
The Man Without a Country (1937)

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 21М

Директор : Crane Wilbur
Писатель : Forrest Barnes

Краткое содержание

This short film tells the story of a disgraced U.S. army officer who is charged with treason. At his court martial he is sentenced to lifetime exile aboard American ships at sea, no crew member can mention anything about the United States within his hearing, and in the books he is allowed to read all references to the United States are removed.


John Litel
John Litel
Lt. Philip Nolan
Gloria Holden
Gloria Holden
Marian Morgan
Ted Osborne
Ted Osborne
Jack Morgan
Donald Brian
Donald Brian
Colonel Morgan
Holmes Herbert
Holmes Herbert
Aaron Burr
Erville Alderson
Erville Alderson
President Andrew Jackson (uncredited)
John Harron
John Harron
Minor Role (uncredited)
Wilfred Lucas
Wilfred Lucas
Lincoln's Secretary (uncredited)
Charles Middleton
Charles Middleton
President Abraham Lincoln (uncredited)
Jack Mower
Jack Mower
Minor Role (uncredited)
John Ridgely
John Ridgely
Ship's Officer (uncredited)
Emmett Vogan
Emmett Vogan
Captain Mitchell (uncredited)


Crane Wilbur
Crane Wilbur
Howard Jackson
Howard Jackson
Allen M. Davey
Allen M. Davey
Director of Photography
Ben G. Liss
Ben G. Liss
Ted Smith
Ted Smith
Art Direction
Oliver S. Garretson
Oliver S. Garretson
Forrest Barnes
Forrest Barnes
Edward Everett Hale
Edward Everett Hale


