
Boy of the Streets (1938)

CHUCK WANTED TO BE A BIG SHOT LIKE HIS OLD MAN...until one day...he learned the old man was a two-bit stooge!

Жанр : драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 16М

Директор : William Nigh

Краткое содержание

Cocky young street kid worships his father, a sleazy political operative.


Jackie Cooper
Jackie Cooper
Chuck Brennan
Maureen O'Connor
Maureen O'Connor
Kathleen Burke
Kathleen Burke
Julie Stone
Robert Emmett O'Connor
Robert Emmett O'Connor
Police Officer Rourke
Marjorie Main
Marjorie Main
Mrs. Mary Brennan
Matty Fain
Matty Fain
Blackie Davis
George Cleveland
George Cleveland
Tim 'Flannel-Mouth' Farley
Bill Elliott
Bill Elliott
Dr. Allan
Guy Usher
Guy Usher
Fog Horn Brennan aka Foggy
Paul White
Paul White
Spike, Gang Member
Robert Taylor
Robert Taylor
Gang Member (uncredited)


William Nigh
William Nigh
Gilson Brown
Gilson Brown
Scott Darling
Scott Darling
Rowland Brown
Rowland Brown


Вся жизнь впереди
Ещё совсем малышом сенегальский иммигрант Момо потерял мать. Сейчас ему 12, и он промышляет мелким криминалом. Пожилая мадам Роза зарабатывает тем, что присматривает за детьми проституток — она вырастила уже не одно поколение, поэтому пользуется у местных уважением. Опекун Момо доктор Коэн решает, что парню необходим образ сильной женщины, и приводит его жить к мадам Розе, которую тот как раз на днях обокрал на улице.
Полуавтобиографический фильм, любовное послание Спайка Ли эпохе 70-х.
Bus 174
Documentary depicts what happened in Rio de Janeiro on June 12th 2000, when bus 174 was taken by an armed young man, threatening to shoot all the passengers. Transmitted live on all Brazilian TV networks, this shocking and tragic-ending event became one of violence's most shocking portraits, and one of the scariest examples of police incompetence and abuse in recent years.
Mouth to Mouth
An aimless adolescent joins several itinerant misfits who live on the fringe of society and welcome at-risk youths into their fold.
Return to Innocence
A searing legal drama that centers on a highly credentialed child psychologist whose life is shattered when he's accused of sexually assaulting a young boy he's been treating.
Парни с улицы
Городские истории о парнях из одного квартала: официант по прозвищу «Кинг-Конг», промышляющий кражей из автомобилей; мальчики, наблюдающие через забор за жизнью богатых; нелепое пари... Многие из ребят вступают в конфликт с законом и становятся преступниками.
1885 год, Британия колонизирует Индию. Кимбол О Хара, а по попросту мальчик Ким, — наполовину британец наполовину индус, отец его умер много лет назад, так что он вынужден жить с матерью индианкой на улицах Калькутты. Этот парнишка очень ловок и смекалист. Благодаря этим качествам и незаурядной зрительной памяти он становится лучшим Чела — помощником странствующего Ламы. Волею судьбы мальчик попадает к полковнику Критону, который вербует его в качестве юного следопыта и дает задание выполнить разведывательную операцию в паре с профессиональным шпионом Махабом Али... Экранизация одноимённого романа Редьярда Киплинга.
Али Зауа, принц улицы
Али, Квита, Омар и Букбер — уличные беспризорники, живущие на жестоких улицах Касабланки. Каждый день их жизни наполнен насилием, попрошайничеством и безразличием к окружающим. Чтобы выживать, они создают между собой братство. Союз распадается, когда Али становится жертвой нападения конкурирующей банды подростков. Друзья Али не сообщают о его смерти полиции, опасаясь, что Али похоронят, как бродягу, в общей могиле. Вместо этого они решают организовать ему достойное погребение и схоронить тело Али на острове, о котором он так часто мечтал.
Wege Gottes
Karesz has been raised in an institution, his mother has a new family, and her husband does not tolerate that she meets her first-born son. Karesz tramps, joining up with his casual pals he washes the windscreens of cars, sells newspapers; sometimes they steal, or break into houses if hired.
Engel & Joe
A love story of a 17 year old punk-rocker and a 15 year old runaway girl.
BIRD IN THE SKY is a gritty, poetic tale of a young man’s spiritual struggle on the streets of New York City. Rob has been given a second chance to right the wrongs of his street-wise past; he must perform a miracle to be saved. His fate lies in his love for a young woman, Kay, who is coping with the loss of her child.
Goli Soda
Four lads find themselves in a situation where they have to take on a powerful man (and his innumerable henchmen) to reclaim their identity.
Boy of the Streets
Cocky young street kid worships his father, a sleazy political operative.
The Man from the Embassy
Summertime Switch
For the summer, troublemaker Freddie Egan is being sent to a camp-style juvenile detention center, while spoiled rich-kid Frederick Egan III is going to a luxurious getaway for kids of the elite. Until a name mix-up at the bus-boarding area sends the boys to each other's destinations, and while Eddie gets a taste of the good life, Frederick has to deal with being without all his usual comforts. Eventually, they both learn some valuable life-lessons.
Street Kids Violence
A case of juvenile violence called "Horrible Tortures" shocks the city. The highest sentencing is life in prison. However, one of the most important criminal in the case, Beep, is only sentenced to seven-year imprisonment. The verdict has the other story behind.
Saving Grace
Grace is a homeless teenager. She befriends an unemployed carpenter and he invites her to share his flat. She moves in and to her surprise a delicate relationship develops. He helps her repair her shattered self-esteem and she begins to feel loved and secure. But then she discovers his secret - he tells her he is Jesus Christ.
The Contagious Apparitions of Dambarey Dendrite
Dambarey is a street kid, who in a dendrite induced trance, turns invincible to outfox Kathmandu with his gang of five. Little does he know that his altered mind is playing wicked tricks to lead him and his friends to a place of no return.
Takapihan sankarit
According to the story, the heroes of the backyard are "Impression from the moment when a child realizes that childhood is transient". The scriptwriters combined episodes in the film on Merima's two works and placed events in an unspecified town after the wars. Costumes and sculptures refer to the wooden houses of the 1940s and 1950s. The venues included Suomenlinna and the Ruiskumestari House in Helsinki Kruununhaa. The backyard heroes were filmed for 16mm film originally as a television movie , but also taken to theatrical release.