
Razortooth (2007)

Жанр : боевик, ужасы, фантастика, триллер

Время выполнения : 1Ч 32М

Директор : Patricia Harrington

Краткое содержание

The concept is based on a true story concerning an exotic species of eels that are released in the southeast from Asia. They breathe air and can survive on land.


Kathleen LaGue
Kathleen LaGue
Sheriff Ruth Gainey Coates
Doug Swander
Doug Swander
Delmar Coates
Matt Holly
Matt Holly
Mark Constance
Simon Page
Simon Page
Dr. Soren Abramson, Ph.D.
Tim Colceri
Tim Colceri
Lott Dryer
Kate Gersten
Kate Gersten
Holly Shulbert
Brandon Breault
Brandon Breault
Dean Povich
Josh Gad
Josh Gad
Jay Wells
Adam McCrory
Adam McCrory
Max Rhyser
Max Rhyser
Joshua Rubin
Joshua Rubin
Jack Monroe
Jack Monroe
Chubby Deputy
Amanda Sickler
Amanda Sickler
Mrs. Brannigan
Ian Pliske
Ian Pliske
Cousin Lou
Joseph P. Genier
Joseph P. Genier
Scoutmaster Cliff
Rick Dean
Rick Dean


Patricia Harrington
Patricia Harrington
Jack Monroe
Jack Monroe
Matt Holly
Matt Holly
Mike Elliott
Mike Elliott
Executive Producer
Joseph P. Genier
Joseph P. Genier
Rob Kerchner
Rob Kerchner
Executive Producer
Jeffery Alan Jones
Jeffery Alan Jones
Aldo Shllaku
Aldo Shllaku
Rich Paisley
Rich Paisley
Director of Photography
Joanna Lara Zuppardi
Joanna Lara Zuppardi
Art Direction
Kelly Kwon
Kelly Kwon
Costume Design
Jeffery Alan Jones
Jeffery Alan Jones
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Jeffery Alan Jones
Jeffery Alan Jones
Sound Designer
Paul Di Franco
Paul Di Franco
Music Supervisor


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