Оставивший родину американец Рик Блэйн, владелец игорного клуба в Касабланке, случайно встречается с покинувшей его несколько лет назад возлюбленной, Ильзой, которая приехала в город вместе со своим нынешним мужем, борцом антифашистского сопротивления Виктором Лазло. По их следу идут немцы, и Ильза пытается упросить Рика отдать принадлежащие ему важные документы, которые позволят Виктору бежать из Касабланки, чтобы продолжить свою борьбу.
Мисима: Жизнь в четырёх главах
25 ноября 1970 года. Знаменитый японский писатель Юкио Мисима встал рано утром, надел военную форму и вместе с соратниками из «Общества щита» отправился на базу сухопутных войск сил самообороны в Итигая с целью призвать солдат совершить государственный переворот. По пути Мисима вспоминает свою жизнь и ее влияние на его произведения.
Начало 20 века. Хо Юаньцзя мечтает пойти по стопам своего отца, став бойцом мирового класса. Он просто ослеплен желанием стать величайшим и поднять престиж своего дома. Выиграв множество боев, он достигает цели, но это не приносить счастья, а, наоборот, случается ужасная трагедия — погибают его близкие.
Несколько хороших парней
Два моряка предстают перед судом за незаконную расправу над своим товарищем. Участь защищать их выпадает на долю молодого и самоуверенного потомственного адвоката, который явно предпочитает бейсбол жестоким играм закона. Однако дело оказывается не таким простым, как ему казалось, и он решает раскрыть тайну жестоких убийств и наказать тех, кто несет ответственность за смерть солдата, чего бы ему это ни стоило.Бросив вызов сильным мира сего, он рискует всем — своей карьерой, спокойным существованием и даже жизнью. Но чтобы победить в этом противостоянии, прежде всего ему надо победить себя, свои самые глубинные страхи… Звездный состав — Том Круз, Джек Николсон, Деми Мур, Кифер Сазерленд, Кевин Бэйкон — в остросюжетной судебной драме режиссера Роба Райнера.
Управляющий Сансё
Действие происходит в средневековой Японии. Мидзогути рассказывает историю о женщине и двух ее детях, попавших к работорговцам; о нелегкой судьбе ее детей и о тех трудностях, которые им пришлось пережить, соблюдая заветы отца.
Одиссея капитана Блада
Англия конца XVII века, междоусобные войны в самом разгаре. Доктора Питера Блада ошибочно причисляют к мятежникам и отправляют в рабство на плантации Ямайки. Там он быстро приобретает смертельного врага в лице губернатора Ямайки полковника Бишопа, но завоёвывает сердце его прекрасной племянницы Арабеллы. Питеру с друзьями удаётся бежать с острова, захватив испанский корабль, и вскоре он становится самым знаменитым и удачливым пиратом Карибского бассейна. Но ни морские сражения, ни охота за сокровищами — ничто не даёт забыть благородному пирату образ его возлюбленной…
Stone of Destiny
Tells of the daring heist of The Stone of Destiny in the 1950s by a charming group of idealistic Scottish undergraduates, whose action rekindled Scottish nationalistic pride.
Жестокий Морант
Во время бурской войны, три австралийских лейтенанта были преданы суду для расстрела заключенных. Хотя они действовали по приказу, они использовались в качестве козлов отпущения в Генеральном штабе, который надеялся дистанцироваться от нерегулярных практик войны. Но неожиданно у обреченных на смерть людей появилась сильная защита.
Иван Грозный
Это фильм о человеке, который в XVI столетии впервые объединил нашу страну и из отдельных разобщенных и своекорыстных княжеств создал единое мощное государство, о государе, впервые возложившем на себя венец Царя Всея Руси, об одной из самых сложных, мощных и противоречивых личностей, - о царе Иоанне Васильевиче, вошедшем в историю под именем Грозный.
В 1801 году, после того, как на трон взошел новый король, ученый Чон Як Чон, служивший покойному королю, был сослан на остров Хеук-сан. Там он знакомится с Чан-дэ, молодым рыбаком, который является большим поклонником конфуцианства и обладает обширными знаниями о море.
Rome, AD 303. Emperor Diocletian demotes his favourite, Sebastian, from captain of the palace guard to the rank of common soldier and banishes him to a remote coastal outpost where his fellow soldiers, weakened by their desires, turn to homosexual activities to satisfy their needs. Sebastian becomes the target of lust for the officer Severus, but repeatedly rejects the man's advances. Castigated for his Christian faith, he is tortured, humiliated and ultimately killed.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed
Alex Jones interviews Walter Burien, commodity trading adviser (CTA) of 15 years about the biggest game in town. There are over 85,000 federal and regional governmental institutions: school districts, water and power authorities, county and city governments – and they own over 70 percent of the stock market.
The Masters of Terror
The Masters of Terror details the execution of the September 11th attacks and the ensuing whitewash, the cashless society control-grid, implanted microchips, mind-control, militarization of police, concentration camps, foreign troops massing on US soil, the USA Patriot Act, and Homeland Security taking over the states.
Police State II: The Take Over
Alex Jones exposes the problem-reaction-solution paradigm being used to terrorize the American people into accepting a highly controlled and oppressive society. From children in public schools being trained to turn in their peers and parents, to the Army and National Guard patrolling our nation's highways, Police State: The Takeover reveals the most threatening developments of Police State control
За короля и отечество
Первая мировая война. Капитана Харгривза назначают защищать солдата Артура Хэмпа, которого обвиняют в дезертирстве. Харгривз принимает назначение без особого энтузиазма. Допрашивая своего клиента, он узнает, что Хэмп записался в армию из-за насмешек жены и тёщи. Три года спустя необразованный простой солдат, узнавший о неверности жены и оказавшийся единственным оставшимся в живых из всего отряда после жестокого боя становится жертвой так называемого «синдрома посттравматического стресса»: уставший до смерти ото всего, Хэмп просто «пошел погулять». Через двадцать четыре часа он все еще шел по дороге, когда его и задержали. Во время дачи показаний Харгривз начинает чувствовать симпатию к определенно искреннему и несколько запутавшемуся Хэмпу. И в первый раз за всю свою военную карьеру капитан начинает сомневаться в армейских методах и отношении к человеку.
Police State 2000
Alex Jones exposes the growing militarization of American law enforcement and the growing relationship between the military and police. Witness US training with foreign troops and learning how to control and contain civilian populations. You will see Special Forces helicopter attacks on South Texas towns, concentration camps, broad unconstitutional police actions, search and seizure and more.
Forsaking everything she has ever known, a young girl braves punishment and death to join her condemned husband in exile. Reunited and finally free of their blood-stained past, the two lovers set out to build a new life together. But as days and then weeks pass in the endless, hostile desert, they realize how little they truly know about each other, and the banishment that was to be their new beginning tears their world apart.
There Will Be Spring
Late 40’s after the war. Strange languaged and religioned immigrants fleeing from Karelia region are hated by Finns in the countryside. 19-year old Anni is living her life wanting to forget the war and hostility surrounding her. Falling in love with a man who hasn’t left fighting, threatens Anni’s whole family’s future and hope for mutual forgiveness..
Judgment: The Court Martial of Lieutenant William Calley
This docudrama follows the court-martial of the title character, the man held responsible for the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War.
Un pays sans bon sens!
Essay-film on a crucial issue: the notion of belonging to a country. Lingered sentimentalism or deep psychological reality if one believes it is rooted in the heart of man? The action here takes place in the context of a nation that seeks: the French Canadians, and other people without a country: the Indians of Quebec, the Bretons of France. And here is the fundamental question posed: what are the "viable" peoples whose "maturity" allows them to "give" the autonomy and territory? And what is the environment that people can call "their country"?


