 1Ч 25М
Директор : David Bisbano
Краткое содержание
Давным-давно, в густых и широких лесах стояло прекрасное королевство Роденсия — место, где обитали удивительные создания и могущественные волшебники. Приключение, которое произойдёт здесь, расскажет нам о любви между неуклюжим учеником мага маленьким мышонком Эдамом и красивой и уверенной мышкой Бри, которым придётся преодолеть много опасных препятствий, для того чтобы получить силу зубной феи и победить отряд крыс под командованием злого Ротекса, который вторгся в мирное мышиное царство. В таинственной глубине леса магия света и тьмы, любви и обиды столкнутся, а Эдам и Ротекс будут сражаться, и только один выйдет победителем.
A young woman becomes the eighth wife of the wealthy Bluebeard, whose first seven wives have died under mysterious circumstances.
The scene opens in an artist's studio where the unfinished statue of William Tell stands upon a pedestal. A clown appears and sticks a clay arm and clay head on the statue, thus completing it. He places a large brick on top of the head to make it stick. When he turns his back the statue turns into a living representation of William Tell. (Edison Catalog)
A demonic magician attempts to perform his act in a strange grotto, but is confronted by a Good Spirit who opposes him.
Two travellers are tormented by Satan from inn to inn and eventually experience a buggy ride through the heavens courtesy of the Devil before he takes one of them down to Hell and roasts him on a spit.
An illusionist makes a woman disappear in thin air.
Pluto, having seen the earth, comes back home amazed at the success of that well-known dance, the "cake-walk." He has brought back with him two noted well-known dancers, who start their favorite dance amidst the flames.
A romantic couple are transformed into skeletons via X-Rays. The film combines two very recent innovations: Wilhelm Roentgen's discovery of X-rays in 1895, and Georges Méliès' accidental realisation of the special-effects potential of the jump-cut in 1896.
A man misses his train due to his clothes turning into other types of clothes.
Некий человек собирает вещи в комнате Шерлока Холмса. Холмс входит в комнату, подходит к нему, но тот внезапно исчезает, приводя Холмса в недоумение. Он закуривает, и его сигарета выстреливает. Человек снова появляется в комнате, Холмс стреляет в него, затем пытается схватить его, но тот снова исчезает. Холмс было забирает мешок, в который человек складывал вещи, но и он исчезает. Холмс пытается снова погнаться за появившимся человеком, но быстро отказывается от этой затеи.
Two impish clowns construct a magic lantern. They prop it up at an angle, and use it to project pictures onto a wall. When the picture show ends, they open up the lantern to reveal a group of dancing girls inside - and this is only the first of the indications that this lantern really is magical.
A family sits down to enjoy a meal that ends up being fraught with complications.
A re-telling of the classic tale of Faust in all of two minutes by French filmmaker Alice Guy.
A mischievous witch uses her dark magic on an innocent cyclist until he is all confused. He is forced to pedal backwards and at the same time, his bike changes shape anytime the witch wants it to. (stumfilm.dk)
A magician transforms a woman into a portrait of herself, then restores her to life.
In an effort to secure a promised inheritance, Onésime invents a time machine that speeds up activity on earth, hyper-animates men and machines, and telescopes the human life-cycle.
The background of this picture represents a scene along the beautiful river Seine in Paris. A gentleman enters, and taking a blackboard from the side of the picture, he draws on it a sketch of a novelist. Then, standing in the centre, he causes the living features of his sketch to appear in the place of his own, which is utterly devoid of whiskers. The change is made so mysteriously that the eye cannot notice it until one sees quite another person in the place of the first. Again another sketch is shown on the board, this one being that of a miser; then an English cockney; a comic character; a French policeman, and last of all, the grinning visage of Mephistopheles. It is almost impossible to give this film a more definite description; suffice it to say that it is something entirely new in motion pictures and is sure to please. (Méliès Catalog)
The picture opens with the Sultan lying down to rest on his luxurious cushioned couch. The scene changes to the grounds around the palace.
A diver jumps into a body of water-- and then comes right back out!
A pickpocket manages to escape the police through a series of fantastic tricks.