Paris Honeymoon (1939)
3 ON A HILARIOUS HONEY MOON in funny old Paree!
Жанр : комедия, музыка
Время выполнения : 1Ч 32М
Директор : Frank Tuttle
Краткое содержание
A Texas millionaire travels to Europe to meet his girlfriend, a European countess. He stops in a rustic mountain village and meets a beautiful peasant girl. He falls in love with her, then must decide if he wants her or the rich countess.
In this crime drama, a young woman leaves her unhappy life at home to become a sophisticated night club singer. Her first job is nearly fatal when she entangles herself with the mobsters who own the joint and learns too much about their operation. Her boss decides to kill her and make it look like suicide. An intrepid reporter disbelieves the report and exposes the truth to the public.
Two rich and wealthy millionaires who have a lot of money bet that reporter Wally Jones can't spend $720,000 in twelve hours.
A young man fueled by the arrogance of his opponent must win a game of blackjack at any cost, even if it means bending the rules.
Mourning the death of her boyfriend, Yukiko wanders aimlessly from one city to another. During her mourning, she becomes addicted to gambling. One day, a man that resembles her deceased lover asks for help. He's being pursued by a dangerous gang of yakuza.
Yan Chi Yung (Chin Siu Ho) joins his fellow triad member Chu Chi Ang (Norman Tsui) in ripping off millions in gambling profits from their underworld boss Tai (Chen Kuan Tai), returning most of it after taking some for themselves. Meanwhile, a sexy gambler named Ice Chan (Ellen Chan), whose father was murdered by Tai several years before, arrives from America looking for revenge. She tries to infiltrate Tai's organization by seducing Yan, but really falls for him and fails in her attempt to assassinate Tai behind his back. More trickery and double-crosses follow as Tai tries to get Yan and Chu to help him rip off another gambler, only to have his plans thwarted by a turncoat within his own gang.
Rishi Kumar is a billionaire and the CEO of Origins, someone who has always strived for the success he now owns. His friend Ravi needs help, how will he come through?
A young woman can't marry a millionaire because she was born illegitimately.
Constance is a beautiful woman and a lonely painter at the same time. One morning, she receives a birth announcement from a good friend and realizes how lonely she really is. She decides to make up her mind about men in an unexpected way.
Aki was practically born and raised in a mahjong parlor. At the age of 15, she goes to Tokyo during winter and although she is knocked around by the harshness of the big city, she is determined to survive by the one-and-only weapon she possesses: mahjong. However, standing in Aki's way are unscrupulous adults and the realities of city life.
Tsuruta is a respected tattoo artist working with comrades Machida and Yamashiro. His former boss, who also just happens to be the master who had tattooed the magnificent dragon on Tsuruta’s back, is now a dissolute, bitter drunk living with his son in law and sickly grandson. His daughter, the boy’s mom, is indentured at the brothel run by boss Nakamura and daughter Matsuo. Nakamura’s two faced second in command Amatsu will not let the mother see her son…
Сэт мало что знает о своём прошлом, поэтому соглашается принять загадочное приглашение от Ричарда, представившегося в письме его сводным братом, провести вместе выходные в его загородном поместье. Заинтригованный, Сэт решает принять приглашение и приезжает в роскошный дом, где, наконец, лично знакомится с Ричардом и его привлекательной девушкой Эбби. Всё начинается как милое семейное воссоединение, где Ричард рассказывает грустную историю о том, как отец бросил его после смерти матери, чтобы жениться на другой женщине, от брака с которой родился Сэт; о том, как отец вложил все сбережения в финансовую пирамиду, а после её краха свёл счёты с жизнью лёгким нажатием на курок. Ситуация омрачается с каждым словом или поступком Ричарда и вскоре становится очевидно, что давно потерянный брат пригласил Сэта отнюдь не для семейных посиделок, а для чего-то куда более зловещего.
A young cowhand befriends a disreputable gambler and pulls him out of some trouble. Hoping to square things with his new friend, the gambler seeks to warn him about the cowhand's fiancée, about whom the gambler knows some unsavory details.
Выпускница детского дома Сэм больше всего на свете хочет, чтобы её подружке, маленькой Хэйзел, улыбнулась удача, и девочка наконец обрела семью. Сама Сэм везучестью не отличается, но однажды она угощает бродячего кота, находит счастливую монетку, и с этого момента ей начинает сопутствовать удача буквально во всём. Решив отдать монетку Хэйзел, девушка случайно смывает её в унитаз, а когда снова сталкивается с тем котом, понимает, что это не обычное животное. Пытаясь выпросить у котейки новую монетку, Сэм начинает его преследовать и попадает в волшебную Страну Удачи.
Based on the comic book series by Jun'ichi Nôjô.
Изабель посвятила свою жизнь помощи другим. Она узнает, что женщина, возглавляющая многомиллионную корпорацию, готова пожертвовать ей огромную сумму. Их встреча в Нью-Йорке проходит успешно, но все меняется, когда Изабель случайно встречает ее мужа. Она еще не знает, что кто-то начал игру чужими судьбами, в которой правда окажется опаснее лжи…
Based on the comic book series by Tadashi Ichinose and Kyouta Kita.
A crook with big feet buys shoes that are too tight from a salesman, then decides to use the store as a front for illegal gambling.
A young poker player at the top of his game joins a team led by the legendary poker player One-Eyed Jack. While successfully working on a plan to win a huge jackpot, a single mistake puts the entire team in a life-or-death situation.
Nat Alden, a promoter, has had bad luck on his deal and is broke. He meets an old army pal who is now a chauffeur of the businessman who threw the luckless Nat out of his office. Nat is on his way back to his small hometown, where he is believed to be a millionaire. To keep the belief alive he has his pal drive him there in the businessman's automobile. Complications arise quickly.
Arikawa runs a transport company. But this is only a front for his gambling house. Yuriko is a regular on the scene, and she is fascinated by the dice and the one who throws them. A year before, Yuriko's father died in mysterious circumstances; she decides to go in search of the truth.