Бейби Эйнштейн: Бейби Ван Гог - Мир Цвета
Знакомит ребенка с шестью цветами (красный, оранжевый, зеленый, синий, фиолетовый) через картины Ван Гога и природу. Сочетает в себе поэзию, классическую музыку, кукольные сценки и развивающие элементы. Возраст: от 1 года
Cairn is a dark film on adolescence in which the main character Johan (11) faces a moral dilemma after having started playing a seemingly innocent prank. The story unfolds on a l level in the turbulent transition between childhood and adulthood.
Criminal Frans Weeling realizes, after he has a revelation on the island Texel, he is only another link in the chain of the whole universe. This idea enlightens him, but also conflicts with his position and perspectives in the underworld.
Prostitution: Behind the Veil
A documentary that follows two young women raising children and supporting drug habits through prostitution in Iran ruled by religious fundamentalists.
Out of the names of twenty cities from Minas Gerais, Brazil, the impulse towards the visual record of the things and lives that are found there. Images that do not intend to represent places, but rather to capture the following of a time specific for certain situations of coexistence between landscapes and people.
The Fall of '55
In late 1955 and early 1956, the citizens of Boise, Idaho believed there was a menace in their midst. On Halloween, investigators arrested three men on charges of having sex with teenage boys. The investigators claimed the arrests were just the tip of the iceberg-they said hundreds of boys were being abused as part of a child sex ring. There was no such ring, but the result was a widespread investigation which some people consider a witch hunt. By the time the investigation ended, 16 men were charged. Countless other lives were also touched.In some cases, men implicated fled the area. At least one actually left the country. The investigation attracted attention in newspapers across the nation, including Time Magazine. The "Morals Drive" left scars which remain to this day.
Youth of the World
This Nazi propaganda film covers the 1936 Winter Olympics that were held in Germany.
Yours Truly, Andrea G. Stern
A young girl chronicles her divorced mother's relationship with a new boyfriend who has just moved into the house.
You Owe Me One
A family of three, plus the maid and daughter's boyfriend look pretty normal on the outside. But in actuality, the are all having affairs with each other. The boyfriend is sleeping with the mother and daughter, and the father is sleeping with the maid. Do they all know about each other's affairs?
Red Garters
A spirited cast kicks up its heels in a lively musical spoof of cowboy films crammed with spur-jangling tunes by Jay Livingstone and Ray Evans and decked out with colorfully stylized, Oscar.-nominated sets. Rosemary Clooney heads up the high-kicking, red-gartered girls of the Red Dog Saloon. They can-can. but she won't-won't unless Jason (Jack Carson) asks her to get hitched. Guy Mitchell and Gene Barry are gun-totin' polecats who think they've got a feud to settle. And Frank Faylen and Buddy Ebsen are among the folks who hope the gunslingers get itchy fingered - so they can hold a town barbecue during the funeral!
Bim Bam Boom, Las Luchas Morenas
Bim Bam Boom Las Luchas Morenas, is about three Mexican sisters, professional wrestlers, whose lives, lived according to their own ideas, are a struggle but also a lot fun.
Lira's Forest
As the end of her life approaches, an old woman encounters a strange spirit from a nearby forest.
In Paris Parks
This short film displays the dynamic movement of people as they enter and exit parks in Paris.
Untamed Youth
Sisters Jane and Penny are arrested for hitchhiking on their way to Los Angeles when they stop for a quick skinny dip in a rural town. Local agricultural magnate Tropp is a sponsor for a local prison work program and the women get put in the fields to work off their sentence. Tropp is dating the widowed judge in order to ensure a stable supply of cheap labor in order to undercut his competition. The prisoners suffer ill treatment, but the judge's son has signed on as a hired hand and begins to figure out the scam as he begins falling in love with Jane, and Penny dreams of making it big in showbiz.
Eve and the Handyman
Eve is dressed in a long raincoat and follows the handyman around as he makes his appointed rounds. She watches as he has humorous run-ins while cleaning toilets, taking scrap metal to the dump, cleaning windows, delivering a tree, climbing poles, and remaining a gentleman while trying to help a topless hitchhiker. But why is she watching him so carefully?
Call of Cuteness
While we watch the ‘cat fail’ of the day in cheerful safety, all that remains invisible in this neoliberal nightmare catches up with us. The cat’s body is consumed, exploited and controlled. The fear of pain is greater than the will for freedom. Objects are fetishized and subjects are made into things – quantifiable and ready for use. They are the natural commodity for a luxury they are not even aware of. We are here, because you were there – and waste is disposed of in the sea. In the end, the bodies reveal the causes and effects of power, lust and hate.
Christo's Valley Curtain
Oscar nominated documentary about the largest man-made curtain in the world as "sculpture".
Kitten with a Whip
Straitlaced senatorial hopeful David Stratton has no idea what he's in for when he arrives home from a trip to find sexy teen Jody curled up asleep in his daughter's bed. Soon, delinquent Jody is holding David -- and his plush suburban home -- hostage while she hides out from the cops and throws wild parties with her beatnik pals. David, terrified of scandal, agrees to drive Jody and her friends to Mexico, a decision he regrets when the ride gets out of control.
Bernice Bobs Her Hair
Bernice, a shy young woman, leaves her safe home to go visit her flapper cousin. When her cousin tries to teach Bernice how to be much more modern, Bernice gives her much more than she bargained for.
Jupiter's Wife
Michel Negroponte, a documentary filmmaker, meets Maggie one day in Central Park. Maggie claims to be married to the god Jupiter and the daughter of actor Robert Ryan. Michel gets to know Maggie over the next couple of years, and attempts to use her often outlandish stories as clues to reconstruct her past. - Written by James Meek