Perempuan-Perempuan Liar (2011)

Drama, Comedy, Freegirls,

Жанр : комедия, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 21М

Директор : Rako Prijanto

Краткое содержание

Two debt collectors crazy , Dom and Mino , accidentally met a mad woman , and Cindy Mey . Dom and Mino trapped and Cindy Mey crazy game . They made ​​off with Mey of marriage . The tragedy is blurred bridal make Mey and Cindy 's father 's wrath . Mey and Cindy , are the spoiled children of Jakarta conglomerate , fond of debauchery , and crazy spending money . Their father eventually block the credit card as well as all the facilities . Cindy and Mey 's father mustered all his men , including Gary , prospective fiancée Mey , to hunt down Dom and Mino .


Tora Sudiro
Tora Sudiro
Dallas Pratama
Dallas Pratama
Maeeva Amin
Maeeva Amin
Rina Diana
Rina Diana
Gary Iskak
Gary Iskak
Torro Margens
Torro Margens
Andries Munzier
Andries Munzier
Rusdi Syarif
Rusdi Syarif
Emmie Lemu
Emmie Lemu
Betty Gendut
Arief Rivan
Arief Rivan


Raam Punjabi
Raam Punjabi
Rako Prijanto
Rako Prijanto
Raditya Mangunsong
Raditya Mangunsong
Khikmawan Santosa
Khikmawan Santosa
Sound Designer


