
Piégé (2014)

Жанр : военный, триллер

Время выполнения : 1Ч 18М

Директор : Yannick Saillet

Краткое содержание

A soldier is stuck in a combat zone after stepping on a mine.


Pascal Elbé
Pascal Elbé
Denis Quillard
Laurent Lucas
Laurent Lucas
Yannick Murat
Caroline Bal
Caroline Bal
Caroline Fresney
Arnaud Henriet
Arnaud Henriet
Eric Pastres
Jérémie Galan
Jérémie Galan
Marc 'Junior' Martinez
Patrick Gimenez
Patrick Gimenez
Captain Hénoque
Othman Younouss
Othman Younouss
Rabii Benjhail Tadlaoui
Rabii Benjhail Tadlaoui
Eric Aubrahn
Eric Aubrahn
Chief Warrant Officer Robin (voice)
Romain Ogerau
Romain Ogerau
Akela (voice)
Ian Marshall
Ian Marshall
Mike Ross (voice)
Sylvie Bariol
Sylvie Bariol
Emilie (voice)
Mastoura Wasiri de Perthuis
Mastoura Wasiri de Perthuis
Afghan Woman (voix)
Francis Zegut
Francis Zegut
Radio (voice)


Yannick Saillet
Yannick Saillet
Vincent Crouzet
Vincent Crouzet
Jérémie Galan
Jérémie Galan
Patrick Gimenez
Patrick Gimenez
Yannick Saillet
Yannick Saillet


The 4 Soldiers
A climate of civil war, a fight that has made them lose everything including their youth, four soldiers aged 13 to 20 years, will meet and build friendships. In the grip of an adult conflict, which they do not understand, Matéo, Dominique, Big Max and Kevin will keep recreating, round a pond and a cabin, a family.
G.I. Honeymoon
In this romantic comedy, set during WW II, an newlywed army couple are unable to consummate their marriage, as on their wedding night the husband is called away to sentry duty. Later they try again, but as he has just completed a 37-mile hike, he finds himself too tired to work up any enthusiasm for conjugal bliss. Fortunately, the bride's understanding aunt intervenes with the young man's colonel and the frustrated couple is at last able to share a night of love.
A boy is forced to face the hardships of war alone.
Granny Project
Three charming 20-something grandsons take a unique journey with their grannies to discover their historic and personal legacies through stories from the Second World War. Three grandsons embark an anarchic journey into the past – a complex road movie about intergenerational dialogue in Great Britain, Germany and Hungary. Granny Project is a seven-year-long investigation of three young men coming to terms with their heritage through the extraordinary lives of their grandmothers: an English spy, a dancer from Nazi Germany and a Hungarian communist Holocaust survivor. The film deals with classic values and taboo-like historical topics, and the method used is equally important as it gives an insight to the zeitgeist of the young today.
Blue Boy
A coming of age drama set in Texas, about a suburban teen boy, estranged from his family, who enlists the help of his dysfunctional friends to become a professional motorcycle racer.
American Exit
A dying father takes a road trip with his son, to try to rebuild his relationship before he dies.
Позывной «Бандерас»
Опытный вояка, капитан Антон Саенко, которого в отряде все называют по позывному «Бандерас», вот уже двадцать лет не был дома в родной деревне. Однако началась антитеррористическая операция, которая заставила не только Антона, но и тысячи других украинских мужчин попасть на эту территорию. Возле этой деревни вскоре предвидится серия диверсий, которые Бандерас вместе с другими разведчиками должен предотвратить. Хуже всего то, что где-то среди своих ребят находится предатель, который может в любой момент воткнуть нож в спину.
Open Secrets
This provocative documentary uncovers a lost chapter in Canadian military history: how the Armed Forces dealt with homosexual behaviour among soldiers, during and after World War II. More than 60 years later, a group of five veterans, barely adults when they enlisted, break the silence to talk about how homosexual behaviour "was even more unmentionable than cancer." Yet amidst the brutality of war, instances of sexual awakening among soldiers and officers were occuring. Initially, the Army overlooked it, but as the war advanced, they began to crack down: military tribunals, threats of imprisonment, discharge and public exposure. After the war, officers accused of homosexuality were discharged. Back home in Canada, reputations and careers were ruined. For the young men who had served their country with valour, this final chapter was often too much to bear. Based on the book Courting Homosexuals in the Military by Paul Jackson.
Made under extraordinary, and extremely dangerous, conditions, Jirga tells the emotional story of a former Australian soldier who travels to Afghanistan to seek forgiveness.
A view of man's perpetual struggle for self-destruction, in which we glimpse a world where rockets are part of everyone's lives.
Afghan Cycles
"Afghan Cycles" is a feature documentary about a generation of Afghan women who are pedaling their own revolution, aggressively challenging gender and cultural barriers using the bicycle as a vehicle for freedom, empowerment and social change.
From Under the Rubble
This is a detailed personal account of one of the worst incidents to take place during Israel's 2009 invasion of Gaza. Ten-year old Amal Samouni lost her father, brother and 48 members of her extended family. She spent three days trapped under the rubble and still suffers from fifteen pieces of shrapnel imbedded in her head. Her shocking story is brought vividly to the screen by director Anne Tsoulis who examines the events and the cost to those affected.
La redención
Behind the Investigation
After a soldier back from Afghanistan leaves a message on her machine right before jumping off a building, Helene Villon, a respected journalist working for a big national paper, feels that this suicide is hiding another story.
The Little Adventurers
During the Ethiopian war, thirteen boys embark clandestinely on a merchant ship bound for Africa. Following the shipwreck, they are castaway on a desert island...
Группа студентов отправляется в поход в национальный парк Джошуа-Три. Эван, новенький в компании, во время вечерних посиделок у костра зачитывает вслух заклинание из интернета, чем вызывает в этот мир нечто потустороннее. Злой демон способен очень хорошо имитировать внешний вид ребят, и его задача - разделить их на группы по пять человек, чтобы завершить выполнение древнего ритуала.
Бывший спецназовец, вышедший на покой, решает собрать свою команду в последний раз, чтобы спасти тайскую девушку с необычными способностями, которую похитил криминальный босс.
Мужчина просыпается запертым в грузовом контейнере с одним телефоном. Похитители дают ему 24 часа, чтобы заплатить им выкуп в размере 10 миллионов долларов, иначе он и его жена погибнут.
1970-е. Незнакомец заходит в ресторан небольшого провинциального городка и начинает оскорблять знаменитого местного адвоката Клаудио. Горожане заступаются за правозащитника и выгоняют чужака. Это лишь начало для череды убийств и загадок, связанных с Клаудио.


По соображениям совести
Медик американской армии времён Второй мировой войны Десмонд Досс, который служил во время битвы за Окинаву, отказывается убивать людей и становится первым идейным уклонистом в американской истории, удостоенным Медали Почёта.