
UFC 166: Velasquez vs. Dos Santos III (2013)

UFC 166

Жанр : боевик

Время выполнения : 2Ч 57М

Краткое содержание

The main event was a UFC Heavyweight Championship bout between the current champion Cain Velasquez and top contender Junior dos Santos. The two have split their two previous encounters with Dos Santos winning the first bout via first round knockout at UFC on Fox: Velasquez vs. dos Santos and then Velasquez winning the rematch via unanimous decision at UFC 155. A bout between George Roop and Francisco Rivera was scheduled for this card, but was moved to UFC Fight Night 31 and replaced by Sarah Kaufman vs. Jessica Eye. Matt Grice was expected to face Jeremy Larsen at the event. However, Grice was forced out of the bout after sustaining serious injuries in a September 8 car accident in his home state of Oklahoma. Grice was replaced by Charles Oliveira who also lost his original opponent, Estevan Payan, due to injury. Subsequently on October 5, Oliveira pulled out of the Larsen bout citing a strained thigh muscle. Larsen instead faced promotional newcomer Andre Fili.


Cain Velasquez
Cain Velasquez
Junior dos Santos
Junior dos Santos
Daniel Cormier
Daniel Cormier
Roy Nelson
Roy Nelson
Gilbert Melendez
Gilbert Melendez
Diego Sanchez
Diego Sanchez
Gabriel Gonzaga
Gabriel Gonzaga
Shawn Jordan
Shawn Jordan
John Dodson
John Dodson
Darrell Montague
Darrell Montague
Tim Boetsch
Tim Boetsch
C.B. Dollaway
C.B. Dollaway
Hector Lombard
Hector Lombard
Nate Marquardt
Nate Marquardt
Jessica Eye
Jessica Eye
Sarah Kaufman
Sarah Kaufman
K.J. Noons
K.J. Noons
George Sotiropoulos
George Sotiropoulos
Adlan Amagov
Adlan Amagov
TJ Waldburger
TJ Waldburger
Tony Ferguson
Tony Ferguson
Mike Rio
Mike Rio
Andre Fili
Andre Fili
Jeremy Larsen
Jeremy Larsen
Kyoji Horiguchi
Kyoji Horiguchi
Dustin Pague
Dustin Pague



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Высшая лига
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Америка потрясена чередой неожиданных и необъяснимых смертей знаменитых спортсменов. Разгадать загадку предстоит талантливому молодому нейрохирургу, но, как оказалось, не все готовы услышать жестокую правду…
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Дурная кровь
Бocca oднoгo из клaнoв тpиaды, Энди, лoвят вo вpeмя нeлeгaльнoй cдeлки c пoличным и кaзнят в мaтepикoвoм Kитae. Bcё cвoe имyщecтвo Энди ocтaвляeт cвoeй дoчepи Oдpи и cынy Джeйcoнy. Ho нa дeньги, кoтopыми pacпopяжaлcя Энди, пpeтeндyeт и дpyгaя eгo «ceмья». Eгo пpaвaя pyкa Фaнки нacтaивaeт нa тoм, чтo вce дeньги дoлжны oтoйти клaнy и eгo нoвoмy глaвe. И кoгдa ктo-тo нaчинaeт yбивaть члeнoв бaнды oдин зa oдним — cтaнoвитcя яcнo, чтo ктo-тo xoчeт зaпoлyчить дeньги в eдинoличнoe пoльзoвaниe.
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