Молодая девушка, помешанная на шопинге и дорогой одежде, живет в состоянии войны между своим банковским лимитом и искушениями большого города. При этом по профессии она — журналист финансового издания, щедро раздающего советы по правильному управлению личным капиталом.
Mannequin Two: On the Move
Although Jason works as a department store clerk, he is also a reincarnated prince. Long ago, his beloved Jessie was snatched away from him by an evil wizard who used his powers to transform her into wooden statue. Now Jessie is in Jason's department store as a mannequin. When he encounters her, she awakens from her thousand-year sleep. They quickly revive their romance, but the evil wizard has been reincarnated as well, and he's up to no good.
Бэтмен и Робин
Над Готэмом вновь нависла угроза: злодей-морозилка Мистер Фриз и психованная любительница растений по кличке Ядовитый Плющ решают уничтожить город. Единственные, кто могут остановить злодеев — Бэтмен и Робин, однако у этих супергероев возникают разногласия...
Фильм повествует о мастере боевых искусств, который устраивается сборщиком долгов к местным бандитам. Работа выглядит незамысловато, пока однажды из-за своего клиента герой не впутывается в серьёзные проблемы.
Первоклассный товар
Один из боссов чикагской мафии нанимает опытного профессионала Ника Девлина, чтобы тот взыскал крупный долг с владельца фермы в Канзас-сити по имени Мэри Энн. Один из предыдущих людей из Чикаго, пытавшийся выполнить это поручение, вернулся обратно в виде посылки с сосисками…
Прости нам долги наши
Жизнь Гвидо зашла в тупик. Он одинок, безработен и погрязает в долгах. Понимая, что необходимо выбраться из сложного положения, в котором он оказался, Гвидо решает поступить на службу к коллекторам и самому выбивать долги из людей. Однако его новой работе мешает совесть и жалость к людям…
Больше денег
Джонни Стюарт — молодой парень, который уже давно промышляет мелкими кражами и мошенничеством. Его отец был полицейским и погиб, выполняя опасное задание. После его смерти жизнь Джонни стала очень тяжелой, и у него не оставалось иного выбора, кроме как зарабатывать на жизнь, нарушая закон. Когда после очередной кражи парень угодил за решетку, на помощь ему пришёл бывший коллега отца — лейтенант полиции Уолш, который уверен в том, что Джонни может стать на правильный путь. С его помощью Стюарт устраивается на работу в банк, вот только научиться зарабатывать честным путем оказывается очень непросто.
Coin Locker Girl
A child abandoned in a subway coin locker is sold to a ruthless and calculating loan shark and gangster boss dubbed Mother, who runs an organ-harvesting ring in Incheon’s Chinatown. Named Il-Young, the baby girl grows into Mother’s loyal right-hand enforcer and is groomed to be her eventual successor. But when Il-Young’s loyalty to Mother wavers, the clash between the two unleashes a merciless tidal wave of blood-soaked retribution and strife.
Джек Айриш: Безнадежные долги
Каков Мельбурн зимой? — Дождь, ветер, пабы, пиво, секс, коррупция и убийства… Джек Айриш не обращает внимания на телефонный звонок от бывшего клиента Дэнни МакКиллопа. Жизнь и так тяжела, чтобы тащить на себе ещё и чужие проблемы. Любимую футбольную команду, за которую играли его отец и дед, продали в другой город и переименовали. На последних скачках выиграть не удалось. И готовит он до сих пор на одного. Но когда Дэнни оказывается мёртв, Джек начинает расследование его туманного прошлого…
The Inspectors 2: A Shred of Evidence
Postal inspectors investigate a con man who uses the identities of others to falsify credit card purchases. Stealing credit card offers from mail boxes, he obtains cards in others' names, makes many purchases until the card is maxed out, but is always careful to pay minimum balances. According to the story, it is possible for individuals such as this to run many credit cards at a time without being caught.
Frank Hopper is a former lawyer, long-term loser and constant dreamer - and frankly, probably just not all that bright. When he receives a credit card in the mail, he believes he's hit the jackpot. It's not long before he's working his way toward financing his dream - an all-woman hockey team. He's also put himself in debt to the tune of more than $300,000. Naturally, he winds up in court when his plan backfires
Всего одна ночь
Гао Е проигрывает все деньги, которые попадают ему в руки. Когда у кредиторов лопнуло терпение, подосланные бандиты поставили Гао ультиматум — либо деньги, либо забирают его дочь. У Е не осталось выхода, кроме как покончить с собой. В этот момент в его комнату заваливается проститутка Момо...
The Actors
During the run of a particularly awful interpretation of Richard III, the star, Anthony O'Malley, begins to frequent a rough pub to develop his character. He meets Barreller who he discovers owes someone he's never met a considerable sum of money. Seeing an opportunity to make some fast money, O'Malley convinces hapless extra, Tom, to meet Barreller as the debt collector.
Who Pulled the Plug?
To secure an order for 1 000 cruise ships from an Arab prince, two companies have to compete by racing each other by canal from Stockholm to Gothenburg. A small family owned company on the brink of bankruptcy is pitted against their major competitor and they both have to resort to dirty tricks in order to reach the goal line first. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Нет выбора
Майк Тэффин привлекательный молодой человек с острым умом, стальными нервами и крепкими кулаками. Верный своему девизу"Страх перед насилием намного ужаснее, чем само насилие", Майк решительно вступает в бескомпромиссную схватку с мафией, нечистыми на руку бизнесменами и продажными чиновниками. Никто не может сказать ему "нет"!
Tall Men
A challenged man is stalked by tall phantoms in business suits after he purchases a car with a mysterious black credit card.
A hardened debt-collector goes on a 24-hour rampage through London in an attempt to avenge the brutal attack on his teenage daughter.
Short on funds, a Toronto slacker hatches a plot to scam the owner of a lost credit card.
Kadvi Hawa
In a village affected by climate change and scanty rainfall, a blind farmer strikes a deal with the debt recovery agent to save his son from a debt trap.
Maxed Out
Maxed Out takes us on a journey deep inside the American debt-style, where everything seems okay as long as the minimum monthly payment arrives on time. Sure, most of us may have that sinking feeling that something isn't quite right, but we're told not to worry. After all, there's always more credit!


