Are We Alone In the Universe? (1991)
Are We Alone in the Universe
Жанр : документальный
Время выполнения : 54М
Краткое содержание
In a set of 6000-year-old stone tablets, the Sumerians of Mesopotamia vividly describe cataclysmic planetary events which billions of years ago gave our solar system it s current configuration, fashioning our own planet in the process. Sumerian records also mention advanced human cloning technology and the existence of an additional planet in our solar system referred to as Nibiru, which is currently unknown to modern science, and is the recorded home of our human ancestors, according to these ancient records. Eminent scientists agree that calculations tend to confirm the accuracy of the ancient Sumerian creation story. Now unmanned U.S. space probes have photographed pyramids and other strange features on the surface of Mars, suggesting this was once the site of an alien space base.
This production appears to be a trimmed edit of the 1978 production of the same name.
Ancient Aliens Debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the History Channel series Ancient Aliens. It is essentially a point by point critique of the "ancient astronaut theory" which has been proposed by people like Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin as well as many others. The film covers topics like: Ancient building sites: Puma Punku, The Pyramids, Baalbek, Incan sites, And Easter Island. Ancient artifacts: Pacal's rocket, the Nazca lines, the Tolima "fighter jets", the Egyptian "light bulb", Ufo's in ancient art, and the crystal skulls. Ancient text issues: Ezekiel's wheel, Ancient nuclear warfare, Vimana's, the Anunnaki, and the Nephilim.
Вопросы, которые авторы поднимают в своем фильме, волнуют человечество. Действительно ли бог был Астронавтом? Кто построил пирамиды? Кого изображают статуи острова Пасхи? Кто и для кого нарисовал гигантские рисунки на плато в южной Америке? Все эти вопросы до сих пор не нашли ответов.
An examination of mysteries of the ancient world and their connection to the possibility that aliens visited Earth.
На территории Аляски происходят необъяснимые исчезновения людей. Несмотря на все усилия ФБР, расследования зашли в тупик, и тайна, по-прежнему, не раскрыта. Психиатр Эбигейл Тайлер начинает записывать на видео беседы со своими пациентами и обнаруживает нечто очень страшное и пугающе...
Каждые пять тысяч лет открываются двери между измерениями и темные силы стремятся нарушить существующую гармонию. Каждые пять тысяч лет Вселенной нужен герой, способный противостоять этому злу. XXIII век. Нью-йоркский таксист Корбен Даллас должен решить глобальную задачу — спасение всего рода человеческого.Зло в виде раскаленной массы, наделенной интеллектом, надвигается на Землю. Победить его можно, только лишь собрав воедино четыре элемента (они же стихии — земля, вода, воздух и огонь) и добавив к ним загадочный пятый элемент.
Многонациональная экспедиция обнаруживает затерянный город под пирамидой, где они должны помешать пробудившимся богам Древнего Египта начать Апокалипсис.
Are the forbidden secrets of the prehistoric past linked to the forthcoming events of the prophetic future? Is there a hidden hand confiscating and concealing artifacts relating to the world before the Flood of Noah and the hybrid entities that inhabited it? Are living giants still walking the earth today? Is the Vatican preparing for the arrival of “alien saviors”? In this fast-paced episode, Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino and Tom Horn unveil the surprising answers to these compelling questions. From Cusco, Peru; to Rome, Italy; to the island of Malta; join Timothy Alberino and the GenSix Production crew as they follow the path of a conspiracy that gives credence to the old adage… all roads lead to Rome!
Timothy Alberino and the GenSix Productions film crew head to the High Plain (“Altiplano”) of Peru and Bolivia on the shores of legendary Lake Titicaca to investigate some of the most compelling evidence on the planet of fallen angels and their giant hybrid offspring in the antediluvian past. This full length feature film includes cutting edge research that uncovers and publishes, for the first time, historical documentation which proves beyond a shadow of doubt that colossal giants once roamed the lands of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia; as well as reveals never before seen mind-blowing geoglyphs engraved on the surface of the earth and stretching for hundreds of miles over the Altiplano. Join the crew as they examine the megalithic mysteries of Tiwanaku and confirm that both the Inca and the Spanish chroniclers were well aware of who built Puma Punku, and when.
From Cheese & Grain Hall, in the town of Frome in southern England, David Icke discusses many of the issues he would later elaborate on in his 2004 presentation of Secrets of the Matrix.
Правда ли, что тысячи лет назад инопланетяне высадились на Землю и изменили развитие человека и его культуры? Эта программа исследует свидетельства и отделяет факты от научной фантастики.