
A Ride for Cinderella (1937)

Жанр :

Время выполнения : 9М

Краткое содержание

Cinderella must arrive home in her new coach by midnight, or else she will lose her coach, her new dress, and the prince.



Max Fleischer
Max Fleischer


Ain't Nature Grand!
Bosko fishes, and sings and dances with frogs. But two ladybugs use a wasp as an airplane, and a beehive and tree branch as a machine gun to drive him away.
Gambling with Souls
Young girls are cheated into rigged gambling games and then forced into prostitution to pay off their debts.
Spirit of Youth
The story of the rise of boxer Joe Thomas, which paralleled the life of Joe Louis.
Balloon Land
The inhabitants, including the trees and rocks, of Balloon Land are made entirely of balloons. They come under attack from the evil Pincushion Man. With the help of a quickly inflated army, they manage to fend off the attacker.
Prison Shadows
A boxer is framed for murder after an opponent dies in the ring.
1313: Night of the Widow
A group of friends are stalked by a mysterious knife-wielding murderess as they gather at the home of their late friend to hear the reading of his will, and participate in a morbid treasure hunt for the key to his vast fortune.
Монако навсегда
Ривьера, знаменитые курортные места. 1956 год. Вся Европа, понимаете ли, на ушах стоит, а одна дамочка отправилась в развлекательное путешествие. Спутника себе нашла. Для души и тела. Потом в пути еще одного повстречала, симпатичного такого юношу. А он геем оказался…
Damaged Lives
An extramarital affair leads to a young couple contracting venereal disease.
Утренняя прогулка
Короткометражная лента, незамысловатый сюжет которой разыгрывается сразу в трех эпохах. По улице Нью-Йорка идет мужчина и замечает выходящую из-за угла курицу. Ситуация странная, нетипичная, но еще более странной она будет, пройдя через призму времени. Чем закончится утренняя прогулка и встреча человека с птицей, если они произойдут в 1959, 2009 и 2059 годах? Арт-хаусный мультфильм Гранта Орхарда фиксирует перемены в мире и провозглашает перемены в анимационном кино.
Teenage Thunder
Teenagers rebel and race cars.
Going Home
Pvt. Snafu's unit suffers the consequences of blabbing military secrets while on leave at home.
Oh, Susanna
Oh, Susanna! is a 1936 American Western musical film directed by Joseph Kane and starring Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, and Frances Grant. Written by Oliver Drake, the film is about a cowboy who is robbed and then thrown from a train by an escaped murderer who then takes on the cowboy's identity.
The Boxer
Boxer Teddy Wilcox leaves his manager and relocates. He finds Nick, a manager/trainer. Before Wilcox's first fight, Nick receives a threat-- Wilcox loses, or Nick will die.
Идеальный ребёнок Сатаны
A prostitute is pulled into a Satanic nightmare caused by an unnamed predator.
No Buddy Atoll
Private Snafu is stranded on a tiny island with a Japanese officer; he must depend on his wits to defend himself against his sword-wielding foe.
Angry Tiger
Chang Chen-Wai, a martial arts expert who runs a jade-importing business, follows his missing brother to Thailand and learns he has been murdered. Chang vows revenge.
Девушки беглянки
Пятеро женщин-заключенных совершают побег из тюрьмы. Но если четверо женщин-это закоренелые рецидивистки, то одна девушка по имени Ди оказалась в местах заключения за преступление, которое она не совершала. Ди подставил ее друг, совершивший во время ограбления магазина убийство. Так что Ди очевидно не хватает навыков общения с «профессиональными» преступницами-подругами: достаточного матерного словарного запаса, мужеподобности в поведении, физической силы, а главное-беспринципности и моральной опущенности. Тем не менее, беглянкам первым делом нужно уйти от преследования полиции, а уже потом решать, что они будут делать дальше. И вот начинается их разудалое и разухабистое путешествие по Калифорнии, наполненное насилием, жестокостями и остальной «романтикой» преступного мира.
Wagon Wheels
A wagon train heads west from Independence, Mo., along the Oregon Trail, led by proud cowboy Clint Belmet. On board are feisty young widow Nancy Wellington and her toddler, Sonny, as well as the older Abby Masters, who begins a romance with scout Jim Burch. Along the way, the wagon train battles Indians led by Kenneth Murdock, a trapper who doesn't welcome competition for Oregon's lucrative fur trade. Wagon Wheels is a 1934 remake of 1931's Fighting Caravans, using stock footage from the original.
The Best of Sex and Violence
Hosted by John Carradine, this tape is a compilation of scenes from and previews for various exploitation films.
Flash Future Kung Fu
Imagine an old-school martial arts melodrama about competing fighting schools dropped into the grungy sci-fi world of Blade Runner, and you have an idea of the curious mix of styles in Flash Future Kung Fu. Eddy Ko is the maverick star pupil of an honorable school who secretly engages in underground "Black Boxing" bouts, a black market sport off limits to the school. The ambitious X-Gang, a bloodthirsty neo-Nazi-like organization, plots to take care of Ko and his friends and take over the city with their army of mind-controlled zombie soldiers. In true Hong Kong fashion, it boils down to a showdown of champions, and this one takes place in a boxing ring in an eerily empty warehouse with video coverage broadcasting the event all over.