FISFiC Vol. 1
FISFiC Vol. 1 is six shades of horror and thriller stories are trying to scare the audience with six different storytelling theme.
3 Playboy Galau
The story of three young men, Doni, Juan and Alex, who is married but can not eliminate their playboy nature. They have always plays with the Sexy girls.
18++ Forever Love
The day Kara turned 18, he had to lose everything, a gift from his grandfather that he would never forget in his lifetime. Taken in by a family who believes he is poor, he works towards supporting himself and new relationships.
Love is Brondong
Four friends who live in a rented namely Momon, Farhan, Alfin and Juned also lectures on the same campus. Mobs are insufficient pursue her love of materialistic model, Sasha. While Farhan chose pious veiled girl who was short of money, Aisha. The problem is further complicated when they rescue Sheila from men who cheat their money and needed a place to stay temporarily. Money and love seems to continue to be a difficult problem solved.
Kata Hati
Conscience begins with the story of heartbreak experienced by the two main characters: Randi (Boy Hamza) who has just left his girlfriend, Dera (Kimberly Ryder), because it chose to pursue her career as a model and Fila (Joanna Alexandra) who realized that the friend he had admired for 10 years, Adrian (Arnhezy Arczhanka), it was established in love with someone else. One unintended meeting in a cafe finally introduce two people who were hit by the turmoil of the heart with each other. And as can be expected ... tersebutlah introductions and then slowly begin to heal the wounds of love in the hearts of each one.
Crazy Love
Beetles (Duke dolken) underwent youth casually. Together with three friends, Abdu (Kemal Palevi), Daniel (Herichan), and Basuki (Zidni Adam), they are always throwing a tantrum at school. Including the seductive Olive (Tatjana Saphira), smart and beautiful girl, who so coveted them all for a long time.
Orang-Orang Sinting
James, the only child of Marni the poor widow, dreams of winning a lottery worth Rp 120 million. He is angry when his mother wakes him up and orders him to find a job. Going in and out of offices and unable to find work, he daydreams in the park of taking off the gold from the National Monument. With the money, he would establish Siluman Kontraktor company with Dewi as his secretary and also his girlfriend. Then he is woken up by the police who want to inspect his identity card. Considered insane, he is admitted to a mental hospital. Here, he is always rowdy and stirs things up. Most of the film is used to exploit the craziness of the hospital. James finally escapes.
Keranda Kuntilanak
Abby (Tifany Jane) and Ikke (Fiona Fachry) never suspected that their boarding house that was once safe and peaceful, suddenly became sinister. Every night, there are strange events that befall them. Cody (Indra Brotolaras), Ikke's boy friend, and DJ (Zaky Zimah), sweet but gullible guy, who often come to their boarding house, are also affected. One day Steff (Stefan William) came to see her boyfriend, Abby. Steff is a soap opera actress become a main attraction, especially for DJ who wants to be an artist. But it turns out Steff arrival was also disturbed.
Cinta and Arkana have a relationship (lover) but not approved by his father. The father was deaf and dumb Cinta changed after Arkana presence. However Cinta not heed his father until his father became very angry and no longer care Cinta. In the midst of all the other reality is revealed, Cinta leukemia disease.
Reta and Santi are childhood friends. Reta falls in love with David, who Santi has had an affair with. Since Reta has a serious illness, Santi decides to keep her love affair a secret. A love triangle turns into a nightmare between three friends.
The Butterfly
The story revolves around a point in the friendship of Vano, (Andhika Pratama), Tia (Poppy Sovia), and Desi (Debby Kristi). A love triangle lies between them, where Vano secretly falls for Desi, while Desi is very protective of Tia and knows of Tias long-withheld feelings for Vano. Tia and Desi have agreed to both be friends with Vano and nothing more. The tale continues when they embark on a trip on Desis 20th birthday, a trip the trio have long planned. But Desi falls ill in the middle of the trip. Vano and Tia had wanted to bring Desi to the hospital, but Desi insisted on completing their journey, a journey where they learn the true meaning of love, friendship, and life.
Radit and Jani
Radit and Jani is a happy couple with a very rock-and-roll way of living. Drugs, tattoos, lots of cigarettes, noise musics. Once upon a time, they got no money, and Radit and Jani have to work to get money.